Papers from the IFLS

Users from a number of countries have written papers and dissertations with the IFLS data. Below is a partial list of these studies. To maintain these bibliographies, we rely on the assistance of researchers using the IFLS data to identify new publications-journal articles and especially working papers, conference papers, dissertations, theses, and other works not yet published in professional journals.

If you have a publication or paper or know of one that should be included in the IFLS bibliographies, please send this information to We will be glad to include a link to your paper if it is available online.

The papers on this website are provided as a service to the IFLS user community. They do not reflect the views of RAND.


Astuti, R.D., Sikoki, B., Suriastini, N.W. Female Excluded more than Male: Do Community Characteristics Matter?. Soc Indic Res (2021).

Beatty, A., Berkhout, E., Bima, L., Pradhan, M., Suryadarma, D. Schooling progress, learning reversal: Indonesia’s learning profiles between 2000 and 2014. International Journal of Educational Development (2021).

Dartanto, T., Can, C.K., Moeis, F.R., & Rezki, J.F. (2021) A Dream of Offspring: Two Decades of Intergenerational Economic Mobility in Indonesia, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, DOI: 10.1080/00074918.2021.1970109

Dartanto, T., Moeis, F. R., Can, C.K., Ratih, S. P., Nurhasana, R., Satrya, A. and Thabrany, H. (2021), Good intentions, unintended outcomes: Impact of social assistance on tobacco consumption in Indonesia. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 2021;19 (April) :29. DOI:

Ho, Y.L., Lee, V.S.Y., Ho, M.R., Lin, G.J., Thumboo, J. (2021) Towards a Parsimonious Pathway Model of Modifiable and Mediating Risk Factors Leading to Diabetes Risk, Int J Environ Res Public Health. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182010907.

Jayawardana, D., Baryshnikova, N. & Pham, N. (2021). Can Unconditional In-Kind Transfers Keep Children Out of Work and in School? Evidence from Indonesia: . The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 21(3), 1035-1065.

Juber, N., Waits, A., Dlamini, L.P., Nguyen, T., Masango, B.Z. (2022) Associations between pediatric asthma and age at menarche: evidence from the Indonesian Family Life Survey, Journal of Asthma, DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2022.2030750"

Juber, N., Lee, C. and Liu, J.J. (2021). Associations between High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein and Non-Communicable Diseases in an Asian Population: Findings from the IFLS Study. Biomarkers, DOI: 10.1080/1354750X.2021.1936177

Kunto, Y.S. and Bras, H. (2021) Sibling Inequalities in Overweight and the Role of Mother’s Education: Evidence From the Indonesian Family Life Survey’, Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 42(1_suppl), pp. S21–S38. DOI:10.1177/0379572120976250.

Mahwati, Yeni, Nurrika, D., Latief, K. The Determinants of Undiagnosed Hypertension Among Indonesian Adults: A Cross-sectional Study Based on the 2014-2015 Indonesia Family Life Survey, Journal of Preventative Medicine and Public Health,

Noerhidajati, S., Purwoko, A. B., Werdaningtyas, H., Kamil, A. I. and Dartanto, T. (2021). Household financial vulnerability in Indonesia: Measurement and determinants. Economic Modelling, 96(3):433-444.

Rademakers, R. and Hoorn, A. (2021), Ethnic Switching: Longitudinal Evidence on Prevalence, Correlates, and Implications for Measuring Ethnic Segregation. Journal of Development Economics, Volume 152, September 2021, 102694. DOI:

Siregar, S., Idiawati, N., Pan, WC. et al. Association Between Satellite-Based Estimates of Long-Term PM2.5 Exposure and Cardiovascular Disease: Evidence From the Indonesian Family Life Survey. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021).

Thaariq, R., Anindita, A., & Iftina, H. (2021), The Internet Miracle: The Impact of Internet Access on Household Saving in Indonesia Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, 24(2), 255 - 282. DOI: .

Tanoey, J., Becher, H. (2021) Diabetes prevalence and risk factors of early-onset adult diabetes: results from the Indonesian family life survey, Global Health Action, 14:1, DOI: 10.1080/16549716.2021.2001144


Dwi Agustian, Cut Novianti Rachmi, Noormarina Indraswari, Anna Molter, Melanie Carder, Fedri Ruluwedrata Rinawan, Martie van Tongeren, Driejana Driejana, Feasibility of Indonesia Family Life Survey Wave 5 (IFLS5) Data for Air Pollution Exposure–Response Study in Indonesia, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17(24), 9508;

Emyr Reisha Isaura, Yang-Ching Chen, Hsiu-Yueh Su, and Shwu-Huey Yang (2020) The Relationship between Food Security Status and Sleep Disturbance among Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study in an Indonesian Population

Emyr Reisha Isaura, Yang-Ching Chen, Annis Catur, Hsien-Yu Fan, Chung-Yi Li and Shwu-Huey Yang (2020) Association between Depressive Symptoms and Food Insecurity among Indonesian Adults: Results from the 2007–2014 Indonesia Family Life Survey

Hariyani, N, Bramantoro, T, Nair, R, Singh, A, Sengupta, K. (2020) Depression symptoms and recurrent aphthous stomatitis—Evidence from a population‐based study in Indonesia. Oral Dis. 2020; 00: 1– 7.

Juber, Nirmin F., Chien‐Chang Lee, Wen‐Chi Pan, & Jason J. Liu. (2020) Associations between Pediatric Asthma and Adult Non‐Communicable Diseases. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology.

