HCSUS Presentations
Andersen, et al.
Access to Protease Inhibitors by the HIV-positive Population in the U.S.: How Limited are Traditionally Vulnerable Groups?
Presented at SGIM, 4/23/1998
Asch, et al.
Underuse of Primary Prophylaxis for Mycobacterium Avium Complex (MAC) in a Representative Sample of HIV-infected Patients in Care in the U.S.A.: Who is Missing Out?
Presented at the XIII International AIDS Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, June 1998
Berry, et al.
Variations in IRB Response to the g of the Association for Health Services Research, Washington, DC, June 21-23, 1998
Collins, et al.
Use of Alternative Treatments for HIV: Patterns and Correlates
Presented at the XI International AIDS Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 1996
Coulter, et al.
Use of Dental Care by HIV-infected Medical Patients
Presented at the International Association of Dental Research, Nice, France, June 26, 1998
Cunningham, et al.
Barriers to and Unmet Need for Medical Services among Persons with HIV Disease in the US
Presented at UCLA, 10/9/96.
Cunningham, et al.
The Association of Access to Medical Care and Competing Needs for Basic Subsistence in U.S. HIV Patients
Presented at SGIM, 4/23/1998
Gifford et al.
Clinical Disease Stage Distribution of HIV-infected Adults in Care in the United States: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample
Presented at the XIII International AIDS Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, June 1998
Goldman, et al.
Provider Nonparticipation in a National Study of HIV-Infected Individuals
Presented at the ASA Meetings, 1996
Hays, et al.
Relationship of Time Tradeoff Assessments with Health-Related Quality of Life Profile Scale Scores Among Individuals with HIV Disease
Presented at AHSR Convention, Atlanta, GA, June 1996
Kanouse, et al.
Attitudes of HIV-Infected Persons Toward Taking Antiretroviral Therapies: A Matter of Trust?
Presented at the XI International AIDS Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 1996
Katz et al.
Prevalence and Predictors of Unmet Need for Non-medical Services among HIV-infected Persons: Relationship to case Management
Presented at SGIM, 4/23/1998
Maas et al.
Oral health as a Component of HCSUS: A National Study of HIV-positive Patients and their Access to Medical Care in the U.S.
Presented at American Association of Public Health Dentists, 1996
Marcus et al.
Reported Prevalence of Two Oral Symptoms in a National Sample of Medical HIV Patients
Presented at the XIII International AIDS Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, June 1998
Marcus, et al.
Unmet Need for Oral Treatment among HIV-positive Medical Patients
Presented at the International Association of Dental Research, Nice, France, June 26, 1998
McCutchan, et al.
Lifetime Prevalence of Opportunistic Infections and Tumors in a Nationally Representative Sample of HIV-infected Persons in Care.
Presented at the XIII International AIDS Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, June 1998
Schuster, et al.
HIV-Infected Children in Care in 12 US Metropolitan Areas: Provider Census and Adjusted AIDS Surveillance Data
Presented at the XI International AIDS Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 1996
Senterfitt, et al.
Collaboration Between Health Services Researchers and the Target Population: HCSUS as a Model
Presented at AHSR Convention, Atlanta, GA, June 1996
Shapiro, et al.
HCSUS Session
Presented at the Health Policy Conference, Boston, MA, December 2-3, 1995
Shapiro, et al.
Implementing a National Probability Sample for HIV
Presented at AHSR Convention, Atlanta, GA, June 1996
Stein et al.
Delays in Seeking Medical Care Due to Caregiving in U.S. HIV Patients
Presented at SGIM, 4/23/1998
Turner, et al.
Predictors of Delayed Medical Care after First HIV Seropositive Test from a National Sample of HIV-infected Persons
Presented at SGIM, 4/23/1998
Wenger et al.
End of Life Care Preferences and Control in Treating Illness: The Case of HIV
Presented at SGIM, 4/23/1998