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Publications Using MFLS-1 Data
Papers, Articles, Book Chapters, Reports, and Working Papers Based on MFLS-1
Anderson, Kathryn H., "The Effect of Health Programs on Breastfeeding and Child Mortality in Peninsular Malaysia," Research in Population Economics, T.P. Schultz (ed.), 1984, pp. 87-112.
Anderson, Kathryn H., M. Anne Hill, and J. S. Butler, "Age at Marriage in Malaysia: A Hazard Model of Marriage Timing," Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 26, No. 2, 1987, pp. 223-234.
Baydar, Nazli, Michael J. White, Charles Simkins, and Ozer Babakol, "Effects of Agricultural Development Policies on Migration in Peninsular Malaysia," Demography, Vol. 27, No.1, 1990, pp. 97-109.
Birdsall, Nancy, Child Schooling and the Measurement of Living Standards, LSMS Working Paper No. 14, World Bank, Washington, D. C., 1982.
Blau, David M., "The Effects of Economic Development on Life Cycle Wage Rates and Labor Supply Behavior in Malaysia," Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 19, No. 1/2, 1985, pp. 163-185.
Blau, D.M., "Self-employment, Earnings, and Mobility in Peninsular Malaysia," World Development, Vol. 18, No. 7, 1986, pp. 839-852.
Brien, Michael J. and Lee A. Lillard, "Education, Marriage and First Conception in Malaysia," Special Issue on the Family and Intergenerational Relations, Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 29, No. 4, 1994, pp. 1167-1204.
Butz, William P., "Why Collect Retrospective Data?," P-6715, RAND, December 1981.
Butz, William P., "Infant Feeding: Three Questions and a Caveat," P-6673, RAND, June 1981.
Butz, William P., and Julie DaVanzo, Economic and Demographic Family Behavior in Malaysia: A Conceptual Framework for Analysis, R-1834-AID, RAND, October 1975.
Butz, William P., and Julie DaVanzo, "Determinants of Breastfeeding and Weaning Patterns in Malaysia," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, 1981.
Butz, William P., Jean-Pierre Habicht, and Julie DaVanzo, "Policy Issues of Third World Declines in Breastfeeding," RAND, Policy Brief CP-65, June 1982.
Butz, William P., and Julie DaVanzo, "Factors Affecting Infant Mortality," unpublished research, RAND, June 1982.
Butz, William P., Julie DaVanzo, and Jean-Pierre Habicht, Biological and Behavioral Influences on the Mortality of Malaysian Infants, RAND, N-1638-AID, April 1982.
Butz, William P., Jean-Pierre Habicht, and Julie DaVanzo, "Improving Infant Nutrition, Health, and Survival: Policy and Program Implications from the Malaysian Family Life Survey," Malaysian Journal of Reproductive Health, Vol. 1, No. 2, December 1983 (also available as RAND, R-2924-AID, June 1981).
Butz, William P., Jean-Pierre Habicht, and Julie DaVanzo, "Environmental Factors in the Relationship Between Breastfeeding and Infant Mortality: The Role of Sanitation and Water in Malaysia," The American Journal of Epidemiology, Vol. 119, No. 4, 1984.
Butz, William P., and Peter J.E. Stan, Household Composition and Interhousehold Exchange in Malaysia, RAND, N-1812-AID, July 1982.
Butz, William P., and Peter J.E. Stan, "Interhousehold Transfers and Household Structure in Malaysia," Population in Development Review, Vol. 8, 1982.
Chang, Ching-Meei, "A Longitudinal Analysis of Migration Behavior Using Duration Data," no date.
Chang, Ching-Meei, "A Hazard Rate Analysis of Fertility Using Duration Data from Malaysia," Research in Population Economics, Vol. 6, 1988, pp. 137-159.
DaVanzo, Julie, "The Role of Breastfeeding in Population Growth: A Conceptual Model, Brief Review of Evidence and Suggestions for Future Research," RAND, paper prepared for National Academy of Sciences Panel on Determinants of Fertility Change, April 1980.
DaVanzo, Julie, "Techniques for Analysis of Migration-History Data," in Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, National Migration Surveys: X. Guidelines for Analysis, United Nations, New York, 1982; also issued as P-6760, entitled "Techniques for Analysis of Migration-History Data from the ESCAP National Migration Surveys," RAND, March 1982; more general version available as N-1824-AID/NICHD, May 1982.
DaVanzo, Julie, "A Household Survey of Child Mortality Determinants in Malaysia," Population and Development Review, supplement, Vol. 10, Summer 1984; also chapter in W.H. Mosley and L.C. Chen, Child Survival: Strategies for Research, Cambridge University Press, 1984.
DaVanzo, Julie, "Infant Mortality and Economic Development: The Case of Malaysia," published in the Proceedings of the XX General Conference of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, Florence, June 1985; also available from RAND, P-7110, June 1985.
DaVanzo, Julie, "Measuring Community Variables for Household Health and Demographic Surveys in Developing Countries," RAND, P-7099, May 1985 (prepared for the XX General Conference of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP).
