Visit-Specific Satisfaction Instrument (VSQ-9)

The VSQ-9 is a visit-specific satisfaction instrument adapted by the American Medical Group Association from the Visit Rating Questionnaire used in the Medical Outcomes Study, a two-year study of patients with chronic conditions.

To score the VSQ-9, the responses from each individual should be transformed linearly to a 0 to 100 scale, with 100 corresponding to "excellent" and 0 corresponding to "poor." Responses to the 9 VSQ-9 items should then be averaged together to create a VSQ-9 score for each person.

Available Documents

  • Patients' Ratings of Outpatient Visits in Different Practice Settings 1993

    Rubin RR, Gandek B, Rogers WH, Kosinskik M, McHorney CA, Ware JE

    Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol 270, No.7, 1993.

  • Measuring Functional Status and Well-Being: The Medical Outcomes Study Approach 1992

    Stewart AL and Ware JE (eds.)

    Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1992

  • Methods for Measuring Patient Satisfaction with Specific Medical Encounters 1988

    Ware JE, Hays RD

    Medical Care, Vol. 26, No. 4, April 1988, pp. 393-402