MHSS-1 Household Survey Subfiles

Descriptions and File Sizes

File Names Begin with MHD, DNFS, or MIG

Book I

File Name Suffix File Description (question numbers in file) Unit of Observation Record IDa
CVR1 Cover Page- Book I household  
LH1 HH Roster (LH01-LH30) person LH01
HC1 Household Characteristics (HC01-HC17) household  
CS1 Consumption: food items (CS01-CS05A) food item ITEM_F
CS2 Consumption: food given to others (CS01O, CS05B) household  
CS3 Consumption: non food items (CS06-CS09) nonfood item ITEM_NF
CS4 Expenditures on education (CS10-CS12) household  
HPK1 Health Provider Knowledge (HPK1-HPK7) provider PROVTYPE
ISN1 Interviewer Notes (ISN101-ISN104) household  

Book II

File Name Suffix File Description (question numbers in file) Unit of Observation Record IDa
CVR2 Cover Page- Book II household  
AI1 Agricultural income by crop (AI01-AI10) crop type CROPTYPE
LI1 Livestock (LI01-LI11) animal type STOCKTYP
OFI1 Other farm income (OFI01-OFI03) household  
FB1 Farm business assets (FB01-FB07) farm asset FB_ASST
NFB1 Non-farm business assets (NFB01-NFB06) nonfarm asset NFB_ASST
NFB1 Non-farm business assets (NFB01-NFB06) nonfarm asset NFB_ASST
AE1 Agricultural employment (AD01-AE07) household member PERSON
NAE1 Nonagricultural employment(NAE01-NAE08) household member PERSON
HRT1 Household remittances/transfers: sent (HRT01-HRT10) sender HRT02
HRT2 Household remittances/transfers: received (HRT11-HRT21) receiver HRT12
HA1 Household assets (HA01-HA06) asset HA_ASST
LT1 Land transactions (LT01-LT21) household  
LT2 Land sold (LT22-LT26) transaction LINE_NO
LT3 Land purchased (LT27-LT31) transaction LINE_NO
BH1 Borrowing history: prev year's loans (BH01-BH03) household  
BH2 Borrowing history: new loans (BH04-BH15) borrower BH04
BH3 Borrowing history: interest free loans (BH16-BH25) borrower BH17
LR1 Lending record: prev year's loans (LR01-LR03) household  
LR2 Lending record: new loans (LR04-LR15) lender LR04
LR3 Lending record: interest free loans (LR17-LR25) lender LR17
HEH1 Household economic hardship (HEH01-HEH04) hardship type HARD_TYP
ISN2 Interviewer notes (ISN201-ISN204) household  

aUsed in addition to CASE to uniquely define a record. Number of records vary due to unit of observation, skip patterns, and non-response to subsections of the questionnaires.

Book III

File Name Suffix File Description (variables in file) Unit of Observation Record IDa
CVR3 Book III Cover Page respondent  
ED1 Education (ED01-ED33) respondent  
EMP1 Employment (EMP01-EMP21) respondent  
MH1 Marriage summary (MH01-MH04) respondent  
MH2 Marital history (MH05-MH23) marriage ENTRYORD
MH3 Desire for more children (MH24-MH28) respondent  
MG1 Migration History: Birth, Age 12, 1st Marr (MG01-MG54) respondent  
IM1 Internal migration (IM01-IM15) respondent  
SPN1 Smoking (SPN01-SPN06) respondent  
GH1 General health (GH01-GH08) respondent  
GH2 Activities of Daily Living (GH09-GH10) activity ADL_TYPE
CM1 Chronic morbidity: disease (CM01-CM24) respondent  
AM1 Acute morbidity (AM01-AM10) respondent  
MED1 Medications (MED01-MED09) respondent  
OC1 Outpatient care: providers visited (OC01-OC05) respondent  
OC2 Outpatient visits (OC06-OC27) visit OC06
HOS1 Hospitalization: providers visited (HOS01-HOS06) respondent  
HOS2 Hospital visits (HOS07-HOS23) visit H0S07
SP1 Nonresident spouse (SP01-SP16) respondent  
PAR1 Nonresident parents (PAR01-PAR23) respondent  
CH1 Nonresident children: summary (CH01-CH02) respondent  
CH2 Nonresident children: roster info (CH03-CH27) child CH03
SIB1 Nonresident siblings: summary (SIB01-SIB02) respondent  
SIB2 Nonresident siblings: roster info (SIB04-SIB25) sibling SIB04
TF1 Transfers (TF01-TF06) respondent  
IA1 Individual assets (IA01-IA07) asset type ASSET
SN1 Social network: relatives, groups (SN01-SN71) respondent  
ISN3 Interviewer notes (ISN301-ISN304) respondent  

aUsed in addition to CASE and PERSON to uniquely define a record. Number of records vary due to unit of observation, skip patterns, and nonresponse to subsections of the questionnaires.