DaVanzo, Julie, "Infant Mortality and Socioeconomic Development: Evidence from Malaysian Household Data," Demography, Vol. 25, No. 4, 1988.
DaVanzo, Julie, What Accounts for the Increase in Contraceptive Use in Peninsular Malaysia, 1960-75? RAND, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America.
DaVanzo, Julie, and William P. Butz, Influences on Fertility and Infant Mortality in Developing Countries: The Case of Malaysia, RAND, N-1166-AID, November 1978.
DaVanzo, Julie, and William P. Butz, Birthspacing, Fertility, and Family Planning: Policy and Program Implications from the Malaysian Family Life Survey, RAND, R-2925-AID, November 1981.
DaVanzo, Julie, and William P. Butz, "Birthspacing: Variations in the Duration of the Fertile Portion of the Pregnancy Interval," unpublished research, September 1982.
DaVanzo, Julie, William P. Butz, and Jean-Pierre Habicht, "How Biological and Behavioral Influences on Mortality in Malaysia Vary During the First Year of Life," Population Studies, Vol. 37, November 1983, pp. 381-402.
DaVanzo, Julie, and Sidney Goldstein, Migration and Fertility: Some Illustrative Tabulations Based on the Malaysian Family Life Survey, RAND, N-1310-AID, November 1979.
DaVanzo, Julie, and John Haaga, Anatomy of a Fertility Decline: Ethnic Differences in the Experience of Malaysian Women, 1950-1976, RAND, N-1639-AID, August 1981, pp. 373-393.
DaVanzo, Julie, and John Haaga, "Anatomy of a Fertility Decline: Peninsular Malaysia, 1950-1976," Population Studies, Vol. 36, November 1982.
DaVanzo, Julie, and Jean-Pierre Habicht, "What Accounts for the Decline in Infant Mortality in Peninsular Malaysia, 1946-1975?" background paper to the 1984 paper to the 1984 World Development Report, World Bank; also available as N-2166-WB/RF/FF, RAND, June 1984.
DaVanzo, Julie, and Jean-Pierre Habicht, "Infant Mortality Decline in Malaysia, 1946-1975: The Roles of Changes in Variables and Changes in the Structure of Relationships," Demography, Vol. 23, No. 2, May 1986, pp. 143-160.
DaVanzo, Julie, Jean-Pierre Habicht, and William P. Butz, "Assessing Socioeconomic Correlates of Birthweight in Peninsular Malaysia: Ethnic Differences and Changes over Time," Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 18, No. 5, 1984, pp. 384-404.
DaVanzo, Julie, and Michael Kusnic, "Ethnic Differences in Income in Peninsular Malaysia: Their Sensitivity to the Definition and Measurement of Income," Singapore Economic Review, October 1983, pp. 22-45; also available as RAND, P-7097, October 1983.
DaVanzo, Julie, and Michael Kusnic, "Regional Income Differences and the Definition of Income: The Case of Malaysia," International Regional Science Review, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1984, pp. 59-73.
DaVanzo, Julie, and Donald L.P. Lee, "The Compatibility of Child Care with Labor Force Participation and Nonmarket Activities: Preliminary Evidence from Malaysian Time Budget Data," published in Mayra Buvinic, Margaret A. Lycette, and William P. McGreevey (eds.), Women and Poverty in the Third World, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983.
DaVanzo, Julie, Christine E. Peterson, Joyce E. Peterson, D.M. Reboussin, E.H. Starbird, "What Accounts for the Increase in Contraceptive Use in Peninsular Malaysia, 1956-1975?--Development Vs. Family Planning Program Effort," unpublished research, 1988.
DaVanzo, Julie, David Reboussin, Ellen H. Starbird, Tan Boon Ann, and S. Hadi Abdullah, "Contraceptive Method Switching in Peninsular Malaysia: Ethnic Differences, 1940s-1970s," Malaysian Journal of Reproductive Health, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1988.
DaVanzo, Julie, and Daniel S. Levy, "Influences on Breastfeeding Decisions in Peninsular Malaysia," paper presented at the Conference on Family Gender Differences and Development, at the Economic Growth Center, Yale University, September 1989.
DaVanzo, Julie, David Reboussin, Ellen Starbird, Tan Boon Ann, and S. Hadi Abdullah, "Contraceptive Method Switching over Women's Reproductive Careers: Evidence from Malaysian Life History Data," Journal of Biosocial Science, 1989.
DaVanzo, Julie, and Ellen H. Starbird, "Correlates of Short Inter-birth Intervals in Peninsular Malaysia: Their Pathways of Influence through Breastfeeding and Contraceptive Use," Studies in Family Planning, July-August 1991.
DaVanzo, Julie, Tan Boon Ann, and Ramli Othman, Determinants of Contraceptive Method Choice in Peninsular Malaysia, 1961-1975, RAND, N-2453-PC, July 1986.
