Bot Sentinel

Bot Sentinel

Bot Sentinel

Founded in 2018

Bot Sentinel is a free platform developed to detect and track trollbots and untrustworthy Twitter accounts. Bot Sentinel uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to study Twitter accounts, to classify them as trustworthy or untrustworthy, and to identify bots. It then stores those accounts in a database to track each account daily. Developers use the data they collect to explore the effect of bots and their propaganda on discourse and to explore ways to counter the spread of bots and the information they disseminate. Classifying untrustworthy accounts is a manual process. They review hundreds of tweets and retweets during the review process. If an account has a large number of followers and a high percentage of misleading and/or factually incorrect tweets, they might classify that account as untrustworthy. This bot-tracking platform is not affiliated with RAND; it is owned and operated by Bot Sentinel Inc, which you can read more about here:

Bot Sentinel is not affiliated with RAND. It was selected for this database because it fits our researchers' inclusion criteria.

Tool type
Bot/spam detection
Fully Operational
Intended users
General Public
Tool focus
This tool is both content- and process-focused. It directly evaluates information (e.g., authenticating a photo), but also assesses how information is produced and disseminated.
Method or technology
Machine learning and AI
Is the tool automated?
Founding organization
Information not available
Founder/primary contact
Christopher Bouzy

How is this tool working to address disinformation?

This tool fights disinformation by identifying, tagging, and tracking bots and classifying untrustworthy accounts. The identification of bots provides information users with the ability to distinguish between automated and human content. By flagging untrustworthy accounts, the tool also provides users with information about information quality and credibility, in this case specifically on Twitter.

Is there a connection with tech platforms?

None found

Who is funding the tool?

Information not available

Are there external evaluations?

None found

Search for tools that fight disinformation by name, type, or keyword:

examples: Hamilton 2.0, bot detection, fact-checking