CalWORKs Datasets

All files in SAS XPORT format unless otherwise noted.

1998 All County Information Survey

  • Readme File

    Brief description of available ACIS data files

  • ACIS Data

    SAS transport file containing a SAS data set of the 1998 ACIS. Created using SAS version 8 on a Windows NT Pentium/III-420 computer. Please note, the SAS data set does not contain the text from the verbatim-response questions.

  • ACIS Data ASCII format

    ACIS Data in a comma separated file. The contents of this data file are identical to those found in the SAS transport file under the link ACIS Data.

  • ACIS Data Formats

    SAS macros containing formats and format associations for the variables in acis1999.sd2. %formats executed within a proc format statement will create the formats used when reporting on the data. %fmtstmt within a reporting procedure (such as print, freq, or report) will associate each variable in the data set with a format created by the %formats macro.

  • ACIS Description

    SAS contents and frequencies on all variables in the data set.

1999 All County Information Survey

  • Readme File

    Brief description of available ACIS data files

  • ACIS Data

    SAS transport file containing a SAS data set of the 1998 ACIS. Created using SAS version 8 on a Windows NT Pentium/III-420 computer. Please note, the SAS data set does not contain the text from the verbatim-response questions.

  • ACIS Data ASCII format

    ACIS Data in a comma separated file. The contents of this data file are identical to those found in the SAS transport file under the link ACIS Data.

  • ACIS Data Formats

    SAS macros containing formats and format associations for the variables in acis1999.sd2. %formats executed within a proc format statement will create the formats used when reporting on the data. %fmtstmt within a reporting procedure (such as print, freq, or report) will associate each variable in the data set with a format created by the %formats macro.

  • ACIS Description

    SAS contents and frequencies on all variables in the data set.