Kristanti, Dewi & Prihartono, Nurhayati. (2019). Obesity as a Predictor of Hypertension in Adult Population: A 14-Years Retrospective Cohort Study. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 10. 491. 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.01322.6.

Kwon, Illoong & Sohn, Kitae. In press. Trust or distrust: Entrepreneurs vs. self-employed. Small Business Economics.

Moeis, F. R., Dartanto, T., Moeis, J. P. & Ikhsan, M. (2020). A longitudinal study of agriculture households in Indonesia: The effect of land and labor mobility on welfare and poverty dynamics. World Development Perspectives 20 (2020), 100261.

Nurrika, Dieta, Shu Zhang, Andrea Discacciati, Yasutake Tomata, Yingxu Liu, Yumi Sugawara, & Ichiro Tsuji. (2020) Education Level, Monthly Per-Capita Expenditure, and Healthy Aging in the Older Indonesian Population: The Indonesia Family Life Survey 2007 and 2014. The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 250 (2), 95–108. DOI: 10.1620/tjem.250.95

Schröders, J., Dewi, F.S.T., Nilsson, M. et al. (2020) Effects of social network diversity in the disablement process: a comparison of causal inference methods and an outcome-wide approach to the Indonesian Family Life Surveys, 2007–2015. Int J Equity Health 19, 128.

Yeni Mahwati, Dieta Nurrika. Obesity Indicators and C-reactive Protein in Indonesian Adults (≥ 40 years): The Indonesian Family Life Survey-5 2014–2015.

Yiengprugsawan, V.S., Piggott, J. Witoelar, F., Blyth, F.M. & Cumming, R.G. (2020). Pain and Its Impact on Functional Health: 7-Year Longitudinal Findings among Middle-Aged and Older Adults in Indonesia. Geriatrics (Basel), 5 (39), 1-13. DOI:


Dhian Adhitya, Tri Mulyaningsih & Bhimo Rizky Samudro, 2019. The Role of Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills on Labour Market Outcomes in Indonesia. Malaysian Journal of Economics, 53(1) 2019 3 - 16 DOI: 10.17576/JEM-2019-5301-18.

Aizawa, T. The impact of health insurance on out-of-pocket expenditure on delivery in Indonesia, Health Care for Women International, (2019) DOI: 10.1080/07399332.2019.1578778.

Arif Anindita & Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo, Lighten the Burden: Assessing the Impact of a for-Poor-Students Cash Transfer Program on Spending Behaviour, The Journal of Development Studies, (2019) DOI: 10.1080/00220388.2019.1677888.

Ilmiawan Auwalin, Ethnic identity and internal migration decision in Indonesia. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, (2019) DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2018.1561252

Irianti, S., Prasetyoputra, P., Dharmayanti, I., Azhar, K., & Hidayangsih, P. S. (2019). The role of drinking water source, sanitation, and solid waste management in reducing childhood stunting in Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 344, 012009. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/344/1/012009

Teguh Dartanto, Faizal Rahmanto Moeis & Shigeru Otsubo (2019) Intragenerational Economic Mobility in Indonesia: A Transition from Poverty to Middle Class during 1993-2014, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, DOI: 10.1080/00074918.2019.1657795

Erlangga, D., Ali, S. & Bloor, K., The impact of public health insurance on healthcare utilisation in Indonesia: evidence from panel data, Int J Public Health, (2019).

Elizabeth Henny Herningtyas & Tian Sheng Ng, Prevalence and distribution of metabolic syndrome and its components among provinces and ethnic groups in Indonesia BMC Public Health, (2019) 19:377.

Kunto Y.S., Mandemakers J.J., The effects of prenatal exposure to Ramadan on stature during childhood and adolescence: Evidence from the Indonesian Family Life Survey, Economics & Human Biology (2019) Vol 33; 29-39.

Kunto, Yohanes Sondang & Bras, Hilde. Ethnic group differences in Dietary Diversity of School-Aged Children in Indonesia: The Roles of Gender and Household SES, (2019) DOI: 10.1177/0379572119842993.

Jasrida Yunita & Ratu Ayu Dewi Sartika, Premature natural menopause and cognitive function among older women in Indonesia, (2019) Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, Vol 18:4.

Madyaningrum, E., Chuang, Y. & Chuang, K. Prevalence and Related Factors of Depression among the Elderly in Indonesia. (2019) International Journal of Gerontology, 13 (2019) 202-206.

Peltzer K., Pengpid S. Loneliness Correlates and Associations With Health Variables in the General Population in Indonesia. (2019) International Journal of Mental Health Systems DOI: 10.1186/s13033-019-0281-z.

Peltzer K., Pengpid S. Prevalence and Predictors of Current and Former Tobacco Use among Older Adults in Indonesia. (2019) Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention DOI: 10.31557/APJCP.2019.20.2.395.

Peltzer K., Pengpid S. Prevalence, Social and Health Correlates of Insomnia Among Persons 15 Years and Older in Indonesia (2019) Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention DOI: 10.1080/13548506.2019.1566621 .

Pengpid S., Peltzer K. Use of Traditional Medicines and Traditional Practitioners by Children in Indonesia: Findings From a National Population Survey in 2014–2015 (2019) Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare DOI: 10.2147/JMDH.S203343 .