DaVanzo, Julie, Tan Boon Ann, and Ramli Othman, "Determinants of Contraceptive Method Choice in Peninsular Malaysia, 1961-1975," chapter in R. Bulatao, J. Palmore, and S. Ward (eds.), Choosing a Contraceptive: Factors in Method Choice in Asia and the United States, Westview Press, 1989.
DaVanzo, Julie, Tan Boon Ann, David Reboussin, Ellen Starbird, Ramli Othman, and S. Hadi Abdullah, Contraceptive Choice and Method Switching in Malaysia, Fertility Determinants Research Note, No. 20, The Population Council, 1987.
Deolalikar, Anil B., and Wim P.M. Vijverberg, "A Test of Heterogeneity of Family and Hired Labour in Asian Agriculture," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 49, No. 3, 1987, pp. 291-305.
De Tray, Dennis, The Family in Economic Development: A RAND Corporation Research Center, RAND, 1981.
De Tray, Dennis, Children's Economic Contributions in Peninsular Malaysia, RAND, N-1839-AID, April 1983.
De Tray, Dennis, "Children's Work Activities in Malaysia," Population and Development Review, Vol. 9, No. 3, September 1983, pp. 437-455.
De Tray, Dennis, Schooling in Malaysia: Historical Trends and Recent Enrollments, RAND, N-2011-AID, October 1984.
De Tray, Dennis, Schooling Policy in Malaysia,RAND, R-3147-AID, January 1985.
De Tray, Dennis, Analyzing Policy Options for Raising Educational Levels in Malaysia, RAND, RB-5000, 1985.
De Tray, Dennis, "Government Policy, Household Behavior, and the Distribution of Schooling: A Case Study of Malaysia," Research in Population Economics, Vol. 6, 1988, pp. 257-301.
Esrey, Steven A., and Jean-Pierre Habicht, "Maternal Literacy Modifies the Effect of Toilets and Piped Water on Infant Survival in Malaysia," American Journal of Epidemiology, Vol. 127, No. 5, 1988, pp. 1079-1087.
Fain, Terry, Three Methods for Processing Life History Data, RAND, N-1544-AID, July 1980.
Gillin, Edward D., and Daniel A. Sumner, "Migration Plans and Hours of Work in Malaysia," International Migration Review, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1985, pp. 239-250.
Goldstein, Sidney, and Alice Goldstein, Migration and Fertility in Peninsular Malaysia: An Analysis Using Life History Data, RAND, N-1860-AID, January 1983.
Goldstein, Sidney, and Alice Goldstein, "Techniques for Analysis of the Interrelation Between Migration and Fertility," in Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, National Migration Surveys X Guidelines for Analysis, Bangkok, United Nations, 1982.
Goldstein, Sidney, and Alice Goldstein, "The Disruptive Impact of Migration on Length of Birth Interval: An Analysis Using Life History Data for Malaysia," Working Paper #WP-83-03, Population Studies and Training Center, Brown University, 1983.
Goldstein, Sidney, and Alice Goldstein, "Interrelations Between Migration and Fertility: Their Significance for Urbanization in Malaysia," Habitat International, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1984, pp. 93- 103.
Grootaert, Christiaan, "The Role of Employment and Earnings in the Analysis of Levels of Living with Applications to Thailand and Malaysia," LSMS Working Paper Series, World Bank, Washington, D. C., 1986.
Haaga, John, The Accuracy of Retrospective Data from the Malaysian Family Life Survey, RAND, N-2157-AID, January, 1986.
Haaga, John, Infant Feeding and Nutrition Policy in Malaysia, RAND, P-6995-RGI, June 1984.
Haaga, John G., "Health Consequences of Infant Feeding in Malaysia: A Review," Malaysian Journal of Reproductive Health, Vol. 3, 1986, pp. 85-104; also available as RAND, N-2146-AID, December 1985.
Haaga, John, The Choice of Milk Substitute or Supplementary Food for Malaysian Infants: A Conditional Logistic Analysis, RAND, N-2148-AID, February 1985.
Haaga, John, A Framework for Analyzing Infant Nutrition Policy in Malaysia, RAND, N-2198-AID, February 1985.
Haaga, John G., "Evidence of a Reversal of the Breastfeeding Decline in Peninsular Malaysia," American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 76, No. 3, March 1986, pp. 245-251; also available as RAND, N-2147-AID, March 1986.
Haaga, John, Supplementary Feeding in Early Infancy, RAND, RB-5001, May 1986.
Haaga, John, "The Choice of Supplement for Malaysian Infants, 1950-77," Ecology of Food and Nutrition, Vol. 19, 1987, pp. 297-305.
Haaga, John, "Reliability of Retrospective Survey Data on Infant Feeding," Demography, Vol. 25, No. 2, 1988.
Habicht, Jean-Pierre, Julie DaVanzo, and William P. Butz, "Mother's Milk and Sewage: Their Interactive Effects on Infant Mortality," Pediatrics, Vol. 81, No. 3, 1988, pp. 456-461.
Habicht, Jean-Pierre, Julie DaVanzo, William P. Butz, and Linda Meyers, "The Contraceptive Role of Breastfeeding," Population Studies, Vol. 39, July 1985, pp. 213-232.
