Kidney Disease Quality of Life Instrument (KDQOL)
Instruments and Scoring Programs Downloads
All of the surveys and tools are public documents, available without charge (for non-commercial purposes). Please see our FAQ page for more information.
The KDQOL-SF v1.3 Survey
- Instrument only (does not include optional demographic items - see scoring manual below for these).
- Scoring manual or .zip version (version 1.3; includes an optional set of suggested demographic items):
Hays, R.D., et. al. (1997). Kidney Disease Quality of Life Short Form (KDQOL-SF), Version 1.3: A Manual for Use and Scoring. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, P-7994.
Excel spreadsheet to score the KDQOL-SF 1.3:
- Instructions/documentation
- sample or .zip version
- template or .zip version
- SAS 6.12 code to score the KDQOL-SF v1.3
The KDQOL-36 Survey
The KDQOL-36 is a short form that includes the SF-12 as generic core plus
the burden of kidney disease, symptoms/problems of kidney disease, and effects of kidney
disease scales from the KDQOL-SFv1.3. A crosswalk between the two instruments
can be found on our FAQ page.
Items 1-12: SF-12
Items 13-16: Burden of kidney disease (k=4)
Items 17-28: Symptoms/problems (k=12)
Items 29-36: Effects of kidney disease (k=8)
- Instrument only
(see the KDQOL-SFv1.3 scoring manual for optional demographic items and the description of scoring for portions of the KDQOL-SFv1.3 that are relevant to the KDQOL-36)
Scoring the KDQOL-36
See the KDQOL-SFv1.3 scoring manual for a description of scoring for portions of the KDQOL-SFv1.3 that are relevant to the KDQOL-36
The KDQOL Working Group developed a stand alone Excel scoring tool to help with
the scoring of the KDQOL-36.
- Instructions/documentation
- Sample or .zip version
- Template or .zip version
- SAS code, provided by the KDQOL Working Group.
Translated documents (non-U.S. English)
Please note: the following translations have been created wholly by the listed contributors, and have not been evaluated or reviewed by RAND. RAND is providing the translations as a courtesy, and is not responsible for any inaccuracies or errors in the documents below.
KDQOL-35 symptom list translations
Provided courtesy of Cèline Perriolat and MAPI Institute