Erik D. Storholm

Erik D. Storholm

Adjunct Behavioral Scientist

Erik D. Storholm is an adjunct behavioral scientist at the RAND Corporation. He is also a licensed clinical psychologist, a tenured associate professor in the School of Public Health at San Diego State University, and a combination prevention core scientist at UCLA's Center for HIV Identification, Prevention, and Treatment Services (CHIPTS). Storholm's research program focuses on reducing health inequities for sexual and gender minorities and people who use drugs and alcohol. He is specifically interested in multilevel interventions that focus on improving mental health, reducing substance use and violence, and preventing HIV/STI transmission. Currently, Storholm is leading several NIH- and CHRP-funded projects in the area of biobehavioral HIV prevention. Storholm received his Ph.D. from New York University and completed his clinical training in the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Center and the Mount Sinai Hospital System in New York City. He then completed a two-year NIDA-funded postdoctoral fellowship in the substance abuse treatment and research in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco Medical Center. 


Ph.D., New York University; Clinical Internship, Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center; Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of California, San Francisco Medical Center

Concurrent Non-RAND Positions

Associate Professor at San Diego State University

Selected Work

  • Storholm, E. D., Siconolfi, D. E., Huang, W., Towner, W. J., Ling Grant, D., Martos, A. J., Chang, J. M., & Hechter, R. C., "Project SLIP: Implementation of a PrEP screening and linkage intervention in primary care," AIDS and Behavior
  • Storholm, ED, Volk, JE, Marcus, JL, Silverberg, MJ, & Satre, DD., "Risk perception, sexual behaviors, and PrEP adherence among substance-using men who have sex with men: A qualitative study.," Prevention Science.
  • Storholm, E. D., Ober, A. J., Hunter, S. B., Becker, K., & Watkins, K. E., "Barriers to integrating the continuum of care for opioid and alcohol use disorders in primary care: A qualitative longitudinal study," Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2017
  • Storholm, E. D., Bogart, L. M., Mutchler, M. G., Klein, D. J., Ghosh-Dastidar, B., McDavitt, B., & Wagner, G. J., "Antiretroviral adherence trajectories among African Americans living with HIV. AIDS and Behavior.," AIDS and Behavior, 2018
  • Storholm, E. D., Huang, W., Siconolfi, D. E., Pollack, L. M., Carrico, A. W., Vincent, W., Huebner, D. M., Wagner, G. J. & Kegeles, S. M., "Sources of resiliency as mediators of minority stress, stimulant use, and sexual risk behavior among young Black men who have sex with men.," AIDS and Behavior, 2019
  • Storholm ED, Halkitis PN, Siconolfi DE, Moeller RW., "Cigarette smoking as part of a syndemic among young men who have sex with men ages 13-29 in New York City," Journal of Urban Health
  • Storholm ED, Halkitis PN, Kupprat SA, Hampton MC, Palamar JJ, Brennan M, Karpiak S., "HIV-related stigma as a mediator of the relation between multiple-minority status and mental health burden among the aging HIV-positive population," Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services
  • Storholm ED, Siconolfi DE, Halkitis PN, Moeller RW, Eddy JA, Bare MG., "Sociodemographic Factors Contribute to Mental Health Disparities and Access to Services Among Young Men Who Have Sex with Men in New York City," Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health

Authored by Erik D. Storholm

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