RAND Economics and National Security Initiative

Detailed map of the world in all the world's currencies., photo by bcracker/Getty Images

fizkes/Adobe Stock

The RAND Economics and National Security Initiative provides research and analysis at the intersection of economics and national security. The initiative works with the U.S. government and private sector partners to advance U.S. economic competitiveness and U.S. national security. The initiative provides evidence-based analysis to inform effective decisionmaking amid increasing questions and tensions around the challenges and opportunities of global economic interdependence.

Research and analysis under this initiative is currently being conducted for these sponsors and funders, among others:

  • U.S. Department of Defense
  • U.S. Department of Commerce
  • U.S. Department of the Treasury

The RAND Economics and National Security Initiative is jointly supported by the RAND Social and Economic Well-Being Divison and the RAND National Security Research Division.

Initiative Leadership


Competition with China

Economic Strategy

RAND Economics and National Security Classics

Researcher Insights