Habicht, Jean-Pierre, Julie DaVanzo, and William P. Butz, "Does Breastfeeding Really Save Lives or Are Apparent Benefits Due to Biases?" The American Journal of Epidemiology, Vol. 123, No. 2, February 1986.
Holland, Bart, "Breast-feeding, Social Variables, and Infant Mortality: A Hazards Model Analysis of the Case of Malaysia," Social Biology, Vol. 34, No. 1-2, 1987, pp. 78-93.
Holland, Bart, "The Validity of Retrospective Breast Feeding Duration Data: An Illustrative Analysis of Data Quality in the Malaysian Family Life Survey," Social Biology, Vol. 59, No. 3, 1987, pp. 477-487.
Husna Binti Sulaiman, "The Patterns and Determinants of Women's Work in the Market and Household Production Sectors: Evidence from Malaysia," mimeo, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1986.
Jamil, Kanta, and Rebecca Wong, "Income Aspirations and Migrant Women's Labour Force Activity In Malaysia," Johns Hopkins Population Center Papers on Population, No. WP 93-04, Johns Hopkins University, School of Hygiene and Public Health, Population Center: Baltimore, Maryland, 1993.
Jensen, Eric R., "A Microeconomic Model of the Old-Age Security Motive for Childbearing," International Economic Review, Vol. 31, No. 4, 1990, pp. 953-68.
Kenney, Genevieve, "The Security Demand for Children in Peninsular Malaysia," The Urban Institute, draft paper, 1988.
King, Elizabeth, "Job Turnover, Migration, and Wages in Malaysia," RAND, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America meeting, 1984.
King, Elizabeth M., and Lee A. Lillard, Determinants of Schooling Attainment, Enrollment and Continuation Probabilities: The Philippines, RAND, N-1962-AID, April 1983.
King, Elizabeth M., and Lee Lillard, "Education Policy and Schooling Attainment in Malaysia and the Philippines," Economics of Education Review, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1987, pp. 167-181.
Kusnic, Michael, and Julie DaVanzo, Income Inequality and the Definition of Income: The Case of Malaysia, RAND, R-2416-AID, June 1980.
Kusnic, Michael, and Julie DaVanzo, Measuring Income for Development Policy,RAND, CP-65, November 1981.
Kusnic, Michael, and Julie DaVanzo, "Who Are the Poor in Malaysia? Sensitivity to Measurement of Income," Population and Development Review, Vol. 18, Suppl., 1982, pp. 17-34.
Kusnic, Michael, and Julie DaVanzo, "Accounting for Nonmarket Activities in the Distribution of Income: An Empirical Investigation," Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 21, Summer 1986, pp. 211-227.
Lee, Donald Lye-Poh, "Fixed Costs of Working and the Labour Force Participation of Married Women in Malaysia," Deakin University, Victoria, Australia.
Lee, Kye Sik, "Migration, Income and Fertility in Malaysia: A Simultaneous Equations Model with Limited Dependent Variables," Applied Economics, Vol. 21, No. 12, December 1989.
Lehrer, Evelyn, "The Impact of Child Mortality on Spacing by Parity: A Cox-Regression Analysis," Demography, Vol. 21, No. 3, August 1984, pp. 323-337.
Lehrer, Evelyn, and Marc Nerlove, "The Impact of Expected Child Survival on Husbands' and Wives' Desired Fertility in Malaysia: A Log-Linear Probability Model," Social Science Research, Vol. 13, 1984, pp. 236-249.
Leppel, Karen, "The Relationships Among Child Quality, Family Structure, and the Value of the Mother's time in Malaysia," Malayan Economic Review, Vol. 27, No. 2, 1982, pp. 61-70.
Leppel, Karen, "Determinants of Expectations of Retirement: Evidence from a Less Developed Country," Applied Economics, Vol. 16, No. 5, October 1984, pp. 677-686.
Leppel, Karen, "Determinants of the Value of the Mother's Time: Evidence from a Developing Country," The American Economist, Vol. 16, Spring 1989, pp. 677-686.
Leung, Siu Fai, "On Tests for Sex Preferences," Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 1, 1988, pp. 95-114.
Lillard, Lee A., and Rebecca Kilburn, "Intergenerational Earnings Linkages: Sons and Daughters in Malaysia," RAND, draft, March 1995.
Lillard, Lee A., Elizabeth M. King, and Dennis DeTray, "Intrafamily Correlations in Schooling: Educational Policy and Ethnic Differences in Malaysia," unpublished research, RAND, 1984.
Lillard, Lee A., Robert F. Schoeni, and Robert J. Willis, "The Malaysian Family Life Survey: Implications of Design for Analyses," unpublished manuscript, 1995.
Lillard, Lee A., and Robert J. Willis, "Intergenerational Educational Mobility: Effects of Family and State in Malaysia," Special Issue on the Family and Intergenerational Relations, Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 29, No. 4, 1994, pp. 1126-67.
Maclennan, Iva, RETRO: A Computer Program for Processing Life History Data, RAND, R-2363-AID/RF, March 1978.
