EGSF Bibliography

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Publications Based on the EGSF

Journal Articles, Book Chapters, Reports, Dissertations, and Working Papers

Acevedo, Dolores and Elena Hurtado.  1997.  Midwives and Formal Care Providers in Prenatal, Delivery and Postpartum Care in Four Communities in Rural Guatemala:  Complementarity or Conflict?  In Anne R. Pebley and Luis Rosero-Bixby (eds.)  Demographic Diversity and Change in the Central American Isthmus.  Santa Monica, RAND.

Acevedo, Dolores y Elena Hurtado.  1997. Comadronas y Proveedores Formales en la Atención del Embarazo, Parto, y Postparto en Cuatro Comunidades Rurales de Guatemala.  En Luis Rosero Bixby, Anne Pebley and Alicia Bermúdez Méndez (eds.) De los Mayas a la Planificación Familiar:  Demografía del Istmo.  Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica.

Beckett, Megan and Anne Pebley. "Ethnicity, Language and Economic Well-Being in Rural Guatemala." Submitted.

Carter, Marion.  Forthcoming.  Husbands and Maternal Matters: Wives’ Reports of Husband Involvement in Pregnancy and Birth in Rural Guatemala.  Social Science and Medicine.

Glei, Dana. 2001. The Integration of Traditional and Biomedical Care during Pregnancy and Birth in Rural Guatemala. Department of Sociology. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University.

Glei, Dana and Noreen Goldman. 2000. Understanding Ethnic Variation in Pregnancy-related Behaviors, Health Care and Birth Outcomes in Rural Guatemala. Ethnicity and Health 5(1): 5-22.

Glei, Dana, Noreen Goldman, and Germán Rodríguez. Utilization of  Care During Pregnancy in Rural Guatemala: Does Obstetrical Need Matter?  Submitted.

Goldman, Noreen, Barbara Vaughan, and Anne R. Pebley.  1998.  The Use of Calendars to Measure Child Illness in Health Interview Surveys. International Journal of Epidemiology 27:505-512.

Goldman, Noreen and Patrick Heuveline. 2000. Treatment-Seeking Behavior and Child Illness in Guatemala. Tropical Medicine and International Health 5(2): 145-55.

Goldman, Noreen, Anne R. Pebley and Megan Beckett.  2001.  Diffusion of Ideas about Personal Hygiene and Contamination in Poor Countries: Evidence from Guatemala.  Social Science and Medicine 52: 53-69.

Goldman, Noreen, Dana Glei, Anne Pebley, and Hernán Delgado. 2001.  Atención Prenatal en Areas Rurales de Cuatro Departamentos de Guatemala:  Resultados de la Encuesta Guatemalteca de Salud Familiar, 1995.  Instituto de Nutricíon de Centro América y Panamá. Guatemala City:  Guatemala.

Goldman, Noreen, Dana Glei, Anne Pebley, and Hernán Delgado. 2001.  Pregnancy Care in Rural Guatemala: Results From the Encuesta  Guatemalteca de Salud Familiar. DRU-2642-NICHD/USAID.  Santa Monica, CA:RAND.

Goldman, Noreen, Anne Pebley and Michele Gragnolati. Forthcoming.  Choices About Treatment for ARI and Diarrhea in Rural Guatemala. Social  Science and Medicine.

Goldman, Noreen and Dana Glei. Forthcoming. Evaluation of Midwifery Care: A Case Study of Rural Guatemala.  Social Science and Medicine.

Gragnolati, Michele. 1999. Children's Malnutrition in Rural Guatemala:  A Multilevel Statistical Analysis. Program in Population Studies. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University.

Heuveline, Patrick and Noreen Goldman. 2000. A Description of Child Illness and Treatment Behavior in Guatemala. Social Science and Medicine 50: 345-364.

Pebley, Anne R., Elena Hurtado, and Noreen Goldman. 1999. Beliefs about Children's Illness.  Journal of Biosocial Science 31: 195-219.

Pebley, Anne R. and Noreen Goldman.  1997.  The Guatemalan Survey of Family Health, Appendix A: English Questionnaires.  DRU-1538/1-NICHD.  Santa Monica, CA: RAND.

Pebley, Anne R. and Noreen Goldman.  1997.  Encuesta Guatemalteca de Salud Familiar (EGSF), Apéndice B: Cuestionarios en Español.  DRU-1538/2-NICHD.  Santa Monica, CA: RAND.

Pebley, Anne R., Noreen Goldman, Hernán L. Delgado, Rafael Flores, Marie T. Ruel and Francisco Chew.  1997.  Informe de la Encuesta Guatemalteca de Salud Familiar.  Publicación INCAP DCE/027. Instituto de Nutricíon de Centro América y Panamá.

Pebley, Anne R., Arodys Robles and Noreen Goldman. Ethnic Identity and the Use of Ethnic Symbols in Rural Guatemala. Submitted.

Peterson, Christine, Noreen Goldman and Anne R. Pebley.  1997. The 1995 Guatemalan Survey of Family Health (EGSF): Overview and Codebook. DRU-1538/3-NICHD.  Santa Monica, CA: RAND.

Robles, Arodys and Noreen Goldman. 1999.  Can Accurate Data on Birthweight be Obtained from Health Interview Surveys? International Journal of Epidemiology 28:925-931.

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