Pengpid S., Peltzer K. Cognitive Functioning and Associated Factors in Older Adults: Results from the Indonesian Family Life Survey-5 (IFLS-5) in 2014-2015. (2019) Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research DOI: 10.1155/2019/4527647 .

Sohn, Kitae, 2019. More educated sex workers earn more in Indonesia. Feminist Economics. 25(3), 201–223.

Sohn, Kitae, 2019. Understanding the order effect in eliciting risk aversion. Finance Research Letters. 30, 314–317.

Sujarwoto, S., & Tampubolon, G, Waist Circumference for Central Obesity Detection from the Pre-Elderly Stage to the Elderly Stage in Indonesia: A Longitudinal Study, (2019) Journal of Women & Aging, 1–15.

Sujarwoto, S., & Tampubolon, G, WA Tool to Help or Harm? Online Social Media Use and Adult Mental Health in Indonesia, (2019) International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 1–18.

Van der Eng, Pierre & Sohn, Kitae, 2019. The biological standard of living in Indonesia during the 20th century: Evidence from the age at menarche. Economics & Human Biology. 34, 216–224.


Ahsan, Md Nazmul, and Inas Kelly. Earnings Gaps for Conspicuous Characteristics: Evidence from Indonesia. Southern Economic Journal (2018) doi:10.1002/soej.12298

Andarini, S., & Sujarwoto, S. 2018. How Early menarche and premature natural menopause in Indonesia Annals of Human Biology. 45(5), 419–427.

Satria Hanafi, Aprizal & Prihartono, Nurhayati, 2018. Joint effect of obesity and cigarette smoking against hypertension stage 1 among men adults: Finding from the Indonesian Family Life Survey-5. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development.

Kim, Dohyung & Sohn, Kitae, 2018. Having more siblings delays menarche in Indonesia. American Journal of Human Biology. 30(6), e23189.

Emyr Reisha Isaura, Yang-Ching Chen, and Shwu-Huey Yang. The Association of Food Consumption Scores, Body Shape Index, and Hypertension in a Seven-Year Follow-Up among Indonesian Adults: A Longitudinal Study, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 15, Issue 1 (January 2018).

Emyr Reisha Isaura, Yang-Ching Chen, and Shwu-Huey Yang. Pathways from Food Consumption Score to Cardiovascular Disease: A Seven-Year Follow-Up Study of Indonesian Adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(8), 1567.

Madyaningrum, E., Chuang, Y. & Chuang, K., 2018 Factors associated with the use of outpatient services among the elderly in Indonesia. BMC Health Serv Res 18, 707 (2018).

Pangaribowo, E.H., Tsegai, D. & Sukamdi, 2018. Women's Bargaining Power and Household Expenditure in Indonesia: the role of gender-differentiated assets and social capital. GeoJournal, pp 1-22.

Peltzer K, Pengpid S. High prevalence of depressive symptoms in a national sample of adults in Indonesia: Childhood adversity, sociodemographic factors and health risk behaviour, Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 2018 Mar 7;33:52-59.

Peltzer K, Pengpid S., 2018. Utilization of traditional and complementary medicine in Indonesia: Results of a national survey in 2014–15, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 33:156-163.

Pengpid, Supa & Peltzer, Karl., 2018. Hand Grip Strength and Its Sociodemographic and Health Correlates among Older Adult Men and Women (50 Years and Older) in Indonesia. Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research. 2018. 1-8. 10.1155/2018/3265041.

Pengpid, Supa & Peltzer, Karl, 2018. Traditional Health Practitioners in Indonesia: Their Profile, Practice and Treatment Characteristics.. Complementary Medicine Research. doi: 10.1159/000494457

Peltzer K, Pengpid S, High prevalence of depressive symptoms in a national sample of adults in Indonesia: Childhood adversity, sociodemographic factors and health risk behaviour. Asian Journal of Psychiatry (2018) doi:10.1016/j.ajp.2018.03.017

Peltzer K, Pengpid S, The Prevalence and Social Determinants of Hypertension among Adults in Indonesia: A Cross-Sectional Population-Based National Survey. International Journal of Hypertension (2018) doi:10.1155/2018/5610725

Pengpid S, The prevalence of edentulism and their related factors in Indonesia, 2014/15. BMC Oral Health (2018) doi:10.1186/s12903-018-0582-7

Pengpid S, Peltzer K, Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with Injurious Falls among Community-Dwelling Older Adults in Indonesia. Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research (2018) doi:10.1155/2018/5964305

Pengpid S, Peltzer K, Prevalence, social and health correlates of physical inactivity among community-dwelling older adults in Indonesia. African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences (2018)

Pradella F, van Ewijk R, As Long as the Breath Lasts: In Utero Exposure to Ramadan and the Occurrence of Wheezing in Adulthood American Journal of Epidemiology, (2018) Volume 187, Issue 10,p2100–2108.

Sohn, Kitae, 2018. Depressive Symptoms are not Related to Labor Market Outcomes in Indonesia. Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics.

Sohn, Kitae, in press. No Education-Health Gradient in a Developing County and its Implications for Chronic Diseases. Singapore Economic Review.

Sohn, Kitae, 2018. No Relation of Smoking to Hypertension in a Developing Country. Global Heart.

Sohn, Kitae, 2018. How Does the Ordering of Questions Affect Elicited Time Preferences? Applied Economics Letters. 25(4), 244–248.

