Jordan Davis is a senior policy researcher at RAND. He has devoted much of his career to interdisciplinary research that addresses questions focused on the development and treatment of substance use disorders among underserved populations who have experienced trauma (childhood trauma, veterans) and advanced statistical methodology. Over the last ten years, Davis has expanded the theoretical understanding and assessment of traumatic experiences, including updating assessment of childhood trauma (also known as adverse childhood experiences) and expanding trauma theories such as poly-victimization theory and stress sensitization theory to veteran populations. Davis’ intervention work focuses primarily on mobile health (mHealth) applications in an attempt to deliver evidence-based treatment to those least likely to receive care. Davis also investigates development and psychopathology from adolescence to young adulthood and how early life trauma experiences and concurrent exposure to violence influence development. In particular, Davis focuses on the associations between experiences of traumatic events, self-regulation, stress response, and substance use from adolescence to young adulthood. Other areas of interest include taking understanding how experiences of sexual violence victimization can perpetuate downstream altered stress response and heavy alcohol use.


B.S. in biology, Auburn University; M.S.W in social work, Syracuse University; Ph.D. in social work, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Selected Work

  • Davis, J.P., Pedersen, E.R., Tucker, J.S., Prindle, J., Dunbar, M.S., Seelam, R., & D’Amico, E.J., "Directional associations between PTSD symptoms and cannabis use in young adults: Uncovering variation by sex, race, and ethnicit," Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. , 2023 (forthcoming)
  • Davis, J.P., Canning, L., Saba, S.K., Bravo, A.J., Amone-P’Olak, K., Sedano, A., Tran, D., Castro, C., & Pedersen, E.R., "Associations between trauma-related guilt, symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder, and problematic alcohol use," Psychiatry Research. , 2023
  • Davis, J.P., Pedersen, E.R., Tucker, J.S., Prindle, J., Dunbar, M.S., Rodriguez, A., Seelam, R., & D’Amico, E.J., "Directional associations between cannabis use and anxiety symptoms from late adolescence through young adulthood," Drug and Alcohol Dependence. , 2022
  • Davis, J.P., Prindle, J., Saba, S.K., DiGuiseppi, G.T., Hummer, J., Lee, D.S., Fitzke, R., Sedano, A., Castro, C.A., & Pedersen, E.R, "Longitudinal associations between insomnia, PTSD, and alcohol use among U.S. veterans," Addictive Behaviors, 132, 2022
  • Davis, J.P., Pedersen, E.R., Tucker, J.S., Prindle, J., Dunbar, M.S., Rodriguez, A., Seelam, R., & D’Amico, E.J, "Directional associations between cannabis use and depression from late adolescence through young adulthood: The role of adverse childhood experiences," Addiction, 2022

Authored by Jordan P. Davis

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