References for RAND Europe Spotlight on 2017

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Spotlight on 2017

This edition of RAND Europe's annual review features work carried out in 2017 to help meet new and evolving challenges. Highlighted studies examine the implications of Brexit for the UK, the EU, and beyond; the potential of increasingly advanced technology, including in the areas of cybersecurity and digital transactions; and evaluations that led to better systems in health, policing and education.

Several sources were referenced in the 2017 RAND Europe annual review, as noted on page 49. Each reference below is provided as a live link to take you to the original resource.

Equipped for change (pp. 4–5)


Monitoring open science trends in Europe

IMPACT Europe explores 'what works' in tackling violent radicalisation and extremism


Open science monitor

IMPACT Europe toolkit

After Brexit (pp. 6–7)


Exploring trade scenarios after Brexit


After Brexit: Alternate forms of Brexit and their implications for the United Kingdom, the European Union and the United States


Calculating the economic consequences of Brexit

Exploring cybersecurity challenges (pp. 11–13)


Reforming NATO's cyber acquisition process

Update study on the development of a European Cyber Defence Centre

Arms trade on the dark web (pp. 14–17)


International arms trade on the dark web


Behind the curtain: The illicit trade of firearms, explosives and ammunition on the dark web

The future of digital (pp. 18–19)


Connected society thought leadership programme

The potential role of standards in supporting the growth of distributed ledger technologies/blockchain


Building our connected society: Findings from the 2017 Thought Leadership programme

Understanding the landscape of distributed ledger technologies/blockchain: Challenges, opportunities, and the prospects for standards

International researcher mobility (pp. 20–23)


Understanding researcher mobility: Perspectives from academia


International mobility of researchers: A survey of researchers in the UK

Later school start times (pp. 24-25)


The economic benefits of later school start times in the U.S.


Later school start times in the U.S.: An economic analysis

Why data? (p. 26–27)


Exploring the value of health data

Using ambulance data to understand violent crime


Using ambulance data for violence prevention: Technical report

How to make using ambulance data EASIER

Understanding value in health data ecosystems: A review of current evidence and ways forward

What British people want from Brexit (pp. 28–31)


What sort of Brexit do the British people want?


What sort of Brexit do the British people want? A proof-of-concept study using stated preference discrete choice experiments

What sort of Brexit do the British people want?A proof-of-concept study using stated preference discrete choice experiments: Technical addendum

Mind matters (pp. 32–34)


Providing support to the 'Britain's Healthiest Workplace' competition

Asia's healthiest workplace

Understanding mental health in the research environment


Understanding mental health in the research environment: A rapid evidence assessment

Policy Research in Science and Medicine (p. 35)


PRiSM furthered understanding of 'science of science'

Healthcare solutions (pp. 36–37)


Exploring health futures

Tele-First: Evaluation of a 'telephone first' approach to demand management for general practice


Future of health: Findings from a survey of stakeholders on the future of health and healthcare in England

Evaluation of telephone first approach to demand management in English general practice: Observational study

Teacher shortages in Cambridgeshire (pp. 38–39)


Attracting and retaining teachers in Cambridgeshire


Attracting and retaining teachers in Cambridgeshire: Working conditions and teacher flows from a School Workforce Census data perspective

Events (pp. 42–43)

CCHSR lecture discusses hope, hype, and harm at the dawn of medicine’s computer age

RAND Europe Festival of Ideas event explains why 'You Are What You Sleep'