Evaluating the Demographic and Geographic Characteristics of Green Stormwater Infrastructure
Findings from a Machine Learning–Based Analysis of Five U.S. Cities
Over the past few decades, stormwater managers across the United States have increasingly turned to green stormwater infrastructure to mitigate flooding and improve the quality of stormwater runoff. Green infrastructure also offers a variety of co-benefits to the surrounding community compared with traditional gray infrastructure, including reduced urban heat island, improved water quality, and enhanced aesthetics.
Many cities have invested in green stormwater infrastructure directly or established incentive programs for property owners and developers to reduce stormwater runoff while providing these co-benefits to their communities. However, after several decades of green infrastructure investment and incentives, the question remains: Has green infrastructure been placed in areas where its residents stand to benefit the most?
Photo by Alyson Youngblood/RAND Corporation
This study used an exploratory machine learning–based approach to evaluate green stormwater infrastructure investment across five cities in the United States—Boston, Detroit, New York City, Pittsburgh, and Washington, D.C. We compared the location of installed green stormwater infrastructure with demographic and land use characteristics of the surrounding area to understand whether green stormwater infrastructure is located in areas that, in addition to stormwater reduction, stand to gain from the co-benefits these investments provide.
A summary of the local characteristics that were frequently found in places with more green stormwater infrastructure assets (by number) for each city is shown in the graphic below.
Characteristics associated with green stormwater infrastructure
The following tables include a subset of characteristics that had a meaningful association with green stormwater infrastructure according to our model.
Association strength is a normalized measure relative to the strongest obvserved association between any of the characteristics and the amount of green stormwater infrastructure for that city. A value of zero represents no low association, and a value of one represents the strongest association.
Associated with more green stormwater infrastructure
Characteristic | Association Strength |
Poorer air quality | 1.000 |
More residents with coronary health challenges | 0.699 |
Higher percentage of residents with asthma | 0.457 |
Less tree canopy | 0.349 |
Higher percentage of Hispanic or Latino residents | 0.345 |
Owners that moved in more recently | 0.251 |
Higher redlining score | 0.162 |
Higher median household income | 0.154 |
Older average age of residents | 0.147 |
More residents in poverty | 0.097 |
Higher percentage of residents reporting as other race | 0.088 |
Higher percentage of White residents | 0.068 |
Higher percentage of American Indian and Alaska Native residents | 0.068 |
More residents with mental health challenges | 0.066 |
Higher percentage of residents reporting as two or more races | 0.027 |
Higher percentage of area at risk of future flooding | 0.027 |
Newer residences | 0.018 |
Higher percentage of Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander residents | 0.010 |
Greater economic inequality | 0.003 |
Associated with less green stormwater infrastructure
Characteristic | Association Strength |
Higher average housing costs | 0.602 |
Greater population density | 0.180 |
Higher percentage of Black or African American residents | 0.126 |
Renters that moved in more recently | 0.075 |
Higher percentage of Asian residents | 0.072 |
Larger number of housing units per building | 0.063 |
Warmer summer mean temperature | 0.051 |
Higher percentage impervious land | 0.017 |
Associated with more green stormwater infrastructure
Characteristic | Association Strength |
Larger number of housing units per building | 1.000 |
Higher percentage of area at risk of future flooding | 0.451 |
Higher percentage of Hispanic or Latino residents | 0.306 |
Higher percentage of American Indian and Alaska Native residents | 0.288 |
More residents with coronary health challenges | 0.107 |
Higher median household income | 0.097 |
Higher percentage of residents reporting as two or more races | 0.087 |
Higher percentage of residents reporting as other race | 0.087 |
Higher percentage of Black or African American residents | 0.057 |
Higher percentage of Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander residents | 0.049 |
Higher percentage of Asian residents | 0.032 |
Poorer air quality | 0.009 |
Higher redlining score | 0.006 |
Associated with less green stormwater infrastructure
Characteristic | Association Strength |
Higher percentage impervious land | 0.514 |
Greater population density | 0.501 |
Greater economic inequality | 0.240 |
Owners that moved in more recently | 0.223 |
Newer residences | 0.204 |
Renters that moved in more recently | 0.193 |
Warmer summer mean temperature | 0.188 |
Higher average housing costs | 0.187 |
More residents with mental health challenges | 0.164 |
Less tree canopy | 0.112 |
Higher percentage of White residents | 0.034 |
More residents in poverty | 0.013 |
Higher percentage of residents with asthma | 0.008 |
Older average age of residents | 0.005 |
New York
Associated with more green stormwater infrastructure
Characteristic | Association Strength |
Warmer summer mean temperature | 1.000 |
Higher percentage of Hispanic or Latino residents | 0.384 |
Higher percentage of residents reporting as two or more races | 0.195 |
Higher percentage of Black or African American residents | 0.153 |
Higher percentage of American Indian and Alaska Native residents | 0.081 |
