Helping Hospitals Deliver Better Care
A New Toolkit for Quality Improvement
Research SummaryPublished May 25, 2012
A New Toolkit for Quality Improvement
Research SummaryPublished May 25, 2012
Quality of care in U.S. hospitals is a significant problem. The pace of quality improvement efforts in hospitals has picked up in recent years, with a focus on monitoring and public reporting of quality information. Prominent among such tools are quality indicators (QIs) developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), including two sets of indicators for inpatient settings: the Inpatient Quality Indicators (IQIs) and Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs). However, if hospitals lack the needed knowledge, skills, or resources, their efforts to improve performance may have little effect on quality outcomes. Many hospitals may need help to enhance their capacity to use QIs for effective quality improvement.
To meet this need, AHRQ contracted with a team of researchers from RAND and the University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC), a large collection of academic medical centers, to develop a toolkit for hospitals to support their quality improvement efforts based on the AHRQ QIs. This toolkit provides a roadmap to guide quality improvement. It includes a sequence of steps designed to help hospitals calculate desired rates for the QIs, set priorities for improvement, develop specific strategies and goals, implement these strategies, and sustain improvements. This research highlight describes this toolkit, reports findings from RAND-UHC's field-testing of the toolkit in hospital settings, and highlights ways hospitals can use the toolkit to improve their quality of care.
To develop the toolkit, the RAND-UHC team first reviewed an extensive literature on hospital quality improvement. First, the review assessed the characteristics and performance of AHRQ's QIs. Second, it documented the many ways hospitals are already using the QIs. Third, the review identified key factors that influence success in implementing improvements.
The RAND-UHC team convened an expert panel to help identify and develop tools. Based on the literature review and the panel guidance, the RAND-UHC team produced an alpha version of the toolkit (see table).
To assess the usability of the candidate tools, the RAND-UHC team field-tested the kit to evaluate its helpfulness for hospitals for implementing performance improvement interventions based on the AHRQ QIs. Six hospitals participated in a formal evaluation; four others contributed informal feedback. Hospitals represented a mix of characteristics, including bed size, academic/community status, geographic diversity (regional and urban/rural), and safety net status. RAND collected primary data from the participating hospitals on improvement experiences and toolkit usability. Data were collected using pre- and post-test interviews, follow-up interviews, and usability testing interviews.
Most hospitals reported that the tools helped support improvement processes. They varied in the tools they used, and some reported using none of the tools because they already had well-established quality improvement processes and tools. Here are other key findings from field-testing:
Hospitals provided feedback on existing tools and also requested additions to the toolkit. They asked for (1) a tool that provides guidance on documenting and coding medical record data for use in calculating PSIs; (2) examples of how to set priorities; and (3) guidance on best practices for additional PSIs (beyond what the alpha toolkit contained). Using this feedback, the RAND-UHC team revised existing tools and added new tools to the toolkit (see table).
Improvement Steps for Hospitals | Key Tools |
Determining readiness for change |
Applying QIs to hospital data |
Identifying priorities for quality improvement |
Implementing improvement |
Monitoring progress for sustainable improvement |
Analyzing return on investment |
Using other resources |
a Added in response to hospital feedback.
b The alpha toolkit addressed three PSIs; five more were added with revisions.
SOURCE: "Introduction and Roadmap" and "Webinar" in Farley D, Weinick R, Mayer L, Cerese J, Burns R, and Hussey P, AHRQ Quality Indicators™ Toolkit for Hospitals, Rockville, Md.: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, March 2012 (
This project confirmed that hospitals face challenges in quality improvement and found that the toolkit was helpful in addressing them. Hospitals judged many of the tools to be user-friendly, and the RAND-UHC team employed their feedback to enhance the tools' utility. In using the QIs, however, hospitals should be aware of known validity issues and not overinterpret results. As their name suggests, the QIs are "indicators" that point to areas of potential strengths or problems. Hospitals should supplement them with additional examination of care processes and data analysis before deciding on improvement actions.
This publication is part of the RAND research brief series. Research briefs present policy-oriented summaries of individual published, peer-reviewed documents or of a body of published work.
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