MHSS-1 Household Survey Subfiles
Descriptions and File Sizes
File Names Begin with MHD, DNFS, or MIG
Book I
File Name Suffix |
File Description (question numbers in file) |
Unit of Observation |
Record IDa |
CVR1 |
Cover Page- Book I |
household |
LH1 |
HH Roster (LH01-LH30) |
person |
LH01 |
HC1 |
Household Characteristics (HC01-HC17) |
household |
CS1 |
Consumption: food items (CS01-CS05A) |
food item |
CS2 |
Consumption: food given to others (CS01O, CS05B) |
household |
CS3 |
Consumption: non food items (CS06-CS09) |
nonfood item |
CS4 |
Expenditures on education (CS10-CS12) |
household |
HPK1 |
Health Provider Knowledge (HPK1-HPK7) |
provider |
ISN1 |
Interviewer Notes (ISN101-ISN104) |
household |
Book II
File Name Suffix |
File Description (question numbers in file) |
Unit of Observation |
Record IDa |
CVR2 |
Cover Page- Book II |
household |
AI1 |
Agricultural income by crop (AI01-AI10) |
crop type |
LI1 |
Livestock (LI01-LI11) |
animal type |
OFI1 |
Other farm income (OFI01-OFI03) |
household |
FB1 |
Farm business assets (FB01-FB07) |
farm asset |
NFB1 |
Non-farm business assets (NFB01-NFB06) |
nonfarm asset |
NFB1 |
Non-farm business assets (NFB01-NFB06) |
nonfarm asset |
AE1 |
Agricultural employment (AD01-AE07) |
household member |
NAE1 |
Nonagricultural employment(NAE01-NAE08) |
household member |
HRT1 |
Household remittances/transfers: sent (HRT01-HRT10) |
sender |
HRT02 |
HRT2 |
Household remittances/transfers: received (HRT11-HRT21) |
receiver |
HRT12 |
HA1 |
Household assets (HA01-HA06) |
asset |
LT1 |
Land transactions (LT01-LT21) |
household |
LT2 |
Land sold (LT22-LT26) |
transaction |
LT3 |
Land purchased (LT27-LT31) |
transaction |
BH1 |
Borrowing history: prev year's loans (BH01-BH03) |
household |
BH2 |
Borrowing history: new loans (BH04-BH15) |
borrower |
BH04 |
BH3 |
Borrowing history: interest free loans (BH16-BH25) |
borrower |
BH17 |
LR1 |
Lending record: prev year's loans (LR01-LR03) |
household |
LR2 |
Lending record: new loans (LR04-LR15) |
lender |
LR04 |
LR3 |
Lending record: interest free loans (LR17-LR25) |
lender |
LR17 |
HEH1 |
Household economic hardship (HEH01-HEH04) |
hardship type |
ISN2 |
Interviewer notes (ISN201-ISN204) |
household |
aUsed in addition to CASE to uniquely define a record.
Number of records vary due to unit of observation, skip patterns, and non-response
to subsections of the
Book III
File Name Suffix |
File Description (variables in file) |
Unit of Observation |
Record IDa |
CVR3 |
Book III Cover Page |
respondent |
ED1 |
Education (ED01-ED33) |
respondent |
EMP1 |
Employment (EMP01-EMP21) |
respondent |
MH1 |
Marriage summary (MH01-MH04) |
respondent |
MH2 |
Marital history (MH05-MH23) |
marriage |
MH3 |
Desire for more children (MH24-MH28) |
respondent |
MG1 |
Migration History: Birth, Age 12, 1st Marr (MG01-MG54) |
respondent |
IM1 |
Internal migration (IM01-IM15) |
respondent |
SPN1 |
Smoking (SPN01-SPN06) |
respondent |
GH1 |
General health (GH01-GH08) |
respondent |
GH2 |
Activities of Daily Living (GH09-GH10) |
activity |
CM1 |
Chronic morbidity: disease (CM01-CM24) |
respondent |
AM1 |
Acute morbidity (AM01-AM10) |
respondent |
MED1 |
Medications (MED01-MED09) |
respondent |
OC1 |
Outpatient care: providers visited (OC01-OC05) |
respondent |
OC2 |
Outpatient visits (OC06-OC27) |
visit |
OC06 |
HOS1 |
Hospitalization: providers visited (HOS01-HOS06) |
respondent |
HOS2 |
Hospital visits (HOS07-HOS23) |
visit |
H0S07 |
SP1 |
Nonresident spouse (SP01-SP16) |
respondent |
PAR1 |
Nonresident parents (PAR01-PAR23) |
respondent |
CH1 |
Nonresident children: summary (CH01-CH02) |
respondent |
CH2 |
Nonresident children: roster info (CH03-CH27) |
child |
CH03 |
SIB1 |
Nonresident siblings: summary (SIB01-SIB02) |
respondent |
SIB2 |
Nonresident siblings: roster info (SIB04-SIB25) |
sibling |
SIB04 |
TF1 |
Transfers (TF01-TF06) |
respondent |
IA1 |
Individual assets (IA01-IA07) |
asset type |
SN1 |
Social network: relatives, groups (SN01-SN71) |
respondent |
ISN3 |
Interviewer notes (ISN301-ISN304) |
respondent |
aUsed in addition to CASE and PERSON to uniquely define
a record. Number of records vary due to unit of observation, skip patterns,
and nonresponse to subsections of
the questionnaires.
