Directions to RAND Europe's Cambridge Office
RAND Europe
Shaftesbury Road
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (1223) 353 329
Getting there
Traveling by Foot/Taxi
If arriving at Eastbrook by foot or taxi, please enter via the main reception. You will be required to sign in here. They will then notify us you have arrived, and someone will come down and meet you.
Traveling by Road
If you are arriving by car, please contact RAND Europe reception in advance to book a visitor parking space.
On entry to the Eastbrook site the visitor carpark is on the right-hand side. From the parking area walk straight ahead, the entrance to Eastbrook House is on the right-hand side.
Car Park/ Eastbrook Directions:
- As you enter the site, visitor parking can be found on the right-hand side.
- Make a note of your visitor parking space number.
- Enter Eastbrook, sign in at their reception, including visitor parking space number.
- They will notify us of your arrival.