


Founded in 2017

ClaimBuster is a web-based automated, live fact-checking tool developed by University of Texas at Arlington. The tool relies on natural language processing and supervised learning (based on a human-coded dataset) to identify factual and false information. There is also an app available for Slack.

ClaimBuster is not affiliated with RAND. It was selected for this database because it fits our researchers' inclusion criteria.

Tool type
Fully operational
Intended users
General public
Tool focus
This tool is content-focused. It directly evaluates information, such as the authenticity of a photo.
Method or technology
Machine learning and AI
Is the tool automated?
Founding organization
University of Texas at Austin
Founder/primary contact
Naeema Hassan

How is this tool working to address disinformation?

This tool aims to fight disinformation by identifying, exploring, and correcting false information, giving people a resource for locating fact-based information.

Is there a connection with tech platforms?

Yes. Facebook is connected as a funder.

Who is funding the tool?

NSF, Craig Connects, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Facebook, Duke University, University of Texas-Arlington

Are there external evaluations?

None found

Search for tools that fight disinformation by name, type, or keyword:

examples: Hamilton 2.0, bot detection, fact-checking