Book IV
File Name Suffix |
File Description (variables in file) |
Unit of Observation |
Record IDa |
CVR4 |
Book IV Cover |
respondent |
MRH1 |
Menstrual/Reproductive problems (MRH01-MRH07) |
respondent |
PS1 |
Pregnancy summary (PS01-PS16) |
respondent |
PH1 |
Pregnancy history: counts (PH01-PH02) |
respondent |
PH2 |
Pregnancy history: birth dates,outcomes (PH04-PH40) |
birth |
PH05A |
CU1 |
Contraceptive use: modern methods (CU01-CU11) |
method |
CU2 |
Contraceptive use: (CU12-CU45) |
respondent |
KAL1 |
Contraceptive calendar |
IMM1 |
Immunization history for youngest child (IM00-IM18) |
child |
IM0C |
ISN4 |
Interviewer notes (B4ISN1-3,B4ISNN1-3) |
respondent |
Book V
File Name Suffix |
File Description (variables in file) |
Unit of Observation |
Record IDa |
CVR5 |
Book V cover |
respondent |
CED1 |
Education (CED01-CED33) |
respondent |
CCM1 |
Chronic morbidity (CCM01-CCM06) |
respondent |
CAM1 |
Acute morbidity (CAM01-CAM08) |
respondent |
Medications (CMED01-CMED09) |
respondent |
COC1 |
Outpatient care: providers listed (COC01-COC05) |
respondent |
COC2 |
Outpatient visits (COC06-COC27) |
visit |
CHS1 |
Hospitalization: providers listed (CHOS01-CHOS06) |
respondent |
CHS2 |
Hospital visits (CHOS07-CHOS23) |
visit |
CHOS07 |
ISN5 |
Interviewer notes (B5INS1-3,B5INSN1-3) |
respondent |
Book VI
File Name Suffix |
File Description (variables in file) |
Unit of Observation |
Record IDa |
CVR6 |
Book VI cover |
respondent |
Physical measurements |
respondent |
Cognitive tests |
respondent |
Anthropometry |
respondent |
File Name Suffix |
File Description (variables in file) |
Unit of Observation |
Record IDa |
Main Sample Survey Weights |
respondent |
aUsed in addition to CASE and PERSON to uniquely define
a record. Number of records vary due to unit of observation, skip patterns,
and nonresponse to subsections of
the questionnaires.
