MHSS-1 Bibliography

Publications Based on the MHSS-1

Foster, Andrew D., "Altruisum, Household Coresidence, and Human Capital Investment in Rural Bangladesh", March 1999. Brown University manuscript. Presented PAA 1999.

Chaudhuri, Anoushua, "Intra-household Spillover Impact of a Maternal and Child Health Program: Evidence from Rural Bangladesh", 2003. Center for Research on Families Working Paper, University of Washington manuscript. Presented PAA 2003.

Chaudhuri, Anoushua, "Effect of a Public Program on Investment in Children in a Low-Income Rural Economy", 2003. Center for Research on Families Working Paper, University of Washington manuscript. Presented PAA 2003.

For additional papers please see the bibliography for MHSS-1 maintained at NACDA

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