McDaniel, Antonio, "The Family Context of Rural to Urban Labor Migration Decisions in Developing Countries--The Case of Malaysian Women," draft, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago.
Menon, Ramdas, "Job Transfers: A Neglected Aspect of Migration in Malaysia," International Migration Review, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1987, pp. 86-95.
Menon, Ramdas, "How Malaysian Migrants Prearrange Employment," Sociology and Social Research, Vol. 73, No. 4, 1988, pp. 257-259.
Menon, Ramdas, "The Impact of Social Networks on the Duration of Job Searches," Journal of Asian and African Studies, 1989.
Menon, Ramdas, "Determinants of the Employment Status of Malaysian Migrants," submitted for publication.
Millman, Sara, and Elizabeth Cooksey, "Life and Death in Malaysia: Health Status at Birth and the Effects of Birth Spacing and Breastfeeding or Survival Through Early Childhood," paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, April 1986.
Millman, Sara R., and Elizabeth C. Cooksey, "Birth Weight and the Effects of Birth Spacing and Breastfeeding on Infant Mortality," Studies in Family Planning, Vol. 18, No. 4, 1987, pp. 204-212.
Montgomery, Mark, "Child Replacement Effects, Investment Effects, and Breastfeeding: An Examination Using Multiple-State Hazard Models," paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, 1983.
Montgomery, Mark, "The Effects of Female Employment on Age at First Marriage in Malaysia," paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, April 1985.
Montgomery, Mark, "Female Education and First Marriage in Malaysia: An Application of the Theory of Search," paper presented to Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, April 1986.
Montgomery, M., and E. Kisker, "Parity and Employment Transitions in Sweden and Malaysia: A Comparison Using Multiple-State Hazard Models," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, 1985.
Montgomery, M., T. Richards, and H. Braun, "Child Health, Breastfeeding, and Survival in Malaysia: A Random-Effects Logit Approach," Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 81, No. 394, June 1986, pp. 297-309.
Nugent, Jeffrey B., Kipham Kan, and Robin J. Walther, The Effects of Old-Age Pensions on Household Structure, Marriage, Fertility and Resource Allocation in Rural Areas of Developing Countries, Report to AID, October 1983.
Olsen, Randall, "Cross-Sectional Methods for Estimating the Replacement of Infant Deaths," Department of Economics, the Ohio State University, Working Paper No. 83-14, 1983.
Olsen, Randall J., "Mortality Rates, Mortality Events, and the Number of Births," The American Economic Review, Vol. 73, No. 2, May 1983, pp. 29-42.
Olsen, Randall J., and Kenneth I. Wolpin, "The Impact of Exogenous Child Mortality on Fertility: A Waiting Time Regression with Dynamic Regressors," Econometrica, Vol. 51, No. 3, May 1983, pp. 731-749.
Pebley, Anne R., and Julie DaVanzo, "Maternal Depletion and Child Survival in Guatemala and Malaysia," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, 1988; also available as RAND, DRU-379-NICHD/RF, 1993.
Peterson, Christine E., Khairuddin Yusof, Julie DaVanzo, and Jean-Pierre Habicht, Why Were Infant and Child Mortality Rates Higher in the Poorest States of Peninsular Malaysia, 1941-75, RAND, N-2329-FF/RF/WFHF, August 1986.
Pitt, Mark M., and Mark R. Rosenzweig, "The Selectivity of Fertility and the Determinants of Human Capital Investments: Parametric and Semi- Parametric Estimates," Brown University, October 1989.
Radloff, Scott, Detecting Migration: An Exploration of Measurement Issues Using the Malaysian Family Life Survey, RAND, N-1927-AID, April 1983.
Randolph, Susan, "The Relationship Between Growth and Inequality: A Test of Competing Theories," draft, University of Connecticut, 1987.
Randolph, Susan, "Intertemporal Aspects of Male Earnings Inequality in Malaysia: 1968 to 1976," draft, University of Connecticut, 1987.
Randolph, Susan, and Eileen Trzcinski, "Relative Earnings Mobility in a Third World Country," draft, University of Connecticut, 1987.
Raut, Lakshmi Kanta, "A Duration Analysis of Fertility Behavior of Women: Partial Likelihood and Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimates," UCSD, March 1989.
Reboussin, David, Julie DaVanzo, Ellen H. Starbird, Tan Boon Ann, and S. Hadi Abdullah, Contraceptive Method Switching over Women's Reproductive Careers: Evidence from Malaysia,RAND, R-3547-PC/RC, October 1987.
Ridder, Geert, and Insan Tunali, "Analysis of Related Durations: A Semi-Parametric Approach with an Application to a Study of Child Mortality in Malaysia," paper presented at the 1986 meeting of the Econometric Society.
Rosenzweig, Mark R., and T. Paul Schultz, "Fertility and Investments in Human Capital--Estimates of the Consequences of Imperfect Fertility Control in Malaysia," Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 36, No. 1-2, 1987, pp. 163-184.
