Informing infectious disease response

Responding to COVID-19, other infectious diseases and the challenge of antimicrobial resistance

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown just how important it is for countries to prepare for potential shocks to healthcare systems and to society more widely. Other public health threats, such as those associated with antimicrobial resistance and with changing public attitudes to vaccination are also pressing challenges of our time. Our research looks at how we can respond to the infectious disease-related and wider public health challenges that we currently face, and how we could mitigate the impact of future public health threats.

Tackling antimicrobial resistance

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) presents one of the key global public health challenges of our time. The emergence of antimicrobial-resistant microorganisms has led to previously easy-to-treat infections becoming more difficult to treat. RAND Europe‘s growing body of work in this area has been supporting leading decision makers to tackle this challenge.

Enabling sustainable and scalable innovation

Innovating in response to public health challenges like COVID-19 does not always align well with pharmaceutical industry commercial models or shareholder expectations. RAND Europe’s work has considered how industry can be incentivised to innovate in these areas in a more sustainable way, and how policy decisions can help ensure fair and equitable access to the fruits of innovation for populations across the world.

Optimising global COVID-19 vaccine distribution

We examined the economic implications associated with different types of vaccine supply approaches that can be taken globally. This research can help governments and international bodies optimise decisions related to vaccine supply and distribution strategies.

Evaluating innovations for disease surveillance and control

Helping to strengthen global resilience to infectious diseases is a core part of our commitment to the public good. RAND Europe's research is supporting this effort, for example, by contributing to a better understanding of how technological advances can enable better preparedness for and responses to infectious disease outbreaks.

Exploring strategies for HIV/AIDS prevention

Innovation in infectious diseases needs to look as much at prevention as it does at establishing treatments and cures. RAND Europe is committed to better understanding the role of innovation in preventing diseases, both in the context of therapeutic innovation and in the context of promoting innovative and supportive societal behaviours. One example is our research in the area of HIV/AIDS.

Improving the care of patients with C diff infection

Clostridioides difficile (C diff), the most common infectious cause of diarrhea related to antibiotic ingestion, is often spread in through poor hygiene in the healthcare environment. With support from Ferring Pharmaceuticals, RAND Europe is exploring ways to improve the care pathway and treatment options for patients with C diff.

Examining the benefits of research and development

EU-funded research into poverty-related and neglected diseases (PRNDs) makes an important contribution to tackling these global challenges. Our work has deepened understanding of the impact of these investments.

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