High Stakes: Fostering Innovation to Stem the Tide of America's Drug Problems

RAND Remote Briefing

Closeup shot of two people holding hands in comfort, photo by PeopleImages/Getty Images

Photo by PeopleImages/Getty Images


Thursday, January 28, 2021


10:00 a.m. PT/1:00 p.m. ET


A link will be emailed to all registrants prior to the event.

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COVID-19 moved substance use issues and drug overdose deaths from front-page headlines, but emerging evidence suggests America's drug problems have intensified since the pandemic started. RAND research shows that limiting policy responses to traditional methods for addressing drug problems will be insufficient and condemn many more people to early deaths.

In this RAND Remote presentation, Beau Kilmer will discuss how RAND is identifying and evaluating innovative approaches to tackle some of our most pressing drug problems and help strengthen and safeguard communities. Ideas he will talk about range from using sewage water as an early warning system for drug outbreaks to revoking someone's “license to drink.”

Beau Kilmer

Director, RAND Drug Policy Research Center; McCauley Chair in Drug Policy Innovation

Contact RANDRemote@rand.org with any questions.