Schultz, T. Paul, "Government Policy, Household Behavior, and the Distribution of Schooling: A Case Study of Malaysia," Research in Population Economics, Vol. 6, 1988, pp. 303-336.
Smith, James P., Income and Growth in Malaysia, RAND, R-2941-AID, May 1983.
Smith, James P., Malaysia's Growth Challenges Some Tenets of Development Theory, RAND, Policy Brief, CP-65, July 1984.
Soon, Lee Ying, "Self Employment vs. Wage Employment: The Problem of Estimation of Earnings Functions in LDCs," paper prepared for conference on "Economics of Education: Tackling the New Policy Issues," Dijon, France, June 1986.
Tan Boon Ann, Ramli Othman, William P. Butz, and Julie DaVanzo, "Age at Menarche in Peninsular Malaysia: Time Trends, Ethnic Differentials, and Association with Age at Marriage and First Birth," Malaysian Journal of Reproductive Health, Vol. 1, No. 2, December 1983; also available as RAND, P-7098, December 1983.
Tan, Hong, and Pilar Rosenfield, The Malaysian Farm File: Codebook and Illustrative Uses of the Data, RAND, N-2105-AID, June 1984.
Topper, Michael D., "Schooling, Family Background, and Government Policy: A Cohort Analysis of the Malaysian Educational Expansion," Department of Economics, Stanford University, November 1990.
Udry, J. Richard, and R.L. Cliquet, "A Cross-Cultural Examination of the Relationship Between Ages at Menarche, Marriage, and First Birth," Demography, Vol. 19, No. 1, February 1982, pp. 53-63.
Vijverberg, Wim, "Consistent Estimates of the Wage Equation Which Individuals Choose Among Income-Earning Activities," Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 52, No. 4, 1986, pp. 1028-1044.
Vijverberg, Vim P.M., "Decomposing the Earnings Differentials in Peninsular Malaysia," Singapore Economic Review, Vol. 32, No. 1, 1987, pp. 24-36.
Waite, Linda, Dennis De Tray, and Ronald Rindfuss, Expectations of Malaysian Mothers for the Schooling of Their Children," RAND, N- 1947-AID, March 1983.
Waite, Linda, Ronald Rindfuss, and Dennis De Tray, "Women's Expectations for Children's Schooling in Malaysia," Journal of Marriage and the Family, Vol. 48, No. 3, August 1986, pp. 527-535.
Weekes-Vagliani, Winifred, Women in Development: At the Right Time for the Right Reasons, OECD Development Centre Studies, Paris, 1980.
Williams, Lindy, and Philip Guest, Female Status as a Determinant of Contraceptive Use, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, 1985.
Theses and Dissertations
Alvi, Kanta, "Migrants' Aspired Income and Women's Motivation to Work: The Case of Malaysia," Ph.D. dissertation, John's Hopkins University, in progress.
Baker-LeClere, Felicia, "Economic and Sociologic Determinants of Married Malaysian Women's Migration Choices: The Case of Conjugal Separation," M.S. thesis, Pennsylvania State University, 1987.
Bauer, John, "Age at Marriage and Earnings in Peninsular Malaysia," Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, 1984.
Bollinger, Lori, "Diffusion, Fertility, and Female Labor Force Participation," Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania (Pub. Order No. DA9211909, University Microfilms International: Ann Arbor, Michigan), 1991.
Chan, Angelique, "Family Function, Ethnicity, and Modernization: The Case of Peninsular Malaysia," B.A. thesis, Reed College, 1989.
Chandra, Aditiawan, "The Migration Process in Peninsular Malaysia," Ph.D. dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1985.
Chang, Ching-Meei, "A Continuous Time Stochastic Process Analysis of Fertility Behavior in Malaysia," Ph.D. dissertation, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1982.
Ghosh, Shubha, "An Ordered Probit Model of the Determinants of the Type of Interhousehold Transfer: Some Evidence from the Malaysian Family Life Survey," Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, 1988.
Gillin, Edward D., "The Labor Supply of Potential Migrants: An Econometric Approach," Ph.D. dissertation, North Carolina State University, 1982.
Govindasamy, Pavalavalli, "Ethnic Fertility Differentials in Peninsular Malaysia: The Impact of Government Policies," Ph.D. dissertation, Michigan State University, 1991.
Guest, M. Philip, "Internal Migration and the Change of the Ethnic and Sexual Divisions of Labor in Peninsular Malaysia," M.A. thesis, Brown University, 1983.
Haaga, John, "Infant Feeding and Nutrition Policy in Malaysia," Ph.D. dissertation, The RAND Graduate School of Policy Studies, 1983.
Harrison, David, `Household Decisions About Fertility and Children's Education: The Case of Malaysia," Ph.D. dissertation, University of California at Los Angeles, 1980.
Husna Binti Sulaiman, "The Market Activities of Malaysian Women in the Modern and Traditional Sectors of Production," Ph.D. dissertation, Ohio State University, 1984.
Ismail, Rahmah Bte., "The Effect of Human Capital on Earnings Differentials in Malaysia," Ph.D. dissertation, North Carolina State University, 1987.
