Joye Hunter is director of RAND Research Financial Operations. In this role, she is responsible for managing the R&A business planning process, leads the day-to-day operations and management of the R&A Finance team, oversees Research Financial Operations, and provides other corporate support. She actively participates in RAND-wide system improvement initiatives and builds strong relationships with other departments to streamline processes and create more efficient processes. With over 30 years of experience at RAND, Hunter has held financial positions in several RAND research divisions including Justice, Infrastructure, and Environment; the Arroyo Center; the RAND Institute for Civil Justice; and the National Security Research Division. She has also served in an administrative position in the Pardee RAND Graduate School and as RAND's finance project billing supervisor. Hunter holds an M.P.A. from California State University, Northridge.
M.P.A. in public administration, California State University, Northridge; B.A. in political science, California State University, Northridge