Book IV

File Name Suffix File Description (variables in file) Unit of Observation Record IDa
CVR4 Book IV Cover respondent  
MRH1 Menstrual/Reproductive problems (MRH01-MRH07) respondent  
PS1 Pregnancy summary (PS01-PS16) respondent  
PH1 Pregnancy history: counts (PH01-PH02) respondent  
PH2 Pregnancy history: birth dates,outcomes (PH04-PH40) birth PH05A
CU1 Contraceptive use: modern methods (CU01-CU11) method METHOD
CU2 Contraceptive use: (CU12-CU45) respondent  
KAL1 Contraceptive calendar    
IMM1 Immunization history for youngest child (IM00-IM18) child IM0C
ISN4 Interviewer notes (B4ISN1-3,B4ISNN1-3) respondent  

Book V

File Name Suffix File Description (variables in file) Unit of Observation Record IDa
CVR5 Book V cover respondent  
CED1 Education (CED01-CED33) respondent  
CCM1 Chronic morbidity (CCM01-CCM06) respondent  
CAM1 Acute morbidity (CAM01-CAM08) respondent  
CMED Medications (CMED01-CMED09) respondent  
COC1 Outpatient care: providers listed (COC01-COC05) respondent  
COC2 Outpatient visits (COC06-COC27) visit COCO6
CHS1 Hospitalization: providers listed (CHOS01-CHOS06) respondent  
CHS2 Hospital visits (CHOS07-CHOS23) visit CHOS07
ISN5 Interviewer notes (B5INS1-3,B5INSN1-3) respondent  

Book VI

File Name Suffix File Description (variables in file) Unit of Observation Record IDa
CVR6 Book VI cover respondent  
PHYS Physical measurements respondent  
COG Cognitive tests respondent  
ANTR Anthropometry respondent  


File Name Suffix File Description (variables in file) Unit of Observation Record IDa
MHDWGTS Main Sample Survey Weights respondent  

aUsed in addition to CASE and PERSON to uniquely define a record. Number of records vary due to unit of observation, skip patterns, and nonresponse to subsections of the questionnaires.

Number of Records in MHSS Household Survey Subfiles

File Names Begin with MHD, DNFS, or MIG

Book I

File Name
File Description (question numbers in file) MHD Files DNFS Files MIG Files
CVR1 Cover Page- Book I 4,538 1,790 552
LH1 HH Roster (LH01-LH30) 25,207 10,633 2,248
HC1 Household Characteristics (HC01-HC17) 4,538 1,790 552
CS1 Consumption: food items (CS01-CS05A) 104,374 41,170 12,696
CS2 Consumption: food given to others (CS01O, CS05B) 4,538 1,790 552
CS3 Consumption: non food items (CS06-CS09) 58,994 23,270 7,176
CS4 Expenditures on education (CS10-CS12) 4,538 1,790 552
HPK1 Health Provider Knowledge (HPK1-HPK7) 68,070 26,850 8,280
ISN1 Interviewer Notes (ISN101-ISN104) 4,538 1,790 552

Book II

File Name Suffix File Description (variables in file) MHD Files DNFS Files MIG Files
CVR2 Cover Page- Book II 4,538 1,790 552
AI1 Agricultural income by crop (AI01-AI10) 49,742 19,657 6,061
LI1 Livestock (LI01-LI11) 22,610 8,935 2,755
OFI1 Other farm income (OFI01-OFI03) 4,522 1,787 551
FB1 Farm business assets (FB01-FB07) 22,610 8,935 2,755
NFB1 Non-farm business assets (NFB01-NFB06) 36,176 14,296 4,408
AE1 Agricultural employment (AD01-AE07) 5,969 2,243 628
NAE1 Nonagricultural employment(NAE01-NAE08) 8,024 3,089 1,067
HRT1 Household remittances/transfers: sent (HRT01-HRT10) 6,510 2,677 1,022
HRT2 Household remittances/transfers: received (HRT11-HRT21) 5,887 2,512 652
HA1 Household assets (HA01-HA06) 49,742 19,657 6,061
LT1 Land transactions (LT01-LT21) 4,522 1,787 551
LT2 Land sold (LT22-LT26) 1,255 502 49
LT3 Land purchased (LT27-LT31) 2,272 941 158
BH1 Borrowing history: prev year's loans (BH01-BH03) 4,522 1,787 551
BH2 Borrowing history: new loans (BH04-BH15) 992 410 64
BH3 Borrowing history: interest free loans (BH16-BH25) 783 262 90
LR1 Lending record: prev yr's loans (LR01-LR03) 4,522 1,787 551
LR2 Lending record: new loans (LR04-LR15) 58 21 1
LR3 Lending record: interest free loans (LR17-LR25) 243 85 34
HEH1 Household economic hardship (HEH01-HEH04) 36,176 14,296 4,408
ISN2 Interviewer notes (ISN201-ISN204) 4,522 1,787 551

