Outreach Efforts for 'Cost of Non-Europe in the Area of Corruption'
Concurrent with the launch of the ‘Cost of Non-Europe in the Area of Corruption’ study, RAND Europe undertook an extensive outreach campaign—including a press release, a blog post and social media activity—to communicate the report’s main findings and recommendations. As a result of the outreach programme, the report was featured in more than 200 media outlets across 12 European countries. The overall reach of this media coverage was over 100 million people.
Media Coverage
22 March
The true economic cost of corruption in Europe | commentary by authors in E!Sharp
Corrupt European countries costing EU nearly £800bn a year, says study | The Independent
Corruption costs EU ‘up to €990 billion a year’ | POLITICO Europe
EP: Romania, the country with the highest corruption risk in the EU | Romania Journal
România, ţara cu cel mai mare risc privind corupţia din UE. MCV ar putea fi extins şi la alte state membre | Economica (Romania)
Black Hole in Europe's Heart: Corruption Costs EU Up to $1 Trillion a Year | Sputnik News
23 March
Corruption costs EU €71bn a year | EU Observer (Denmark)
Chaque année, la corruption coûte jusqu'à 990 milliards d’euros à l’UE | Slate (France)
Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia 'Most Corrupt EU Countries' | Novinite (Bulgaria)
Корупцията струва на ЕС над 1000 милиарда евро годишно (Corruption cost the EU more than 1000 billion euros per year) | Trud (Bulgaria)
България губи до 19 млрд. евро годишно от подкупи (Bulgaria lost 19 billion euros a year in bribes) | Mediapool (Bulgaria)
Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia are the most corrupt countries in the EU | Burgas24 (Bulgaria)
Черная дыра европейской экономики (The black hole of the European economy) | Expert (Russia)
България, Румъния и Хърватия най-корумпирани в ЕС (Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania are the most corrupt in the EU) | Blitz (Bulgaria)
Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia most corrupt countries in EU, study shows | bne IntelliNews (Croatia)
STUDIU: Bulgaria, Croaţia şi România, cele mai corupte state din UE (Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania, the most corrupt countries of the EU) | Ziarul de iasi (Romania)
Близо 19 млрд. долара годишно губи България от подкупи (Almost 19 billion dollars a year Bulgaria loses from bribery) | Blitz (Bulgaria)
SRAMOTA Hrvatska ima najkorumpiraniju javnu nabavu u cijeloj EU, zbog korupcije gubimo 15 posto BDP-a godišnje (SHAME: Croatia has the most corrupt public procurement across the EU, due to the corruption we lose 15 percent of GDP per year) | Jutarnji Vijesti (Croatia)
Корупцията може да ни коства €19 млрд. годишно (Corruption can cost us €19 billion/year) | DNES (Bulgaria)
Íme Európa legkorruptabb országai (Here are Europe's most corrupt countries) | Portfolio (Hungary)
Países corruptos custam milhares de milhões de euros à União Europeia (Corrupt countries cost the European Union billions of euros) | 24.sapo.pt (Portugal)
Hrvatska među najkorumpiranijim državama Europske unije (Croatia among the most corrupt countries of the European Union) | NoviList (Croatia)
24 March
EP Study: Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia 'Most Corrupt EU Countries' | ACT Media (Romania)
Oh, du korruptes Europa (Oh, you corrupt Europe) | Wirtschafts Blatt (Austria)
25 March
Business Live | BBC World News (link to video which can be downloaded)
Корупцията в Европа струва 990 милиарда евро (Breathtaking Corruption) | Iconomist (Economist), Bulgaria
27 March
Corruption – the black hole at the heart of public life | Radio Bulgaria
29 March
Corruption may cost Latvia up to EUR 5 bln a year | Baltic Course
Ziņojums par korupciju: Esam brīdinājuši - KNAB nav stiprs, atgādina 'Delna' (Report on corruption: We are warned - the KNAB is not strong, resembling the 'Delna') | Delfi (Latvia) Online
30 March
Kučinskis sola negodprātīgo VID darbinieku atlaišanu tuvākajā laikā | FinanceNet (Latvia)
Negodprātīgie VID darbinieki tiks atlaisti (Dishonest SRS employees will be laid off) | Unity (Latvia)
Kučinskis: No darba tikšot atbrīvoti VID negodprātīgie darbinieki (Kučinskis: Dishonest SRS employees will be released from work) | Radio SWH (Latvia)
An Addictive Habit or a Fervent Commitment to Corruption? Interview with Marco Hafner | Sputnik International
31 March
Public engagement needed for successful flight against corruption - Latvia's watchdog | Baltic News Service/BNS (Latvia)
KNAB: Cīņai pret korupciju ir nepieciešama sabiedrības līdzdalība (Bureau: The fight against corruption is necessary for public participation) | Unity (Latvia)
1 April
Bad press does Europe a disservice: Perceptions of corruption seem to be more sensitive to claims than facts | The Economist
5 April
Câți bani pierde România din cauza corupției (How much money does Romania lose to corruption) | Radio Europa Liberă (Moldova)8 April
26 April
Dinamo Zagreb officials charged with tax evasion and embezzling transfer profits | bne Intellinews (Croatia)
10 May
Korruption kostet 990 Milliarden Euro – pro Jahr (Corruption costs 990 billion euros - per year) | Technik-Einkauf (Germany)
12 May
How better governance reaps rewards for central and eastern Europe | Financial Times
Great piece on @BBCWorld's World Business Report on #corruption in #Europe report - up to €990 Billion lost annually https://t.co/kRB4vceQPo
— RAND Europe (@RANDEurope) March 25, 2016
#Europe loses up to €990 Billion annually due to #corruption https://t.co/jw3GtttNhu
— RAND Europe (@RANDEurope) March 24, 2016
Corruption costs EU ‘up to €990 billion a year’ - our new estimates far higher than previous figures https://t.co/8lHzhfAJek @POLITICOEurope
— RAND Europe (@RANDEurope) March 22, 2016
Report: #Corruption costs #Europe up to €990 billion per year. https://t.co/U7Mlb5R5rd via @RANDEurope pic.twitter.com/f7XGlMYDCf
— RAND Corporation (@RANDCorporation) March 22, 2016
#Corruption costs Europe up to €990B per year. Plus, it has other costs, says @econ_hafner: https://t.co/WckF1HJ1Bs pic.twitter.com/E3nR3rQQje
— RAND Corporation (@RANDCorporation) March 25, 2016