Social and Behavioral Policy

How do we actively promote policies, actions and behaviors that foster individual, family, household and social well-being?

The Social and Behavioral Policy program aims to improve the quality of life for people of all ages, socioeconomic backgrounds, and physical, mental, and cognitive abilities. Cross-disciplinary teams help decisionmakers advance solutions to improve the effectiveness of economic and social programs; support marital and family well-being; raise people out of poverty, improve the lives of older adults, populations living with disabilities, and their caregivers; and further the positive development of children, youth, and young adults.

The program also develops and evaluates prevention and treatment programs to address substance use and abuse, mental health, active and independent living, and other factors that are critical for well-being.

Older black man smiling, with a young black boy on his shoulders

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Key Topics

  • Aging
  • Caregiving
  • Child, youth, young adult, and family health and well-being
  • Disability
  • Economic and social policies
  • Mental health
  • Prevention programs
  • Retirement
  • Social determinants of health
  • Social safety net
  • Substance use

Projects in Social and Behavioral Policy, and related protfolios.

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