Response Strategies to the Cost Escalation of Defence Equipment: Executive Summary
Published in EDA studies - Executive summary.
The challenge of affordability is shaping the defence acquisition environment in most Western countries.
Researchers identified several strategies for the European Defence Agency (EDA) that are transferrable from one country to another and from civil sectors to defence.
In an era of declining defence budgets and increasingly expensive new generations of equipment, the mounting costs of major weapon systems raise concerns for policymakers. Defence inventories are expected to shrink, potentially harming different nations’ overall defence capabilities.
The European Defence Agency (EDA) commissioned RAND Europe to examine response strategies and identify effective approaches adopted by national ministries of defence, defence procurement agencies and a few civil sector industries to minimise the impact of escalating costs over successive generations of defence equipment.
The core elements of RAND Europe’s study included:
The study was conducted over a period of four months during 2016. It included a literature review and interviews with experts and stakeholders, including representatives of national defence procurement agencies, defence ministries, academia and independent national audit offices.
The study team identified the following key findings:
The study team identified several lessons that are transferrable from one country to another and from civil sectors to defence. These include: