Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Personnel Policy: An Update of RAND's 1993 Study
Shares results of a study on sexual orientation and U.S. military policy, requested by the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Secretary of Defense in order to weigh the repeal of the law known as ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell.''
National Defense Research Institute, Bernard D. Rostker, Susan D. Hosek, John D. Winkler, Beth J. Asch, Steven M. Asch, Caroline Baxter, Nora Bensahel, Sandra H. Berry, Ryan Andrew Brown, Laura Werber, Rebecca L. Collins, Cynthia R. Cook, Amanda Brown Cross, Richard E. Darilek, Nicole K. Eberhart, Jeremiah Goulka, Celeste Gventer, Abigail Haddad, Paul Heaton, William M. Hix, Eric V. Larson, Robert J. MacCoun, Sarah O. Meadows, Michael S. Pollard, Ely Ratner, Greg Ridgeway, Jessica Saunders, Terry L. Schell, Agnes Gereben Schaefer, Elizabeth Wilke, Stephanie Young