In late February 2013, the European Commission (EC) adopted a new Recommendation: 'Investing in Children - breaking the cycle of disadvantage', annexed to the new Social Investment Package.
Referring to the new Recommendation, Commissioner László Andor launched the European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC) in a speech at the Council of Europe Conference on Poverty and Inequalities in Societies of Human Rights. Andor explained that EPIC 'will collect and disseminate innovative practices' in areas such as early childhood education and care or parenting support.
An EU news release noted, "For children, disadvantage and exclusion experienced at an early age continue to have an impact on their ability to succeed at later stages of their lives. This is reflected in high drop-out rates in education and reduced employment opportunities, often creating a cycle of disadvantage that is repeated across generations. Studies show that tackling childhood disadvantage early, before it compounds, is the best way to ensure that people live up to their full potential."
New steps will also be discussed with Member States to improve or complement EU indicators as regards child deprivation, quality and affordable childcare, children's health and the situation of the most vulnerable children.