International Fact Checking Network (IFCN) Codes and Principles

International Fact Checking Network (IFCN) Codes and Principles

International Fact Checking Network (IFCN) Codes and Principles

Founded in 2015

The International Fact Checking Network is an initiative created in order to promote fact-checking in journalism. Part of this includes the creation of the IFCN Code of Principles, which may help establish standards for fact-checking methods. The IFCN also organizes fellowships, trainings, and conferences.

International Fact Checking Network (IFCN) Codes and Principles is not affiliated with RAND. It was selected for this database because it fits our researchers' inclusion criteria.

Tool type
Codes and standards
Fully operational
Intended users
Tool focus
This tool is process-focused. It evaluates how information is produced and disseminated.
Method or technology
Human implementation
Is the tool automated?
Founding organization
International Fact Checking Network
Founder/primary contact
Baybars Orsek, director

How is this tool working to address disinformation?

Fact-checking tools aim to counter disinformation by providing accurate references and countermessages. The IFCN aims to ensure that fact-checking remains objective and rigorous, essentially protecting and promoting the value and credibility of such tools.

Is there a connection with tech platforms?

Facebook has relied on the IFCN for its "Third Party Fact-Checking Program" since December 2016. Facebook seeks partnerships with signatories of the IFCN code of principles. Being a signatory is a necessary, but not sufficient condition to access their social platform's fact-checking tool.

Who is funding the tool?


Are there external evaluations?

None found

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examples: Hamilton 2.0, bot detection, fact-checking