Pardee Center for Longer Range Global Policy and the Future Human Condition

We can act together to shape the future, even when we can’t predict what the future will be. This is not a new insight, but the tools of traditional policy analysis don’t reflect this wisdom and often can get in the way. Fortunately, new concepts and tools for Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty (DMDU) can help us navigate more successfully in these tumultuous times.

The RAND Frederick S. Pardee Center for Longer Range Global Policy and the Future Human Condition was established in 2001 through a generous $5 million pledge from RAND alumnus Frederick S. Pardee. The Pardee Center serves as a RAND laboratory for methods innovation in DMDU, using its funding to catalyze research into new methods, seed new projects using these methods, and disseminate DMDU methods within and outside RAND.

Today our work focuses on three interconnected areas: climate change, participatory engagement, and policy analysis for complex systems.

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Focus Areas

Our work explores six key methodological and policy focus areas.