Number of Records in MHSS Household Survey Subfiles
File Names Begin with MHD, DNFS, or MIG
Book I
File Name
Suffix |
File Description (question numbers in file) |
MHD Files |
DNFS Files |
MIG Files |
CVR1 |
Cover Page- Book I |
4,538 |
1,790 |
552 |
LH1 |
HH Roster (LH01-LH30) |
25,207 |
10,633 |
2,248 |
HC1 |
Household Characteristics (HC01-HC17) |
4,538 |
1,790 |
552 |
CS1 |
Consumption: food items (CS01-CS05A) |
104,374 |
41,170 |
12,696 |
CS2 |
Consumption: food given to others (CS01O, CS05B) |
4,538 |
1,790 |
552 |
CS3 |
Consumption: non food items (CS06-CS09) |
58,994 |
23,270 |
7,176 |
CS4 |
Expenditures on education (CS10-CS12) |
4,538 |
1,790 |
552 |
HPK1 |
Health Provider Knowledge (HPK1-HPK7) |
68,070 |
26,850 |
8,280 |
ISN1 |
Interviewer Notes (ISN101-ISN104) |
4,538 |
1,790 |
552 |
Book II
File Name Suffix |
File Description (variables in file) |
MHD Files |
DNFS Files |
MIG Files |
CVR2 |
Cover Page- Book II |
4,538 |
1,790 |
552 |
AI1 |
Agricultural income by crop (AI01-AI10) |
49,742 |
19,657 |
6,061 |
LI1 |
Livestock (LI01-LI11) |
22,610 |
8,935 |
2,755 |
OFI1 |
Other farm income (OFI01-OFI03) |
4,522 |
1,787 |
551 |
FB1 |
Farm business assets (FB01-FB07) |
22,610 |
8,935 |
2,755 |
NFB1 |
Non-farm business assets (NFB01-NFB06) |
36,176 |
14,296 |
4,408 |
AE1 |
Agricultural employment (AD01-AE07) |
5,969 |
2,243 |
628 |
NAE1 |
Nonagricultural employment(NAE01-NAE08) |
8,024 |
3,089 |
1,067 |
HRT1 |
Household remittances/transfers: sent (HRT01-HRT10) |
6,510 |
2,677 |
1,022 |
HRT2 |
Household remittances/transfers: received (HRT11-HRT21) |
5,887 |
2,512 |
652 |
HA1 |
Household assets (HA01-HA06) |
49,742 |
19,657 |
6,061 |
LT1 |
Land transactions (LT01-LT21) |
4,522 |
1,787 |
551 |
LT2 |
Land sold (LT22-LT26) |
1,255 |
502 |
49 |
LT3 |
Land purchased (LT27-LT31) |
2,272 |
941 |
158 |
BH1 |
Borrowing history: prev year's loans (BH01-BH03) |
4,522 |
1,787 |
551 |
BH2 |
Borrowing history: new loans (BH04-BH15) |
992 |
410 |
64 |
BH3 |
Borrowing history: interest free loans (BH16-BH25) |
783 |
262 |
90 |
LR1 |
Lending record: prev yr's loans (LR01-LR03) |
4,522 |
1,787 |
551 |
LR2 |
Lending record: new loans (LR04-LR15) |
58 |
21 |
1 |
LR3 |
Lending record: interest free loans (LR17-LR25) |
243 |
85 |
34 |
HEH1 |
Household economic hardship (HEH01-HEH04) |
36,176 |
14,296 |
4,408 |
ISN2 |
Interviewer notes (ISN201-ISN204) |
4,522 |
1,787 |
551 |
Book III
File Name Suffix |
File Description (variables in file) |
MHD Files |
DNFS Files |
MIG Files |
CVR3 |
Book III Cover Page |
12,376 |
5,279 |
1,171 |
ED1 |
Education (ED01-ED33) |
11,577 |
4,998 |
1,123 |
EMP1 |
Employment (EMP01-EMP21) |
11,577 |
4,998 |
1,123 |
MH1 |
Marriage summary (MH01-MH04) |
11,577 |
4,998 |
1,123 |
MH2 |
Marital history (MH05-MH23) |
10,628 |
4,134 |
1,017 |
MH3 |
Desire for more children (MH24-MH28) |
9,504 |
3,785 |
961 |
MG1 |
Migration History: Birth, Age 12, 1st Marr (MG01-MG54) |
11,577 |
4,998 |
1,123 |
IM1 |
Internal migration (IM01-IM15) |
11,577 |
4,998 |
1,123 |
SPN1 |
Smoking (SPN01-SPN06) |
11,577 |
4,998 |
1,123 |
GH1 |
General health (GH01-GH08) |
11,577 |
4,998 |
1,123 |
GH2 |
Activities of Daily Living (GH09-GH10) |