Sohn, Kitae, 2018. No relationship between birth season and age at menarche in Indonesia. Anthropologischer Anzeiger. 75(3), 225–232.

Sohn, Kitae, 2018. Prevalence of context effects: Testing with a straightforward question on yesterday happiness. Quality of Life Research. 27(8), 2147–2155.

Margaret Triyana, Maria Fernanda Rosales. The Persistent Effects of Early-life Exposure to air Pollution: Evidence from the Indonesian Forest Fires, forthcoming, Journal of Human Resources.

Widyaningrum, N., & Yu, J., 2018. Tobacco use Among the Adult Muslim Population in Indonesia: a Preliminary Study on Religion, Cultural, and Socioeconomic Factors. Journal of Drug Issues, 002204261878949.

Yoseph Leonardo Samodra, Neni Trilusiana Rahmawati, Sumarni (2018) Factors related to cognitive capacity on Indonesian elderly with obesity DOI: 10.22146/ijcn.25765


Aizawa, T. (2017). Regional Disparity in the BMI Distribution of Indonesian People: New Evidence “Beyond the Mean”. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, doi:10.1080/00074918.2017.1406596.

Aizawa, T. and M. Helble (2017). Socioeconomic Inequality in Excessive Body Weight in Indonesia. Economics & Human Biology, 27 (Part B), 315 – 327.

Choo Hao Jian, Fatwa Sari Tetra Dewi, Elizabeth Henny Herningtyas, Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its components based on International Diabetes Federation (IDF) definition in Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia, Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran) 49 (2017), 128-140.

Berbée, Paul (2017). A Matter of Gendered Investment: Impacts of Internal Migration on Child Education in Indonesia. Lund University Publications.

Yohanes Sondang Kunto, Hilde Bras (2017). Women’s Empowerment and Gender Inequality in Adolescent Nutritional Status: Evidence from the Indonesian Family Life Survey. Journal of Biosocial Science, 1-26. doi:10.1017/S0021932017000566.

Inayati Nuraini Dwiputri. The Impact of the Unconditional Cash Transfer Program (BLT) on Cigarette Consumption in Indonesian Society. Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business, Volume 32, Number 2, 2017, 138 – 150.

Budi Aji, Shafiu Mohammed, MD Aminul Haque, Manuela De Allegri. 2017. The dynamics of catastrophic and impoverishing health spending in Indonesia: How well does the Indonesian health care financing system perform? Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, Volume: 29 issue: 6, page(s): 506-515.

Haryani & Dartanto, T. (2017). Let's Talk with Your Kids: Children's Involvement in Intra-Household Decision-Making and Their Educational Attainment—Evidence from Indonesia. Economics Bulletin 37(3), 1474-1489.

Illoong Kwon and Kitae Sohn. 2017. Job Dissatisfaction of the Self-Employed in Indonesia. Small Business Economics, 49(1), pp.233-249

Lim, Sung Soo. Aspirations of Migrants and Returns to Human Capital Investment; Evidence from Indonesian Households. Social Indicators Research.

Lim, Sung Soo. Consumption Vulnerability to Prolonged Illness. Journal of International Development, Vol 29 (3), 351-369, 2017.

Lim, Sung Soo. In Times of Sickness: Intra-household Labour Substitution in Rural Indonesian Households. Journal of Development Studies, Vol 53 (6), 788-804, 2017.

Mani, Subha; Mitra, Sophie, and Sambamoorthic, Usha. Dynamics in health and employment: Evidence from Indonesia. World Development,Volume 104, April 2018, Pages 297-309.

Peltzer, Karl, and Pengpid, Supa. Social and health determinants of gender differences in functional disability among older adults in Indonesia, Gender and Behavior, Vol 15 (3), 2017.

Peltzer, Karl, and Pengpid, Supa. The Prevalence of Underweight, Overweight/Obesity and Their Related Lifestyle Factors in Indonesia, 2014–15, AIMS Public Health, 4 (6): 633-649, 2017.

Sohn, Kitae. 2017. The Risk Preferences of Entrepreneurs in Indonesia. Bulletin of Economic Research, 69(3), pp.271-287.

Sohn, Kitae. 2017. The Fatter are Happier in Indonesia. Quality of Life Research, 26(2), pp.393-402.

Sohn, Kitae. 2017. The Null Relation Between Father Absence and Earlier Menarche. Human Nature, Human Nature, 28(4), pp.407-422.

Sohn, Kitae. 2017. The Association Between Height and Hypertension in Indonesia. Economics & Human Biology. 27 (part A), 74–83.

Sujarwoto Sujarwoto, Gindo Tampubolon and Adi Cilik Pierewan. 2017. Individual and Contextual Factors of Happiness and Life Satisfaction in a Low Middle Income Country Applied Research on Quality of Life.

Sulistyaningrum, E. (2017). The Impact of Earthquake on Child Test Score. Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business., 32:2,104–120.


Roro Hindun, Izzul Fatchu Reza (2016). Understanding Indonesian People Borrowing Money from Banks and Non-Banking Institutions, Shirkah Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. 1, No. 3, September-December 2016.

Coxhead, Ian and Shrestha, Rashesh. Could a Resource Export Boom Reduce Workers' Earnings? The Labour-Market Channel in Indonesia, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, Vol. 52 , Iss. 2, 2016.