Higher percentage of Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander residents | 0.064 |
Higher median household income | 0.057 |
Higher percentage of Asian residents | 0.047 |
More residents with mental health challenges | 0.041 |
Higher percentage of residents reporting as other race | 0.036 |
Higher percentage impervious land | 0.035 |
Older average age of residents | 0.029 |
Greater economic inequality | 0.028 |
Renters that moved in more recently | 0.020 |
Higher redlining score | 0.018 |
Higher percentage of area at risk of future flooding | 0.014 |
Higher average housing costs | 0.010 |
Less tree canopy | 0.001 |
Associated with less green stormwater infrastructure
Characteristic | Association Strength |
Poorer air quality | 0.438 |
More residents with coronary health challenges | 0.362 |
Higher percentage of residents with asthma | 0.284 |
Larger number of housing units per building | 0.277 |
Greater population density | 0.086 |
More residents in poverty | 0.056 |
Owners that moved in more recently | 0.053 |
Higher percentage of White residents | 0.046 |
Newer residences | 0.006 |
Associated with more green stormwater infrastructure
Characteristic | Association Strength |
Newer residences | 1.000 |
Higher percentage of Asian residents | 0.425 |
Larger number of housing units per building | 0.321 |
Higher percentage of American Indian and Alaska Native residents | 0.172 |
Less tree canopy | 0.156 |
Higher percentage of area at risk of future flooding | 0.151 |
Owners that moved in more recently | 0.148 |
Higher percentage of residents reporting as two or more races | 0.109 |
Higher redlining score | 0.073 |
Older average age of residents | 0.035 |
Higher average housing costs | 0.021 |
Greater population density | 0.016 |
Higher percentage of Black or African American residents | 0.012 |
Higher percentage impervious land | 0.011 |
More residents with mental health challenges | 0.009 |
Higher percentage of residents with asthma | 0.008 |
Higher percentage of White residents | 0.003 |
Greater economic inequality | 0.003 |
Higher percentage of Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander residents | 0.003 |
Higher percentage of residents reporting as other race | 0.002 |
Poorer air quality | 0.001 |
Associated with less green stormwater infrastructure
Characteristic | Association Strength |
Renters that moved in more recently | 0.063 |
More residents with coronary health challenges | 0.051 |
Warmer summer mean temperature | 0.038 |
Higher percentage of Hispanic or Latino residents | 0.033 |
More residents in poverty | 0.004 |
Higher median household income | 0.001 |
Washington, D.C.
Associated with more green stormwater infrastructure
Characteristic | Association Strength |
Newer residences | 1.000 |
Higher percentage of residents reporting as other race | 0.091 |
Warmer summer mean temperature | 0.068 |
Higher median household income | 0.064 |
Owners that moved in more recently | 0.054 |
Older average age of residents | 0.052 |
Higher percentage of Black or African American residents | 0.050 |
Higher percentage of residents reporting as two or more races | 0.043 |
Higher percentage of Hispanic or Latino residents | 0.022 |
Poorer air quality | 0.019 |
Higher percentage impervious land | 0.011 |
Higher average housing costs | 0.011 |
Higher percentage of residents with asthma | 0.011 |
Higher percentage of Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander residents | 0.006 |
Higher percentage of area at risk of future flooding | 0.006 |
Associated with less green stormwater infrastructure
Characteristic | Association Strength |
Greater population density | 0.790 |
Greater economic inequality | 0.257 |
Larger number of housing units per building | 0.174 |
Renters that moved in more recently | 0.116 |
Less tree canopy | 0.063 |
More residents with coronary health challenges | 0.061 |
Higher percentage of White residents | 0.043 |
More residents with mental health challenges | 0.035 |
More residents in poverty | 0.019 |
Higher percentage of Asian residents | 0.005 |
Higher percentage of American Indian and Alaska Native residents | 0.004 |
Technical Approach
This graphic presents the findings of our machine–learning based analysis. To carry out this work, we collected city-level data on the types, sizes, and locations of existing investments to understand how much and where cities had installed green stormwater infrastructure. We also collected information to understand local characteristics—or the socioeconomic, geographic, and physical landscape—surrounding these investments in each city.
This information included data, for example, on income, race, climate, and infrastructure condition. These datasets were cleaned, combined, and used as inputs to a variety of popular machine learning methods. Using seven different machine learning methods,[1] a model was trained to quantify the relationship between green stormwater infrastructure and local demographic and geographic characteristics. With this approach, we were also able to compare the goodness of fit for each model and examine the strength of the association between green stormwater infrastructure and each local characteristic.
The graphic above shows the results for the Random Forest model, which generally performed well across all cities. More information on the study, datasets, and our quantitative approach can be found in our full report.
Alyson Youngblood (design) and Shawna Templeton (production)
About the Research
This visualization is based on research by Michelle Miro and Susan Resetar.
- The following approaches were used: Lasso Regression, ElasticNet, Gradient Boosted Decision Trees, Random Forest, Support Vector Regressor, and Shallow and Deep Neural Networks.Return to content ⤴