Certified Content Coalition

Certified Content Coalition

Certified Content Coalition

Founded in 2018

The Certified Content Coalition is an initiative to encourage standards among online media publishers and certify publishers who meet such standards. Publishers who are certified will receive and display a digital certificate.

Certified Content Coalition is not affiliated with RAND. It was selected for this database because it fits our researchers' inclusion criteria.

Tool type
Codes and standards
In development
Intended users
Tool focus
This tool is process-focused. It evaluates how information is produced and disseminated.
Method or technology
Human implementation
Is the tool automated?
Founding organization
Certified Content Coalition
Founder/primary contact
Scott Yates

How is this tool working to address disinformation?

This tool aims to reduce disinformation by improving journalistic practices and standards surrounding the information quality and transparency among journalists, publishers, and others involved in the media space.

Is there a connection with tech platforms?

Yes (working with Twitter)

Who is funding the tool?

Information not available

Are there external evaluations?

None found

Search for tools that fight disinformation by name, type, or keyword:

examples: Hamilton 2.0, bot detection, fact-checking