Public Health Systems and Security

The continued strain of chronic disease, the acute effects of infectious diseases like COVID-19, pressures on the health system from climate change and inequality, and the rapid modernization of health technologies and systems, reveal new questions and opportunities for public health.

RAND brings together expertise in public health systems, biosecurity and biotechnology, pandemic response, climate and health, and health practice to

  • develop and evaluate global, national, and local strategy
  • test novel solutions in health surveillance
  • examine the interdependencies among actors and policy levers to strengthen the future public health system.

The research reflected here represents work in RAND Social and Economic Well-Being, and in some cases, other parts of RAND.

Key questions we seek to answer include:

  1. How should the United States organize the future public health system to effectively produce health and mitigate disease?
  2. What are the most effective ways to design the system and the policies to support public health and address overlapping, acute, and chronic health issues?
  3. How can technology and public-private sector partnerships be better leveraged and/or aligned to realize health security in the United States and globally?

Public Health Systems

Global Health Security

Biosurveillance and Other Public Health Monitoring

Pandemic and Other Disaster Health Response

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