Your resource for choosing and implementing effective policing strategies.

Photo by Lucas Jackson / Reuters

Find the right strategy to meet your policing goals

Find an effective strategy for your situation and follow our step-by-step guide to implement it.

How do we know which strategies, and techniques for implementing them, are most likely to be effective?

First, we reviewed past survey studies examining large groups of policing intervention studies. Most of these were funded by the Campbell Collaboration, a nonprofit organization that reviews social and economic interventions. We examined key findings in these survey studies and other key resources on past policing studies, such as We then looked at the studies individually, finding key characteristics that set different interventions apart, then used machine learning techniques to identify characteristics associated with distinguishing higher-performing interventions from lower-performing ones. We also found illustrative examples of things to do (and not to do) when implementing the strategies. The Better Policing Toolkit is a work in progress and does not yet represent all the research on effective policing. You can help us improve that. Some content will likely change as we add new studies.

Get practical tips for putting strategies in place

Learn how to overcome barriers to change.

Where do these tips come from?

Some of the tips for implementing strategies come from the studies reviewed in our analysis of policing strategies. Some come from well-known literature on barriers to change and solutions common when implementing new strategies, in general. Our tips are further shaped by decades of collective experience in working with various organizations to help them implement new strategies and overcome barriers to change.

Additional Resources

Helping Police Find Better Strategies to Fight Crime

How have the strategies outlined in the Better Policing Toolkit been used by law enforcement agencies? Learn how police in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, use focused deterrence in their efforts to reduce gang violence.

Better Policing Toolkit Technical Appendix

Download a PDF with information about the methodology behind the Better Policing Toolkit.