121,428 |
53,977 |
10,812 |
CM1 |
Chronic morbidity: disease (CM01-CM24) |
11,577 |
4,998 |
1,123 |
AM1 |
Acute morbidity (AM01-AM10) |
11,577 |
4,998 |
1,123 |
MED1 |
Medications (MED01-MED09) |
11,577 |
4,998 |
1,123 |
OC1 |
Outpatient care: providers visited (OC01-OC05) |
11,577 |
4,998 |
1,123 |
OC2 |
Outpatient visits (OC06-OC27) |
8,860 |
2,569 |
522 |
HOS1 |
Hospitalization: providers visited (HOS01-HOS06) |
11,576 |
4,998 |
1,123 |
HOS2 |
Hospital visits (HOS07-HOS23) |
202 |
93 |
10 |
SP1 |
Nonresident spouse (SP01-SP16) |
11,576 |
4,998 |
1,123 |
PAR1 |
Nonresident parents (PAR01-PAR23) |
11,576 |
4,998 |
1,123 |
CH1 |
Nonresident children: summary (CH01-CH02) |
11,576 |
4,998 |
1,123 |
CH2 |
Nonresident children: roster info (CH03-CH27) |
13,976 |
6,981 |
617 |
SIB1 |
Nonresident siblings: summary (SIB01-SIB02) |
11,576 |
4,998 |
1,123 |
SIB2 |
Nonresident siblings: roster info (SIB04-SIB25) |
38,151 |
15,134 |
4,515 |
TF1 |
Transfers (TF01-TF06) |
11,576 |
4,998 |
1,123 |
IA1 |
Individual assets (IA01-IA07) |
104,184 |
44,982 |
10,107 |
SN1 |
Social network: relatives, groups (SN01-SN71) |
11,580 |
5,000 |
1,123 |
ISN3 |
Interviewer notes (ISN301-ISN304) |
11,576 |
4,998 |
1,123 |
Book IV
File Name Suffix |
File Description (variables in file) |
MHD Files |
DNFS Files |
MIG Files |
CVR4 |
Book IV Cover |
5,787 |
2,379 |
514 |
MRH1 |
Menstrual/Reproductive problems (MRH01-MRH07) |
5,551 |
2,303 |
499 |
PS1 |
Pregnancy summary (PS01-PS16) |
5,551 |
2,303 |
499 |
PH1 |
Pregnancy history: counts (PH01-PH02) |
5,551 |
2,303 |
499 |
PH2 |
Pregnancy history: birth dates,outcomes (PH04-PH40) |
30,007 |
14,426 |
1,776 |
CU1 |
Contraceptive use: modern methods (CU01-CU11) |
44,408 |
18,424 |
3,992 |
CU2 |
Contraceptive use: (CU12-CU45) |
5,551 |
2,303 |
499 |
KAL1 |
Contraceptive calendar |
5,551 |
2,303 |
499 |
IMM1 |
Immunization history for youngest child (IM00-IM18) |
5,551 |
2,303 |
499 |
ISN4 |
Interviewer notes (B4ISN1-3,B4ISNN1-3) |
5,551 |
2,303 |
449 |
Book V
File Name Suffix |
File Description (variables in file) |
MHD Files |
DNFS Files |
MIG Files |
CVR5 |
Book V cover |
6,476 |
2,811 |
727 |
CED1 |
Education (CED01-CED33) |
4,111 |
1,985 |
347 |
CCM1 |
Chronic morbidity (CCM01-CCM06) |
6,392 |
2,791 |
723 |
CAM1 |
Acute morbidity (CAM01-CAM08) |
6,392 |
2,791 |
723 |
Medications (CMED01-CMED09) |
6,392 |
2,791 |
723 |
COC1 |
Outpatient care: providers listed (COC01-COC05) |
6,392 |
2,791 |
723 |
COC2 |
Outpatient visits (COC06-COC27) |
3,379 |
857 |
240 |
CHS1 |
Hospitalization: providers listed (CHOS01-CHOS06) |
6,392 |
2,791 |
723 |
CHS2 |
Hospital visits (CHOS07-CHOS23) |
157 |
50 |
8 |
ISN5 |
Interviewer notes (B5INS1-3,B5INSN1-3) |
6,392 |
2,791 |
723 |
Book VI
File Name Suffix |
File Description (variables in file) |
MHD Files |
DNFS Files |
MIG Files |
CVR6 |
Book VI cover |
13,365 |
6,696 |
1,390 |
Physical measurements |
11,746 |
6,078 |
1,321 |
Cognitive tests |
11,746 |
6,078 |
1,321 |
Anthropometry |
17,092 |
7,385 |
1,654 |
File Name Suffix |
File Description (variables in file) |
MHD Files |
DNFS Files |
MIG Files |
Main Sample Survey Weights (Primary households only) |
10,728 |
N/A |
N/A |