The RAND Air and Space Research Portal

RAND Project AIR FORCE (PAF) is the only Department of the Air Force federally funded research and development center (FFRDC) concerned entirely with studies and analyses.

The RAND Air and Space Research Portal is an exclusive resource for Department of the Air Force personnel. It includes draft reports, informal papers, and project information not cleared for public release or published on the main RAND website. Department of the Air Force personnel can register using a Department of Defense email address and can access the Portal using a Common Access Card.

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To register, please use your Department of Defense email address. Once registered, you will need to use your Common Access Card (CAC) to access the portal.

A screen shot from the Air Force Test Center Data Hackathon shows machine learning clusters attempting to disambiguate aircraft in formation

A screen shot from the Air Force Test Center Data Hackathon shows machine learning clusters attempting to disambiguate aircraft in formation.

Photo by Robert Cloys/U.S. Department of the Air Force

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About RAND Project AIR FORCE

PAF's mission is to conduct an integrated program of objective analysis on issues of enduring concern to Department of the Air Force leaders. PAF addresses far-reaching and interrelated questions: What will be the role of air and space power in the future security environment? How should the force be modernized to meet changing operational demands? What should be the size and characteristics of the Department's work force, and how can that work force be most effectively recruited, trained, and retained? How should sustainment, acquisition, and infrastructure be streamlined to control costs?

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