DC Consortium for the Support of Liberal Democracy in the Middle East
A number of groups, foundations, think tanks, organizations and experts in the Washington area are working on the issue of Islamic reformers, liberals and secularists - how to identify them, make them more effective, support them, understand and disseminate their message etc.
RAND, in collaboration with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, is convening a roundtable to bring these groups together, via a series of small meetings. These meetings will have three aims: to inform each other about our programs and activities, in order to avoid redundancy and better share knowledge and information; to form partnerships that can make us a more effective in pursuing programs and policies we identify as necessary; and to establish improved procedures for networking and exchange.
The group will convene on a monthly basis. For more information about possible inclusion please email your organizations interest to Kristen Cordell, Research Assistant IMEY
Discussion Board
Members of the consortium are encouraged to participate in a private online discussion forum.