Alternatives to profit-maximising commercial models of cannabis supply for non-medical use
1 Nov 2023
Gerardo Colman Lerner/Adobe Stock
In Switzerland, new approaches for regulating the supply of cannabis are currently being discussed. While several models and approaches may be considered, the Swiss government was particularly interested in exploring the evidence-base concerning non-profit approaches to the supply of cannabis. Home growing, Cannabis Social Clubs (CSCs), and government-run supply are some of the options in this field, but lessons may also be drawn from the regulatory experiences with other substances (e.g. tobacco, alcohol) and activities (e.g. gambling).
Researchers from RAND Europe and RAND were commissioned by the Swiss Federal Office for Public Health to provide an overview of non-commercial regulation models for cannabis across the world.
In particular, the research aimed to:
The research not only focuses on models already implemented with regards to cannabis, but also considered theoretical proposals brought forward in this area, as well as evidence concerning non-profit regulatory models applied to other substances and activities.
The report explored non-commercial models in five countries – Australia, Canada, Malta, Uruguay and the USA and found that each country, both nationally and sub-nationally, adopted a variety of different approaches to home cultivation and CSCs.
Most jurisdictions introduced restrictions on who can cultivate cannabis and how much cannabis can be cultivated. In Malta, Uruguay, and two autonomous regions in Spain, regulations were developed on how CSCs were set-up, how much cannabis they can produce, and the number of members.
Parts of Canada demonstrate that it is possible for government agencies to sell cannabis at the retail level. While Uruguay technically doesn’t have government sales, the government controls the retail price and potency levels as well as the type of products sold.
In Uruguay, Canada and the USA (except Washington and Illinois), multiple supply models have been enacted. This makes it difficult to isolate the effect a specific model has on various outcomes of interest.
A review of existing evidence yielded a small number of studies which focused on alternative models, and even fewer that use rigorous methods with credible control groups to measure the impacts of policy changes on public health and safety.
As well as supply models that have already been implemented, there are also theoretical proposals that have been suggested as alternative possibilities for non-profit supply of cannabis. These other models are designed by typically drawing on the experiences of regulating other substances or potentially addictive activities.