Rachmi, C.N., Agho, K.E., Li, M. et al. (2016). Are stunted young Indonesian children more likely to be overweight, thin, or have high blood pressure in adolescence? Int J Public Health, DOI:10.1007/s00038-016-0905-x

Kashiwagi, S., Tamiya, N., Sandoval, F. (2016). Factors Associated with Depression amongst Family Caregivers Involved in Care for Community-dwelling Persons of Middle Age and Older Public Policy and Administration Research, Vol 6, No 5, 2016.

Yamada, Ken (2016). Tracing the impact of large minimum wage changes on household welfare in Indonesia European Economic Review, 87, 287—303, 2016. DOI:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2016.05.008.

Christiani Y., Byles JE., Tavener M., Dugdale, P (2016). Exploring the Implementation of 'Poslansia', Indonesia's Community-based Health Program for Older People. Australas J Ageing, first published online May 2016, doi:10.1111/ajag.12305.

Irianti, S., Prasetyoputra, P., & Sasimartoyo, T. P. (2016). Determinants of household drinking-water source in Indonesia: An analysis of the 2007 Indonesian family life survey. Cogent Medicine, 3(1), 1151143. doi: 10.1080/2331205x.2016.1151143.

Rachmi C.N., Li M., Agho K, Baur L.A. 2016. Stunting coexisting with overweight in 2.0-4.9 year old Indonesian children: prevalence, trends and associated risk factors from four cross sectional surveys [PDF]. Public Health Nutrition.

Rachmi C.N., Li M., Agho K, Baur L.A. 2016. Stunting, underweight and overweight in children aged 2·0 -4·9 years in Indonesia: Prevalence trends and associated risk factors. PLOS-ONE. May 11, 2016

Sulistyaningrum, Eny 2016. Impact Evaluation Of The School Operational Assistance Program (BOS) Using The Matching Method. Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business. Vol. 31, No. 1 (2016)

Chowdhury, Saeed 2016. An Alternative View on Smoking Compulsion in Indonesia: The Effects of Myopia1 and Risk [PDF]. Dissertation, University of Warwick

Christiani Y., Byles JE., Tavener M., Dugdale, P. 2016. Gender Inequalities in Noncommunicable Disease Risk Factors among Indonesian Urban Population.. Asia Pac J Public Health. DOI:10.1177/1010539515626265

Maharani A., Tampubolon G., 2016. National Economic Development Status May Affect the Association between Central Adiposity and Cognition in Older Adults.. PLoS ONE. 11(2): e0148406. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0148406

Sohn, Kitae, 2016. Height and happiness in a developing country. Journal of Happiness Studies. 17(1), 1-23.

Sohn, Kitae, 2016. Does a taller husband make his wife happier? Personality and Individual Differences. 91, 14—21.

Sohn, Kitae, 2016. Men's revealed preferences regarding women's promiscuity. Personality and Individual Differences. 95, 140—146.

Sohn, Kitae, 2016. Is age at menarche a good predictor of future body fat? The case of a developing country. Health Care for Women International 37(11), 1239—1257.

Sohn, KItae, 2016. Biological Standards of Living: age at Menarche vs. Height. Annals of Human Biology 44(1), 21—27.

Sohn, Kitae, 2016. Men's Revealed Preferences Regarding Women's Ages: Evidence from Prostitution. Evolution & Human Behavior 37(4), 272–280.

Sohn, Kitae, 2016. Risk Incomprehension and its Economic Consequences. Journal of Development Studies 52(11), 1545–1560.

Sohn, Kitae, Kwon, Illoong, 2016. Does Trust Promote Entrepreneurship in a Developing Country? Singapore Economic Review.

Sohn, Kitae. The Influence of Climate on age at Menarche: Augmented With the Influence of Ancestry. HOMO 67(4), 328–336.

Sohn, Kitae. 2015. The Role of Spousal Income in the Wife's Happiness [PDF]. Social Indicators Research. 126(3), 1007-1024.


Majid, M.F., The Persistent Effects of in Utero Nutrition Shocks over the Life Cycle: Evidence from Ramadan Fasting, Journal of Development Economics, Vol 117, 2015.

Sulistyaningrum, Eny 2015. Household Expenditure In Response To Natural Disasters. Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business. Vol. 30, No. 3 (2015)

Christiani Y., Byles JE., Tavener M., Dugdale, P. 2015. Do Women in Major Cities Experience Better Health? A Comparison of Chronic Conditions and Its Risk Factors among Women Living in Major Cities and Other Cities in Indonesia.. Glob Health Action. 8: 28540

Hanandita, W & Tampubolon, G. 2015. Does reporting behaviour bias the measurement of social inequalities in self-rated health in Indonesia? An anchoring vignette analysis. Quality of Life Research. DOI: 10.1007/s11136-015-1152-y

Barkley, J., Kendrick, K., Codling, K., Muslimatun, S., Pachon, H. 2015. Anaemia prevalence over time in Indonesia: estimates from the 1997, 2000, and 2008 Indonesia Family Life Surveys [PDF]. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Chongvilaivan, Aekapol and Kim, Jungsuk 2015. Individual Income Inequality and Its Drivers in Indonesia: A Theil Decomposition Reassessment, Social Indicators Research. DOI: 10.1007/s11205-015-0890-0.

Christiani Y., Byles, J., Tavener, M., Dugdale, P., 2015. Assessing socioeconomic inequalities of hypertension among women in Indonesia's major cities, Journal of Human Hypertension, advance online publication. DOI: 10.1038/jhh.2015.8.

