Project Publications

Non-RAND Publications

  • Cover: Preserving the Post-War Order

    Preserving the Post-War OrderSummer 2017

    Michael J. Mazarr

    There is abundant evidence that the norms and institutions of the post-war international order have helped stabilize world politics and promote U.S. interests, but it appears to be under intense strain from multiple challenges. Senior political scientist Michael Mazarr examines the future prospects of the post-war, American-sponsored order in The Washington Quarterly.

  • Cover: The Once and Future Order

    The Once and Future Order: What Comes After Hegemony?January/February 2017

    Michael J. Mazarr

    Few foreign policy issues have attracted more attention in recent years than the problem of sustaining the U.S.-led liberal international order. Senior political scientist Michael Mazarr examines the profound foreign policy tasks facing an incoming U.S. administration in this essay published by Foreign Affairs.

  • Cover: World Order: What, Exactly, are the Rules?

    World Order: What, Exactly, are the Rules?April 29, 2016

    Stewart Patrick

    The international rules-based order established after World War II seems to be under relentless pressure, threatening its foundations existentially. An essay in the Washington Quarterly by Stewart Patrick, Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fellow, examines the post-1945 world order including its attributes, threats to it, its vulnerabilities, and the goals that should shape U.S. policy moving forward.
