Prescription Drug Supply Chains: An Overview of Stakeholders and Relationships
The authors describe the stakeholders involved in prescription drug supply chains and the flows of products, payments, and information between stakeholders.
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Andrew Mulcahy is a senior health economist at RAND. His key research areas are prescription drugs, payment for health care services and drugs, and policy evaluation in general. He routinely uses large-scale health care claims and transactional data in his research.
Mulcahy leads projects using Medicare and other health care claims and encounter data to answer research questions related to health insurance coverage, insurance benefit design, payment for health care services, and other health policy topics. His recent research on prescription drugs includes studies on international drug price comparisons, estimating U.S. savings from biosimilars, and drug shortages. In the area of payment, Mulcahy's recent research focuses on the accurate valuation of services under the Resource-Based Relative Value Scale system used by Medicare and many other payers to set payment rates.
Mulcahy's portfolio also includes analyses of the U.S. blood system and ground ambulance industry. More broadly, Mulcahy's research at RAND has touched on policy issues around value in health care and incentives for innovation in health.
Mulcahy earned his Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School Health Care Management and Economics program, his M.P.P. at the Johns Hopkins University with a concentration in health policy, and his A.B. in molecular biology and public policy at Princeton University.
Ph.D. in health care management and economics, The Wharton School; M.P.P. in health policy, The Johns Hopkins University; A.B. in molecular biology and public policy, Princeton University