Policy Areas for the Greater Middle East

Research conducted at RAND supports clients across the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia in several policy areas.


Building human capital through quality education is one of the most important challenges facing Qatar and countries in the region. A strong and accountable education system—K-12 and postsecondary—can boost domestic prosperity and increase international competitiveness.

Education Research

Health and Health Care

One of the most pressing health care challenges for Qatar and the region is making quality care accessible and affordable to economically and racially diverse populations. Nations must also prepare for epidemics and other potential health crises.

Health and Health Care Research

Private Sector

Throughout the Middle East, governments face the challenge of encouraging private-sector development and profitability, while enforcing laws to ensure that businesses operate legally, ethically, and transparently.

Private Sector Research

Labor and Population

Shifting demographics, migration trends, and patterns of employment and unemployment among populations in Qatar and the region can create significant challenges for governments. Successful policymaking requires a deep understanding of the populations being served and available options .

Labor and Population Research

Science and Technology

The domain of science and technology is increasingly international and competitive. To gain an edge, governments and industries in Qatar and the region must effectively distribute resources to support research and development. They must also create structures and incentives to promote innovative work.

Science and Technology Research


As the world's demand for energy continues to grow, Middle Eastern governments need to develop sustainable and economical energy policies. At issue is how best to use existing resources and what innovative energy solutions to promote for the future.

Energy Research


Rapid population growth and industrial development present Middle Eastern nations with pressing environmental-policy challenges. Management of natural resources, food security, regulation of pollution, and the effects of climate change are all issues calling for attention.

Environment Research

Defense and Security

In an uncertain security environment, with changing threats and shifting political challenges, Qatar and other countries in the region need to effectively allocate resources to provide for the safety and security of their citizens.

Defense and Security Research


Sustainable growth and economic development in the Middle East depend heavily on the safety, security, and efficiency of the transportation infrastructure. Ports, roads, and rail networks are all important parts of the whole.

Transportation Research

Arts and Culture

The arts form an essential part of the vibrant culture of Middle Eastern nations. Visual, performing, and literary arts can enhance social well-being, build community, and promote positive change—among youth in particular. They can also be a vehicle for countering violent extremism. Arts education is vital, helping students to understand, appreciate, and participate in the arts.

Arts and Culture Research