Army Fellows Program

Each year the Army selects a number of majors and lieutenant colonels to work at the Arroyo Center in Santa Monica, California as visiting analysts in the Army Fellows Program. This program affords officers the opportunity to increase their analytical capabilities through participation on Arroyo studies addressing critical policy issues faced by the Army. In turn, their participation enhances the Arroyo staff's understanding of Army policies and practices. Fellows leverage analytical skills acquired during the one-year fellowship in subsequent three-year utilization tours on a senior-level Army or Joint staff.

This educational function reflects RAND's goal, stated in its 1948 Articles of Incorporation, to "further and promote scientific, educational, and charitable purposes, all for the public welfare and security of the United States of America." RAND's institutional commitment to education gives Army officers the unique opportunity not only to work side-by-side with RAND analysts, but to engage with officers from other military services who are also at RAND participating in visiting analyst programs.

Typically, the Army assigns 8-9 officers each year as Fellows to Arroyo. To date, 272 officers have participated in the program. Former Fellows have made significant contributions to RAND and the Army, such as leading the development of Army strategies on global logistics and partner/ally interoperability, serving in strategic billets at Human Resources Command, and serving as the Chair for Distance Education at the Army War College. Three former Fellows have gone on to serve as General Officers; others have become teachers, professors, business leaders and even RAND civilian researchers after completing their Army careers.

Eligibility Criteria

These criteria are drawn from the Broadening Opportunity Programs (BOP) Catalog, which contains additional detail.

General Criteria

  • Be a Regular Army (AC) or Army Reserve (RC), Active Guard Reserve (AGR), Major (MAJ) or Lieutenant Colonel (LTC).
  • Possess a graduate degree from a regionally accredited college or university, with a GPA of 2.5 or better.
  • Have completed ILE at the time of application.

How To Apply

Refer to the Broadening Opportunity Programs (BOP) Catalog for full details on how to submit your application.

Army Medical Department staff should consult the Long Term Health Education and Training (LTHET) page on where the MILPER messages, applications, and lists of previous primary and alternates are posted

Selection Process

This information is drawn from the Broadening Opportunity Programs (BOP) Catalog

Step one: The U.S. Army Human Resources Command (HRC), Fort Knox, Kentucky will review and either approve or disapprove each request. Candidates will know their status within ten working days from the day of application submission.

Step two: HRC will forward the approved applications to the ACPC Executive Agent (RA Officers); and the Chief, Army Reserve Program Analysis and Evaluation Division (AR PAED) (USAR Officers) for selection of Fellows.

Candidates will be notified of final selection in Mid-October.

Points of Contact

Regular Army applicants

Gregory D. Moundine, Sr.
Broadening Opportunity Program (B.O.P) Manager
Advanced Education Programs Branch (AEPB)
Force Alignment and Development Division (FADD)
Force Shaping Directorate (FSD)
U.S. Army Human Resources Command (HRC)
Comm: (520) 669-5468
B.O.P. Teambox:

AMEDD applicants

Mr. Edgar "Ed" A. Lalata
HR Specialist, AMEDD Civilian Education
Health Service Division, OPMD,, HRC, Ft Knox, KY.
Comm: (502) 613-6575

Reserve Component Officers (IMA/IRR/AGR): .

Reserve Component Officers (TPU):