Building Resilient Communities

Spanish translation

Anita Chandra, Joie D. Acosta

ToolPublished May 20, 2014

Emergency preparedness can get you through the first few days following a disaster. But how can your community bounce back over the long term? With disasters becoming more common and costly, and with some areas enduring multiple disasters, the importance of building community resilience has never been greater.

This video is a Spanish translation of an excerpt from Building Resilient Communities: An Online Training, which shows organizations and communities how to strengthen their resilience against manmade and natural disasters.


Document Details


RAND Style Manual
Chandra, Anita and Joie D. Acosta, Building Resilient Communities: Spanish translation, RAND Corporation, TL-109/1, 2014. As of October 11, 2024:
Chicago Manual of Style
Chandra, Anita and Joie D. Acosta, Building Resilient Communities: Spanish translation. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2014.

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