Kan, Kipham, "An Economic Model of the Security Motive in the Demand for Children: An Application to Malaysia," Ph.D. dissertation, University of Southern California, 1985.
Kenney, Genevieve, "The Security Demand for Children in Peninsular Malaysia," Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, 1986.
Kusnic, Michael, "Income Distribution and Time Allocation: Implications of a Model of Household Production Applied to Peninsular Malaysia," Ph.D. dissertation, University of California at Los Angeles, 1982.
Launer, Lenore J., "The Relationship Between Maternal Work Patterns and Duration of Breastfeeding Among Rural Malays," Masters thesis, Cornell University, August 1983.
Lee, Donald Lye-Poh, "Labor Force Participation of Married Women in Malaysia," Ph.D. dissertation, University of London.
Lee, Kye-Sik, "Three Essays on Migration," Ph.D. dissertation, State University of New York at Stony Brook, December 1982.
Leppel, Karen, "The Relationships Among Child Quality, Family Structure, and the Value of the Mother's Time," Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton University, 1980.
Leung, Siu Fai, "A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Effects of Parental Sex Preferences on Fertility," Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1987.
Menon, Ramdas, "Migration Patterns and Migrant Adjustment in Peninsular Malaysia," Ph.D. dissertation, McGill University, 1987.
Montgomery, Mark, "The Dimensions of Child Replacement," Ph.D. thesis, Department of Economics, University of Michigan, 1982.
Parnell, Allan M., "Factors Affecting Age at the Beginning of Motherhood in Peninsular Malaysia," M.A. thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1982.
Puang, Tak Chee, "Interhousehold Transfers of Peninsular Malaysia," Ph.D. dissertation, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1990.
Radloff, Scott, "Measuring Migration: A Sensitivity Analysis of Traditional Measurement Approaches based on the Malaysian Family Life Survey," Ph.D. dissertation, Brown University, 1982.
RamaRao, Saumya, "Knowledge of the Contraceptive Effect of Breastfeeding Among Malaysian and Guatamalan Women," Ph.D. dissertation, University of Southern California, 1990.
Randolph, Susan, "Labor Market Structure and Intertemporal Aspects of Earnings Inequality in Malaysia," Ph.D. dissertation, Cornell University, 1983.
Sengupta, Prasun, "Demographic Influences on Female Labor Supply," Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1986.
Shreeniwas, Sudha, "Sibship Size, Structure and Children's Education: Ethnic Differentials Over Time in Peninsular Malaysia," Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, 1992.
Shreeniwas, Sudha, "Status Attainment in Peninsular Malaysia: The Impact of Familial Socio-demographic Characteristics and State Policies Over Time", Ph.D. dissertation, Pub. Order No. DA9308444, University Microfilms International: Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1992.
Soon, Lee Ying, "Some Aspects of Household Behavior in a Developing Country with Emphasis on Self-Employment," Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1984.
Williams, Linda, "Determinants of Contraceptive Use in Peninsular Malaysia: The Role of Access to Services Versus Economic Development and Substantive Policy Implications," M.A. thesis, Brown University, 1984.
Yeoh, Suan-Pow, "Informal Sector Participation and Women's Economic Position in West Malaysia," Ph.D. dissertation, Duke University, 1982.
Yinger, Nancy, "Women's Economic Contribution, Relative Income, and Fertility Decision Making in Malaysia," Ph.D. dissertation, John's Hopkins University, 1984.
Zakaria, Wan Zaini, "The Career Interruption Model of Earnings Differential between Sexes: The Malaysian Experience," Ph.D. dissertation, in progress, Northern Illinois University.
Publications Using MFLS-2 Data
Papers, Articles, Book Chapters, Reports, and Working Papers Based on MFLS-2
Abdel-Ghany, Mohamed, Deanna L. Sharpe, and Husna Sulaiman, "Methodological Alternatives of the Opportunity Cost Approach in Valuing Homemaker's Time in Peninsular Malaysia," presented at and published in the proceedings of the First Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association Meeting held at Shah Alam, Malaysia, July 4-6, 1995. Dr. Gong-Soog Hong and Dr. Richard Widdows are co-editors of the published proceedings.
Abdul Manan Abd., Rahaman, "Parent's Educational Expenses for Their Children in Peninsular Malaysia," in J. Sine, Tey N. P., and J. DaVanzo (eds.), Proceedings of the Seminar on the Second Malaysian Family Life Survey, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 1991, CF-109-NICHD/NIA/WFHF, RAND, 1993, pp. 113-127.
Amin, Shahina, "Married Women's Labor Force Participation and Family Income Inequality," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1996.
Amin, Shahina, "Life Cycle Labor Supply of Married Women and Family Income Inequality," to be presented at the Missouri Valley Economic Association 33rd Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, February 27-March 1, 1997.
Amin, Shahina, "The Effects of Female Labor Force Participation on Family Income Inequality," presented at the CSWEP's session at the Midwest Economics Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 1996.
