User's Manual for GLYPLIT
A Program to Translate ILLIAC IV GLYPNIR to IBM 360 PL/1
ResearchPublished 1972
A Program to Translate ILLIAC IV GLYPNIR to IBM 360 PL/1
ResearchPublished 1972
Describes the implementation of GLYPLIT, a program to translate the ILLIAC IV higher-level language GLYPNIR to PL/I for the IBM 360. GLYPLIT was developed to provide a mechanism for debugging GLYPNIR programs before the ILLIAC IV computer, now under development by Burroughs, becomes available. Users may presently compile, assemble, and simulate GLYPNIR programs on the Burroughs 6500, but the simulation process is quite slow. If the purpose of a run is to debug a GLYPNIR program, then GLYPLIT offers a faster, more economical approach to simulating much of the scientific programming expected on the ILLIAC IV.
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