Examining Feasibility of Time-of-Day Tolls to Reduce Congestion

Central Texas Roadway System map

Map provided with permission of the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, © 2012


The 183A Toll Road runs parallel to the heavily congested US-183 corridor and provides a faster travel option in Austin, Texas. Currently the users of the 183A Toll Road pay a toll that does not vary throughout the day. The Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (CTRMA) has commissioned a study to evaluate the feasibility of implementing tolls that vary by time-of-day on the 183A Toll Road.


This study sought to understand how motorists will respond to alternative time-of-day pricing policies, to inform toll road revenue and traffic projections. Specifically, the researchers wanted to determine if it is possible to reduce 183A tolls in pre- and post-peak shoulder periods so as to reduce downstream traffic congestion (in the MoPac area) and to maintain or exceed current 183A toll revenue.


Researchers used a stated preference survey of southbound travellers of US-183 corridor. The survey responses were analysed using discrete choice models to understand how variable tolls affect motorists' utilization of 183A Toll Road and other alternatives, as well as their departure time.


Project Team

Thomas Light (Principal Investigator)
Flavia Tsang
Peter Burge
Sunil Patil
Greg Erhardt
Hui Lu
Charlene Rohr