RAND Indonesia Data Core
An online digital library of Indonesian data surveys and documentation with Indonesian originals and English translations.
For users outside RAND wishing to acquire any of the data files from the surveys listed below, please contact the Data Dissemination Division of BPS (https://www.bps.go.id/eng/ for the English version and click on "Service Center" in the left frame). Only the documentation is available to the general public. RAND cannot disseminate BPS data files outside RAND, according to an agreement with BPS.
All surveys are organized by:
- Questionnaires (each Indonesian page followed by English translation)
- Documentation (e.g. enumerators manuals)
- Recommended readings (e.g. paper that describe or have used the data)
- Summary data link table (summarizing sample period and coverage)
Surveys with multiple years can be accessed through the right-hand navigation bar. Survey or documentation selections will launch the Adobe Reader plug-in in your browser window, which needs to be installed. In some cases, we have not yet been able to translate documentation material from the original. We denote these with NT - not translated.
This Indonesian Data Documentation Website is provided as a public service by RAND for the research community. RAND cannot assume any responsibility or liability for the information provided in this resource.
The effort was coordinated by Kai Kaiser and Jack Molyneaux. Data documentations and translations were prepared by Nurfina Bachtiar, Poppy Barkah, Indra Molyneaux, and Emeria Sirman. Jacob Klerman and Christine Peterson direct RAND's Data Core and provided feedback and guidance on the development of this site. Funding for this project was provided by the United States National Institute of Health (Grants # 5P50HD12639 and P01HD28372) for RAND's Population and Development Centers.
Special thanks goes to the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics, Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). All original Indonesian survey materials and documentation are property of BPS. RAND use of actual data is by agreement with BPS. Researchers not affiliated with RAND wishing to acquire data should contact BPS.
Please direct any questions regarding the RAND Indonesia Data Core to ifls-supp@rand.org. Any request for data acquisition must be directed to BPS, and cannot be answered by RAND or any of its employees.