Hussain, M. A., Huxley, R. R. and Mamun, A. A. , 2015. Multimorbidity prevalence and pattern in Indonesian adults: an exploratory study using national survey data, BMJ Open, Volume 5, Issue 12.

Silwal, Ani R., McKay, Andy, 2015. The Impact of Cooking with Firewood on Respiratory Health: Evidence from Indonesia, The Journal of Development Studies, Volume 51, Issue 12, 2015.

Sohn, Kitae. 2015. Gender Discrimination in Earnings in Indonesia: A fuller picture. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies. 51(1), 95–121.

Sohn, Kitae. 2015. The height premium in Indonesia. Economics and Human Biology. 16, 1–15.

Sohn, Kitae. 2015. The influence of birth season on height: Evidence from Indonesia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 157(4), 659-665.

Sohn, Kitae. 2015. Is leg length a biomarker of early life conditions? Evidence from a historically short population. American Journal of Human Biology. 27(4), 538–545.

Sohn, Kitae. 2015. The male-taller norm: Lack of evidence from a developing country. HOMO. 66(4), 369-378.

Sohn, Kitae. 2015. The trend in age at menarche in Indonesia: Birth cohorts 1944-1988. Journal of Biosocial Science. 47(3), 407–412.

Sohn, Kitae. 2015. The value of male height in the marriage market. Economics & Human Biology. 18, 110–124.

Sohn, Kitae. 2015. The effects of smoking on obesity: Evidence from Indonesian panel data. Tobacco Induced Diseases. 13, 39.

Sujarwoto, S. and Tampubolon, G. 2015. Inflammatory markers and physical performance in middle aged and older people in Indonesia, Age and Ageing.

Sohn, Kitae. 2015. Sick but unaware: Hypertension in Indonesia. Biodemography and Social Biology. 61(3), 298–318.

Vial, Virginie and Hanoteau, Julien, 2015. Returns to Micro-Entrepreneurship in an Emerging Economy: A Quantile Study of Entrepreneurial Indonesian Households' Welfare. World Development, Volume 74, October 2015, Pages 142-157


Cheung, Yin Bung. 2014. "A Body Shape Index" in Middle-Age and Older Indonesian Population: Scaling Exponents and Association with Incident Hypertension, PLOS One. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0085421.

Deijl, Claudia Miranda, 2014. Local Governance and Contemporary Development in Indonesia: The Long Shadow of the Adat Law, M.Sc. Dissertation, Department of Economics, University of Warwick.

Maharani, Asri and Gindo Tampubolon. 2014. Unmet Needs for Cardiovascular Care in Indonesia. PLOS ONE (2014). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105831.

Parinduri, Rasyad A. 2014. Family Hardship and the Growth of Micro and Small Firms in Indonesia.

Simbolon, Demsa. Effect of the Poor Health Insurance on Birth Status and Stunting in Children Under-Two Years old in Indonesia. Jurnal Kebijakan Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 3(1), 2014.

Snopkowski, Kristin, Christina Moya and Rebecca Sear. 2014. A test of the intergenerational conflict model in Indonesia shows no evidence of earlier menopause in female-dispersing groups. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281 (1788) 20140580. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2014.0580.

Sohn, Kitae. 2014. Age and size at maturity in Indonesian women: A norm of reaction? American Journal of of Human Biology, 26(5): 713-715.

Sohn, Kitae. 2014. Job Strenuousness and Obesity: The Case of a Developing Country, Journal of Development Studies, 50(9): 1289-1301.

Sohn, Kitae. 2014. A note on the effects of education on youth smoking in a developing country, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 19(1): 66-73.

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Rukumnuaykit, Pungpond, 2003. "Crises and Child Health Outcomes: The Impacts of Economic and Drought/Smoke Crises on Infant Mortality and Birthweight in Indonesia", Michigan State University.

Thomas, Duncan, Kathleen Beegle, and Elizabeth Frankenberg, 2003. "Labor market transitions of men and women during an economic crisis: Evidence from Indonesia." Chapter 3 in B. Garcia, R. Anker and A. Pinnelli (eds.) Women in the labour market in changing economies: Demographic issues, Oxford University Press. Pp. 37-58.


Cameron, L. and D. Cobb-Clark 2002. "Old-Age Labour Supply in the Developing World", pp1-8. Applied Economics Letters, August 2002; 9(10): 649-52.

Fields, Gary, Paul Cichello, Samuel Freije and Marta Menendez, 2002. "Household Income Dynamics: A four country story." Journal of Development Studies, Vol 40 no. 2.

Frankenberg, Elizabeth, Angelique Chan, and Mary Beth Ofstedal. 2002. "Stability and change in living arrangements in Indonesia, Singapore, and Taiwan, 1993-1999." Population Studies. 56(2): 201-214.

Frankenberg, Elizabeth, Lee Lillard, and Robert Willis. 2002 "Patterns of intergenerational exchange in Southeast Asia." Journal of Marriage and Family. 64(2002): pp. 627-641.

Thomas, Duncan and Elizabeth Frankenberg. "Health, nutrition, and economic prosperity: a microeconomic perspective." 2002. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 80, pp. 106-113.

Thomas, Duncan and Elizabeth Frankenberg. 2002 "The measurement and interpretation of health in social surveys." Chapter 8.2 (pp. 387-420) in Measurement of the Global Burden of Disease. C. Murray, J. Salomon, C. Mathers, and A. Lopez (Eds.). Geneva: World Health Organization.


