Lloyd Dixon

Lloyd Dixon

Director, RAND Kenneth R. Feinberg Center for Catastrophic Risk Management and Compensation; Senior Economist; Professor of Policy Analysis Pardee RAND Graduate School


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Lloyd Dixon is director of the Kenneth R. Feinberg Center for Catastrophic Risk Management and Compensation, a senior economist at RAND, and a professor of policy analysis at the Pardee RAND Graduate School. He has expertise on insurance, compensation, and liability issues. For California's Fourth Climate Change Assessment, he investigated the impact of changing wildfire risk on California's residential insurance market. He has examined the prevalence of flood insurance across the country and, following Hurricane Sandy, assessed the costs and benefits of a flood insurance affordability program for New York City. He more recently analyzed options for a federally backed pandemic risk insurance program and is currently evaluating options for compensating insurers who participate in the National Flood Insurance Program. Dixon has also served as the California State Senate's designee to the governing board of the California Earthquake Authority since 2020. 

Dixon has examined compensation and liability policies in a number of different settings. Following the September 11th terrorist attacks, he described and evaluated the complex web of insurance, charity, government, and tort payments that provided assistance to individuals and businesses harmed in the attacks. He is currently investigating the impact of compensation funds on post-disaster litigation and whether trends in insurance claims provide evidence for social inflation. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of California, Berkeley, and a B.S. in general engineering and B.A. in political science from Stanford University.


Ph.D. in economics, University of California, Berkeley; B.S. in general engineering, Stanford University; B.A. in political science, Stanford University

Concurrent Non-RAND Positions

California Earthquake Authority Governing Board, Designee

Selected Work

  • Dixon, Lloyd, Nicholas M. Pace, James Davidson, and Jamie Morikawa, What Is the Evidence for Social Inflation? Trends in Trial Awards and Insurance Claim Payments, RAND Corporation (RR-A2645-1), 2024
  • Clancy, Noreen, Lloyd Dixon, Erin N. Leidy, Michael T. Wilson, Rahim Ali, Bruce Bender, Tucker Reese, and Peggy Wilcox, One- to Four-Family Properties with Multiple Losses Insured by the National Flood Insurance Program: Property Characteristics, Community Demographics, and Mitigation Strategies, RAND Corporation (RR-A2462-1), 2023
  • Dixon, Lloyd, Max Izenberg, Robert J. Lempert, Annette Patton, and Joshua Roering, Residential Landslide Insurance in Sitka, Alaska: Market Conditions and Options for Improving Availability, RAND Corporation (PE-A223-1), 2023
  • Dixon, Lloyd, Jamie Morikawa, Improving the Availability and Affordability of Pandemic Risk Insurance: Projected Performance of Proposed Programs, RAND Corporation (RR-A1223-1), 2021
  • Dixon, Lloyd, Jason Thomas Barnosky, and Noreen Clancy, Insuring Public Buildings, Contents, Vehicles, and Equipment Against Disasters: Current Practices of State and Local Government and Options for Closing the Insurance Gap, RAND Corporation (RR-A332-1), 2020
  • Dixon, Lloyd, Flavia Tsang, and Gary Fitts, The Impact of Changing Wildfire Risks on California's Residential Insurance Market, State of California (EP-67670), 2018
  • Benjamin Miller, Lloyd Dixon, and Noreen Clancy, ""Reasonable and Risk-Based? Replacing NFIP Generally Subsidized Rates with a Means-Tested Subsidy"," Southern Economic Journal, 2019
  • Lloyd Dixon et al., The National Flood Insurance Program's Market Penetration Rate: Estimates and Policy Implications, RAND Corporation (TR-300), 2006

Authored by Lloyd Dixon

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