Anderson, Kathryn H., Elizabeth M. King, and Yan Wang, "Market Returns, Transfers and Demand for Schooling in Malaysia", draft, 1995.
Banerji, Rukmini, "Gender Gap in Malaysia and Taiwan," NORC/University of Chicago, Population Research Center, Discussion Paper Series, December 1993.
Bollinger, Lori, "The Effect of Child Care and Family Planning Costs in Malaysia," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America , Cincinnati, Ohio, 1993.
Bollinger, Lori, "The Long-Term Effects of Child Care in Malaysia," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, San Francisco, CA, 1995.
Bollinger, Lori, "Intrahousehold Allocation of Educational Expenditures in Malaysia," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1996.
Bommier, Antoine, "Intergenerational Transfers and Allocation of Resources: Evidence from Malaysia," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1996.
Brien, Mike J. and Lee A. Lillard, July, "Timing of Marriage and First Conception in Malaysia," submitted to Journal of Human Resources, 1992.
Brien, Michael J. and Lee A. Lillard, "Education, Marriage and First Conception in Malaysia," Special Issue on the Family and Intergenerational Relations, Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 29, No. 4, 1994, pp. 1167-1204.
Chan, Angelique, "How Do Parents and Childern Help One Another- Socioeconomic Determinants of Intergenerational Transfers in Peninsular Malaysia," Journal of Population, 1996.
Chan, Angelique and Julie DaVanzo, February, "Living Arrangements of Older Malaysians--Who Coresides With Their Adult Children?," Demography, Vol. 31, No. 1, February 1994; also available as RP-284, 1994, RAND.
Chan, Angelique, and Julie DaVanzo, "Ethnic Differences in Parents' Coresidence with Adult Children in Peninsular Malaysia," Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, in press; (also available from RAND as DRU-852-NIA/WFHF, Labor and Population Program Working Paper Series 94- 26).
Chattopaddhyay, Arpita, "Effects of Gender and Family on Socioeconomic Returns to Family Migration: The Case of Malaysia," paper presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, August 19-23, 1995.
Chattopaddhyay, Arpita, "Family Migration and the Economic Status of Women in Malaysia," International Migration Review, Vol. 31, No. 2, Summer 1997, pp. 338-352.
Chattopaddhyay, Arpita, "Gender, Migration, and Career Trajectories: An Application of the Continuous State Hazzards Model," paper under revision.
Chattopaddhyay, Arpita, "Work or Family: Incorporating Rural Women in the Urban Labor Markets of Malaysia," Population Research Bureau Fellows Program Research Paper Series, 1996.
Chattopaddhyay, Arpita, "Implications of Family Migration for Occupational Mobility of Women," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, San Francisco, CA, 1995.
DaVanzo, Julie, "Potential Role of Household Surveys for Providing Population and Health Information for Monitoring, Evaluation, and Planning Purposes," P-7969, RAND, 1996.
DaVanzo, Julie, "Breastfeeding," in J. Sine, Tey N. P., and J. DaVanzo (eds.), Proceedings of the Seminar on the Second Malaysian Family Life Survey, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 1991, CF-109-NICHD/NIA/WFHF, RAND, 1993, pp. 54-69.
DaVanzo, Julie, "Living Arrangements of the Elderly," in J. Sine, Tey N. P., and J. DaVanzo (eds.), Proceedings of the Seminar on the Second Malaysian Family Life Survey, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 1991, CF-109-NICHD/NIA/WFHF, RAND, 1993, pp. 145-161.
DaVanzo, Julie, Angelique Chan, Pavalavalli Govindasamy, Joyce Peterson, Suet-ling Pong, and Mizanur Rahman, Is Son Preference an Obstacle to Reducing Fertility Rates? Evidence from Two Developing Countries,RAND Issue Paper, under review, forthcoming as RAND IP-159.
DaVanzo, Julie, and Jean-Pierre Habicht, Infant Mortality and Economic Development, RAND, Policy Brief RB-5002, 1990.
DaVanzo, Julie, and Jean-Pierre Habicht, Infant Mortality and Economic Development, RAND, Policy Brief, RB-5002, 1990.
DaVanzo, Julie, and Jean-Pierre Habicht, "Infant Mortality Decline in Malaysia, 1946-1975: The Roles of Changes in Variables and Changes in the Structure of Relationships," Demography, Vol. 23, No. 2, May 1986, pp. 143-160.
DaVanzo, Julie, Jacob A. Klerman and Christine Peterson, "The Role of Public Policies and Socioeconomic Change in Explaining Fertility Trends in Peninsular Malaysia," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Miami, FL, 1994.
DaVanzo, Julie, Jeffrey Sine and Tey Nai Peng, Proceedings of the Seminar on the Second Malaysian Family Life Survey, Kuala Lumpur, October 1991, CF-109-NICHD/NIA/WFHF, RAND, 1993.
DaVanzo, Julie, Jeffrey Sine, Christine Peterson, and John Haaga, "Reversal of the Decline in Breastfeeding in Peninsular Malaysia? