What sort of Brexit do the British people want?
A proof-of-concept study using stated preference discrete choice experiments: Technical addendum
ResearchPublished Jul 13, 2017
This proof-of-concept study uses stated preference discrete choice experiments to explore and quantify how the British public value key dimensions of a future relationship with Europe, including freedom of movement for holidays, freedom of movement for working and living, contributions to the EU, free trade with other countries, access to the EU single market for goods and services and sovereignty.
A proof-of-concept study using stated preference discrete choice experiments: Technical addendum
ResearchPublished Jul 13, 2017
This proof-of-concept study uses stated preference discrete choice experiments to explore and quantify how the British public value key dimensions of a future relationship with Europe, including freedom of movement for holidays, freedom of movement for working and living, contributions to the EU, free trade with other countries, access to the EU single market for goods and services and sovereignty. The study report provides details of the technical aspects of the work, including the survey methodology, the design of the experiments and the model analysis. A companion report summarises the key policy findings. In terms of methodology, we conclude that people were able to undertake the choice experiments, even though they were complex — both because of the abstract nature of the choices and the number of attributes and levels. The resulting model indicates that those dimensions directly influencing the economy — such as free trade deals with countries outside the EU and access to the EU single-market — are valued most highly, and that preferences vary significantly by education level. Using the model results we find that Britons place a negative value on a 'no deal' option of about £14 per household per week of EU expenditure relative to the status quo (noting that the absolute values derived from the study should be used to provide order-of-magnitude estimates). Having a relationship like Norway is valued positively at about £14 per household per week of EU expenditure relative to the status quo.
The research described in this report was a collaboration between The Policy Institute at King's College, Professor David Howarth and researchers at the University of Cambridge and RAND Europe.
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