Beard, V.A. and Y. Kunharibowo. 2001. "Living Arrangements and Support Relationships among Elderly Indonesians: Case Studies from Java and Sumatra." International Journal of Population Geography 7: 17-33.

Beegle K, E Frankenberg, Thomas D. 2001. "Bargaining Power within Couples and Use of Prenatal and Delivery Care in Indonesia", Studies in Family Planning, Vol. 32(2): 130-146.

Cameron, L. and D. Cobb-Clark 2001. "Old-Age Support in Developing Countries: Labor Supply, Intergenerational Transfers and Living Arrangements", IZA Working Paper No.289, Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn, Germany.

Cameron L, Cobb-Clark D. 2001. "Old Age Support in Developing Countries: Labor Supply, Intergenerational Transfers and Living Arrangements". Working Paper, Department of Economics, University of Melbourne, Australia.

Cameron L, Worswick C. 2001. "Education Expenditure Responses to Crop Loss in Indonesia: A Gender Bias." Economic Development and Cultural Change 49(2):351.

Chiu, Melissa. "Leaving Home in Indonesia: Gender, Autonomy, and the Transition to Adulthood," American Sociological Association Annual Meeting Anaheim, California, 2001.

Frankenberg, Elizabeth and Duncan Thomas. 2001. "Women's health and pregnancy outcomes: Do services make a difference?" Demography. 38(2): 253-265.

Frankenberg, E., D. Thomas, J.P. Smith. 2001. "Lost But Not Forgotten: Attrition and Follow-up in the Indonesian Family Life Survey". Journal of Human Resources, 36.3:556-592, Summer 2001.

Heaton, Tim B, Mark Cammack and Lawrence Young. "Why Is the Divorce Rate Declining in Indonesia?", Journal of Marriage and the Family, 63 (May 2001):480-490.

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Bedi AS, Garg A. 2000. "The Effectiveness of Private Versus Public Schools: The Case of Indonesia." Journal of Development Economics 61(2):463-494.

Beegle K, Frankenberg E, Thomas D. 2000. "Labor Market Transitions of Men and Women During an Economic Crisis: Evidence from Indonesia."

Cameron L. 2000. "The Residency Decision of Elderly Indonesians." Demography. 37(1).

Frankenberg, E., Thomas, D., 2000. "Study Design and Results from Waves 1 and 2", Santa Monica, CA: RAND. DRU-2238/Volumes 1-7 NIA/NICHD.

Frankenberg E, Thomas D. 2000. "Women's Health and Pregnancy Outcomes: Does Access to Services Make a Difference?" DRU-2329-NIH. Santa Monica, CA: RAND.

Thomas D, Frankenberg E, Smith JP. 2000. "Lost But Not Forgotten: Attrition in the Indonesia Family Life Survey." Santa Monica, CA: RAND DRU-2059-NICHD.


Beard, V., Beegle, K., Frankenberg, E., Suriastini, N.W. 1999. "The Economic Crisis in Indonesia: Changes in Use of Health Care, Family Planning, and Health Status." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. New York.

Beegle K., E. Frankenberg and D. Thomas. 1999. "The Real Costs of Indonesia's Economic Crisis: Findings From the Indonesia Family Life Surveys", RAND Labor and Population Working Paper Series No. 99-04. Santa Monica, CA. (also issued as DRU-2064-NIA/NICHD. Santa Monica, CA: RAND)

Cameron L, Worswick C. 1999. "The Labor Market as a Smoothing Device: Labor Supply Responses to Crop Loss in Indonesia." Department of Economics, University of Melbourne, Australia.

Chen D. 1999. "Health, Productivity and Household Resource Allocation Between Child Health and Schooling." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, New York. Durham, NC: Duke University.

Chen D, McElroy M. 1999. "Taste vs. Technology: Allocating Health Expenditures between Boys and Girls Given Gender-Specific Health Production Technologies." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, New York. Durham, NC: Duke University.

Frankenberg E, Beard V, Saputra M. 1999. "The Kindred Spirit: The Ties that Bind Indonesian Children and Their Parents." The Southeast Asian Journal of Social Sciences. 27(2):65-86.

Frankenberg E, Beegle K, Thomas D, Suriastini NW. "Health, Education and the Economic Crisis in Indonesia," 1999: RAND.

Frankenberg E, Beegle K, Sikoki B, Thomas D. 1999. "Health, Family Planning and Well-being in Indonesia During an Economic Crisis." Santa Monica, CA: RAND. DRU-2013-FGI/NICHD/UNFPA.

Frankenberg E, Thomas D, Beegle K. 1999. "The Real Costs of Indonesia's Economic Crisis: Preliminary Findings from the Indonesia Family Life Surveys." DRU-2064-NIA/NICHD. Santa Monica, CA: RAND.

Montgomery MR, Arends-Kuenning M, Mete C., 1999, "The Quantity-Quality Transition in Asia." Working Paper. Population Council Policy Research Division.

Smith JP, Thomas D, Frankenberg E, Beegle K, Teruel G. 1999. "Wages, Employment, and Economic Shocks: Evidence from Indonesia."

