The Asia Pacific Fellows Program
The Asia Pacific Fellows Program accepts applications each year. Selected Asia Pacific Fellows typically spend one year in residence at RAND, during which time they work on a pre-approved research project and take two elective courses at the Pardee RAND Graduate School in Santa Monica.
Who Can Apply for an Asia Pacific Fellowship?
The Asia Pacific Fellows Program aims to benefit mid-tier to senior-tier career professionals looking to improve their research competence. Preferred candidates will have a minimum of a master's degree and a proven ability to conduct independent and objective social scientific policy research.
Applicants must display relevant experience (e.g., a strong background in academia, government, the military, nonprofit work, or the private sector). They may focus their research on any substantive policy area in which RAND does work, including civil justice, education, environmental affairs, healthcare, infrastructure, labor and population issues, national and homeland security, and science and technology.
Applicants are welcome from all countries in the Asia-Pacific region, but they must be sponsored and financially supported by their employing organization.
The Asia Pacific Fellowship Experience
Asia Pacific Fellows spend one year in residence at RAND. In exceptional cases, a six-month residency may be approved, though not less. Longer periods will also be considered, but no more than two years.
While in residence, Asia Pacific Fellows will have office space to conduct their research and writing, computing and telephone access, and administrative support. Fellows will be paired with a RAND analyst who will assist them with networking and outreach within RAND and in the broader policy communities of Santa Monica, Washington D.C., Pittsburgh, or Boston. Analyst partners will also provide feedback on the fellow's research.
Asia Pacific Fellows will be expected to present their work to the RAND analytic community at both interim and final stages of the fellowship and to write a final report.
Application Requirements
The Asia Pacific Fellows Program is currently accepting applications. Reviews of applications take place on a rolling basis throughout the year. To complete your application, please submit the following to
- A one-page candidate biography plus photo.
- A curriculum vitae or resume highlighting the candidate's education, work experience, and other relevant particulars including research languages and areas of functional expertise (not to exceed three pages).
- A two-page description of the proposed topic of inquiry and research plan, including a description of the likely impact of the candidate's research; a plan for dissemination and publication; an explanation of why the candidate sees RAND as a desirable venue to conduct the proposed study; and a choice of preferred RAND office to work from (Santa Monica, Washington, D.C., Pittsburgh, or Boston).
- A statement from the candidate's sponsoring organization (employer), recommending the candidate and committing the requisite financial support.*
*Fees for the program depend on the research project and duration of stay.