Gilmore Commission - Panel Chair and Members
Project Director: Mike Wermuth
Co-project Director: Jennifer Brower
Name and Affiliation |
Expertise |
James S. Gilmore, III, Attorney at Law, and former Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Chairman |
State government |
George Foresman, Deputy Director, Office of Commonwealth Preparedness, Commonwealth of Virginia, Vice Chairman |
Emergency response-State |
L. Paul Bremer, Presidential Envoy and Administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq; Former Ambassador-at-Large for Counter-Terrorism, U.S. Department of State (Member until May 5, 2003) |
Counterterrorism |
Michael Freeman, Chief, Los Angeles County Fire Department |
Emergency response - local |
William Garrison (Major General, U.S. Army, Retired), Corporate Executive, and Former Commander, U.S. Army Special Operations Command's Delta Force |
Military special operations |
Ellen M. Gordon, Administrator, Emergency Management Division, Department of Public Defense, State of Iowa, and Past President, National Emergency Management Association |
Emergency response - state |
James Greenleaf, Independent Consultant, and Former Associate Deputy for Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation |
Law enforcement - federal |
William Jenaway, Independent Consultant, and Chief of Fire and Rescue Services, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania |
Emergency response - local |
William Dallas Jones, Director, Office of Emergency Services, State of California |
Emergency Response - state |
Paul M. Maniscalco, University Assistant Professor, Past President, National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, and Deputy Chief/Paramedic, City of New York Fire Department, EMSC Emergency response-local |
Emergency response - local | |
John O. Marsh, Jr., Attorney at Law, former Secretary of the Army, and former Member of Congress |
Government structure, interagency coordination, cyber, and legal |
Kathleen O'Brien, University Executive, and former City Coordinator, City of Minneapolis, Minnesota |
Municipal government | |
M. Patricia Quinlisk, M.D., Medical Director/State Epidemiologist, Department of Public Health, State of Iowa |
Health - state | |
Patrick Ralston, Executive Director, Indiana State Emergency Management Agency; Executive Director, Department of Fire and Building Services; and Executive Director, Public Safety Training Institute, State of Indiana |
Emergency response - state |
William Reno (Lieutenant General, U.S. Army, Retired), Corporate Executive, former Senior Vice President of Operations, American Red Cross |
Non-governmental organizations |
Kenneth Shine, M.D., Policy Analyst, and former President, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences |
Health - federal |
Alan D. Vickery, Deputy Chief, Special Operations, Seattle Fire Department |
Emergency response - local |
Hubert Williams, President, The Police Foundation |
Law enforcement and civil liberties |
John Hathaway, U.S. Department of Defense Representative |
John Lombardi, U.S. Department of Defense Alternative Representative |
Michael A. Wermuth, Senior Policy Analyst, RAND, Executive Project Director |
Jennifer Brower, Senior Policy Analyst, RAND, Co-Project Director |
The Honorable Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense |
James R. Clapper, Jr. (Lieutenant General, U.S. Air Force, Retired), former panel Vice Chairman; Director, National Imagery and Mapping Agency (now the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency); former Director, Defense Intelligence Agency |
James Q. Wilson, Ph.D., former Harvard and UCLA professor; member, board of trustees, American Enterprise Institute; former member, President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board |
Richard Falkenrath, Office of Homeland Security; former Associate Professor, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University |
Ronald S. Neubauer, Chief of Police, St. Peters, Missouri, and Past President, International Association of Chiefs of Police |
Raymond Downey, Deputy Chief, and Commander, Special Operations, Fire Department of the City of New York (Killed in the Line of Duty, New York City, September 11, 2001 |
John Gannon, Staff Director, Select Committee on Homeland Security, U.S. House of Representatives; former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence; and former Chairman, National Intelligence Council |
Joseph Samuels, Jr., Chief of Police, Richmond, California, and Immediate Past President, International Association of Chief of Police |