Thomas D, Frankenberg E, Sikoki B, 1999."The Measurement of Power and Its Implications for Understanding Intra-Household Decision-Making." (Unpublished manuscript)


Beard, V., Beegle, K., Frankenberg, E., Hamilton, P., Saputra, M., Thomas, D. 1998. "Case Study of Citizen Participation: Preliminary Results form the Second Indonesian Family Life Survey." Prepared for the Office of Urban Environmental Management, Jakarta Mission, USAID.

Beegle K, Frankenberg E, Thomas D. 1998. "Measuring Change in Indonesia." Santa Monica, CA: RAND. DRU-2014-WB/NIH.

Bommier A, Eckhardt S. 1998. "Parent-Child Coresidence and Inter-Sibling Transfers in Indonesia." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America."

Chen D. 1998. "Educational Resource Allocation Between Boys and Girls: A Structural Approach." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Chicago, IL. Durham, NC: Duke University.

Frankenberg E, Beegle K. 1998. "The Role of Government and Community in Women's Knowledge of Health Services." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. Chicago.

Frankenberg E, Thomas D. 1998. "Measuring Power." Presented at the Supplemental Studies Workshop: Strengthening Policy Analysis through Gender Analysis. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.

Frankenberg E, Thomas D, Sikoki B, Suriastini NW, Sukria C, Widyanti M. 1998. "Physical Health Status of Indonesians: Early Results from the Second Wave of the Indonesia Family Life Survey."

Galasso E. 1998. "Child Labor and Intra-house Allocation in Indonesia." Presented at the NEUDC Conference, Yale University. Washington, DC: The World Bank.

Khemani S. 1998. "Intergenerational Transfers and Intrahousehold Bargaining: Evidence from Indonesia." Dissertation, Department of Economics, Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Ogawa K. 1998. "Education Policies and Economic Efficiency: The Case of Indonesia." Dissertation, New York, NY: Columbia University.

Raut L, Tran L. 1998. "Reciprocity with Two-sided Altruism in "Intergenerational Transfers: Evidence from Indonesian Family Life Survey Data." Presented at the Seminar on the Economics of Reciprocity, Gift-giving and Altruism, International Economics Association. University of Hawaii-Manoa.

Sayed H. 1998. Education in Indonesia: From Crisis to Recovery. Washington, DC: The World Bank.

Strauss J, Thomas D. 1998. "Health, Nutrition and Economic Development." Journal of Economic Literature 36:737-782. (Also available as: Santa Monica, CA: RAND RP-722)

Teruel G. 1998. "The Family During Economic Change." Dissertation, Department of Economics. Los Angeles: University of California Los Angeles.

Thomas D, Frankenberg E, Beegle K, Teruel G. 1998. "Household Budgets, Household Composition and the Crisis in Indonesia: Evidence from Longitudinal Household Survey Data." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. New York.

Thomas D, Strauss J. 1998. "The Micro-foundations of the Links between Health, Nutrition and Development." Presented at WHO Transition Workshop on Health and Economic Development, Cambridge, MA: Harvard Institute for International Development.

Yuki T. 1998. "The Returns to Formal Education in Indonesia." Master in International Development Thesis, Cornell University, New York.


Frankenberg E. 1997. "Community and Price Data in the Living Standards Measurement Surveys." Forthcoming in Grosh, M, P Glewwe (editors). Designing Household Questionnaires for Developing Countries: Lessons from Ten Years of LSMS Experience. Washington, DC: The World Bank.

Pongpanich S. 1997. "The Demand for Health Care in Indonesia: A Comparison of Public and Private Medical Services." Department of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles.

Soewando B. 1997. "The Effect of Insurance on Utilization of Health Services and Provider Choice." Dissertation, School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles.

Thomas D, Contreras D, Frankenberg E. 1997. "Distribution of Power Within the Household and Child Health." Santa Monica, CA: RAND.

Thomas D, Teruel G. 1997. "The Changing Role of Labor Markets in a Rapidly Growing Economy: Evidence from Indonesia."


Contreras D. 1996. "Poverty and the Family." Dissertation, Department of Economics. Los Angeles: University of California Los Angeles.

Frankenberg, E. 1996. "Community-Facility Data Collection in the Indonesian Family Life Survey", presented at the 1996 Annual Population Association of America meetings, New Orleans, May 9-11.

Frankenberg E, Mason WM. 1996. "Maternal Education and Health-related Behaviors: A Preliminary Analysis of the 1993 Indonesian Family Life Survey." Journal of Population 1:21-44.

Frankenberg E, Suriastini NW, Thomas D. 1996. "Nutritional Status in Indonesia: Evidence from the 1993 Indonesian Family Life Survey." Journal of Population 2(2):113-143. (Also available as: Santa Monica, CA: RAND. RP-650.)

Sucoff C. 1996. "Too-Early, Supplementation of Breastfeeding in Indonesia: An Assessment of the Problem." Presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, New York City.

Sucoff C, DaVanzo J, Klerman J, Peterson C. 1996. "Breastfeeding in Indonesia: An Analysis of the Indonesian Family Life Survey." Santa Monica, CA: RAND.


Frankenberg E, Karoly LA, Gertler P, Peterson CE, Wesley D. 1995. "The 1993 Indonesian Family Life Survey: Overview and Field Report." Santa Monica, CA: RAND. DRU-1195/1.

Serrato C, Melnick G. 1995. The Indonesian Family Life Survey Overview and Descriptive Analysis. Santa Monica, CA: RAND. DRU-1191-AID.