Registry for International Development Impact Evaluations

Teacher training college in Mozambique

Project Summary

The Registry for International Development Impact Evaluations (RIDIE) is a registry of impact evaluations related to development in low and middle income countries.


Increasingly, policymakers and funders in international development are attempting to base their decisions on firm evidence provided by rigorous evaluations of the impacts of programs. Prospective registries of such evaluations, whereby researchers record information about their evaluation designs and hypothesis before conducting the analysis, can enhance the transparency and quality of evaluation research.


In collaboration with the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), RAND has designed a database of information on prospective and completed studies as well a system for collecting that information.

The RIDIE registry serves two primary goals:

  1. To facilitate transparency in research related to impact evaluation, thereby avoiding or minimizing researcher and reporting bias.
  2. To provide a comprehensive repository of developing country impact evaluations for researchers, policymakers, and funders, including evaluations that are planned, in progress, completed or that were begun and not completed.

RIDIE's core objective is to support overall improvements in the quality and integrity of impact evaluation evidence in low and middle income countries, and thus provide a better basis for policy decisions. It does this by enhancing the transparency of evaluation research and by providing a repository of planned and ongoing impact evaluation studies.

RIDIE will register any development impact evaluation that rigorously attempts to estimate the causal impacts of a program, including but not limited to randomized control trials.

Project Website

Further information and the database of evaluations can be found at the RIDIE website.

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