Book III

File Name Suffix File Description (variables in file) MHD Files DNFS Files MIG Files
CVR3 Book III Cover Page 12,376 5,279 1,171
ED1 Education (ED01-ED33) 11,577 4,998 1,123
EMP1 Employment (EMP01-EMP21) 11,577 4,998 1,123
MH1 Marriage summary (MH01-MH04) 11,577 4,998 1,123
MH2 Marital history (MH05-MH23) 10,628 4,134 1,017
MH3 Desire for more children (MH24-MH28) 9,504 3,785 961
MG1 Migration History: Birth, Age 12, 1st Marr (MG01-MG54) 11,577 4,998 1,123
IM1 Internal migration (IM01-IM15) 11,577 4,998 1,123
SPN1 Smoking (SPN01-SPN06) 11,577 4,998 1,123
GH1 General health (GH01-GH08) 11,577 4,998 1,123
GH2 Activities of Daily Living (GH09-GH10) 121,428 53,977 10,812
CM1 Chronic morbidity: disease (CM01-CM24) 11,577 4,998 1,123
AM1 Acute morbidity (AM01-AM10) 11,577 4,998 1,123
MED1 Medications (MED01-MED09) 11,577 4,998 1,123
OC1 Outpatient care: providers visited (OC01-OC05) 11,577 4,998 1,123
OC2 Outpatient visits (OC06-OC27) 8,860 2,569 522
HOS1 Hospitalization: providers visited (HOS01-HOS06) 11,576 4,998 1,123
HOS2 Hospital visits (HOS07-HOS23) 202 93 10
SP1 Nonresident spouse (SP01-SP16) 11,576 4,998 1,123
PAR1 Nonresident parents (PAR01-PAR23) 11,576 4,998 1,123
CH1 Nonresident children: summary (CH01-CH02) 11,576 4,998 1,123
CH2 Nonresident children: roster info (CH03-CH27) 13,976 6,981 617
SIB1 Nonresident siblings: summary (SIB01-SIB02) 11,576 4,998 1,123
SIB2 Nonresident siblings: roster info (SIB04-SIB25) 38,151 15,134 4,515
TF1 Transfers (TF01-TF06) 11,576 4,998 1,123
IA1 Individual assets (IA01-IA07) 104,184 44,982 10,107
SN1 Social network: relatives, groups (SN01-SN71) 11,580 5,000 1,123
ISN3 Interviewer notes (ISN301-ISN304) 11,576 4,998 1,123

Book IV

File Name Suffix File Description (variables in file) MHD Files DNFS Files MIG Files
CVR4 Book IV Cover 5,787 2,379 514
MRH1 Menstrual/Reproductive problems (MRH01-MRH07) 5,551 2,303 499
PS1 Pregnancy summary (PS01-PS16) 5,551 2,303 499
PH1 Pregnancy history: counts (PH01-PH02) 5,551 2,303 499
PH2 Pregnancy history: birth dates,outcomes (PH04-PH40) 30,007 14,426 1,776
CU1 Contraceptive use: modern methods (CU01-CU11) 44,408 18,424 3,992
CU2 Contraceptive use: (CU12-CU45) 5,551 2,303 499
KAL1 Contraceptive calendar 5,551 2,303 499
IMM1 Immunization history for youngest child (IM00-IM18) 5,551 2,303 499
ISN4 Interviewer notes (B4ISN1-3,B4ISNN1-3) 5,551 2,303 449

Book V

File Name Suffix File Description (variables in file) MHD Files DNFS Files MIG Files
CVR5 Book V cover 6,476 2,811 727
CED1 Education (CED01-CED33) 4,111 1,985 347
CCM1 Chronic morbidity (CCM01-CCM06) 6,392 2,791 723
CAM1 Acute morbidity (CAM01-CAM08) 6,392 2,791 723
CMED Medications (CMED01-CMED09) 6,392 2,791 723
COC1 Outpatient care: providers listed (COC01-COC05) 6,392 2,791 723
COC2 Outpatient visits (COC06-COC27) 3,379 857 240
CHS1 Hospitalization: providers listed (CHOS01-CHOS06) 6,392 2,791 723
CHS2 Hospital visits (CHOS07-CHOS23) 157 50 8
ISN5 Interviewer notes (B5INS1-3,B5INSN1-3) 6,392 2,791 723

Book VI

File Name Suffix File Description (variables in file) MHD Files DNFS Files MIG Files
CVR6 Book VI cover 13,365 6,696 1,390
PHYS Physical measurements 11,746 6,078 1,321
COG Cognitive tests 11,746 6,078 1,321
ANTR Anthropometry 17,092 7,385 1,654


File Name Suffix File Description (variables in file) MHD Files DNFS Files MIG Files
MHDWGTS Main Sample Survey Weights (Primary households only) 10,728 N/A N/A