Comparative Scientometric Assessment of the Results of ERC Funded Projects: Peer-review Evaluation of Highly Ranked Publications from Scientometric Assessment (D8)
7 Jul 2017
The qualitative element of the study took a small sample from the top 1% of highly cited papers and, through an online survey, asked expert peer reviewers to assess each paper's overall contribution to its field. Reviewers were also asked to comment on the characteristics that might have led to the paper becoming highly cited or attracting social media attention. It should be noted that this part of the study did not look at all ERC-funded research, instead considering a small sample of publications (95 reviews of 56 "top" papers). As such the analysis cannot be considered representative of the wider body of ERC-supported work.
Alexandra Pollitt, Salil Gunashekar, Gavin Cochrane, Vincent Larivière