Drawing upon decades of experience, RAND provides research services, systematic analysis, and innovative thinking to a global clientele that includes government agencies, foundations, and private-sector firms.
The Pardee RAND Graduate School (PardeeRAND.edu) is home to the only Ph.D. and M.Phil. programs offered at an independent public policy research organization—the RAND Corporation.
Assistant Policy Researcher, RAND; PhD Candidate, Pardee RAND Graduate School
Assistant Policy Researcher; Ph.D. Candidate, Pardee RAND Graduate School
Contrary to expectations, China's defense minister Admiral Dong Jun did not become a member of the Central Military Commission at the recently concluded Third Plenum. What could this signal?
Aug 14, 2024
Most videos that Americans post on social media are harmless at face value, but the 34 million videos posted daily on TikTok become ideal training material for generative AI models. These models will be able to create astonishingly convincing deepfakes that could be used in influence operations.
Negotiations in highly charged hostage situations never happen in a politically sterile environment. They threaten the American core principle of personal liberty and have always been domestic political issues.
The UK's commitment to its relationship with Oman remains stable but it should not take its position west of India for granted. As the UK turns its gaze to the Indo-Pacific, Beijing is moving to strengthen its relations with Oman and increase its influence in the region.
Aug 13, 2024
The growing North Korean nuclear weapon force has created a pivot point for South Korea, where many are unsure that they can blindly depend on the U.S. nuclear umbrella to deter North Korea. A growing number of South Korean officials are calling for South Korea to build its own nuclear weapons.
Aug 12, 2024
Flooding has become the most expensive and frequent disaster in the United States. Since 2000, flooding events occur almost daily and the cost of inland flooding alone in 2023 was nearly $200 billion. Managing flood risk requires transformations in land use, regulation, insurance, and financing.
Aug 9, 2024
The decline of local media in the United States creates vulnerabilities to adversarial influence. Supporting local journalism is essential for strengthening democracy and ensuring timely detection of security threats.
Aug 8, 2024
The fentanyl epidemic in the United States parallels China's historical opium crisis, which was exacerbated by foreign powers and led to widespread societal damage. Understanding China's past and its current role in fentanyl production could offer valuable insights for combating the ongoing U.S. crisis.
Aug 7, 2024
Despite Russia's claims of robust arms production and export capabilities, Moscow faces significant challenges. Declining sales, reliance on outdated weaponry, and strained international relationships indicate a stark contrast between state propaganda and the reality faced by the Russian arms industry.
Just five years ago, little scientific evidence existed on the effects of gun laws in the United States. Since 2019, the National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research has allocated more than $24 million to fund research projects on gun violence prevention, resulting in a windfall of new scientific results, with more to come.
Aug 6, 2024
Amidst violent protests and mounting dissent in Bangladesh, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's resignation marks the end of an era, leaving Bangladesh in turmoil and casting a shadow over its democratic aspirations. The future of Bangladesh hangs in the balance with an uncertain military role and a populace hungry for change.
An enhanced commitment to crisis management for a new age of great power rivalry could better position NATO to promote stability by preventing emerging crises from becoming full-blown military conflicts.
Aug 2, 2024
Agreements announced last spring represent a significant evolution of the U.S.-Japan alliance. Washington and Tokyo are likely to confront several challenges. But successfully addressing these challenges could fundamentally change the nature of the alliance.
Artificial intelligence has great potential, but it also introduces considerable risks. Tools for trustworthy AI help bridge the gap between AI principles and their practical implementation, providing resources to ensure AI is developed and used responsibly and ethically.
Despite U.S.-led coalition efforts to curb their aggression, the Houthis' adept use of propaganda and low-cost technology has allowed them to continue their attacks and gain regional support. Attacks will persist as long as they see benefits. A U.S. counterinformation campaign could substantially reduce those benefits.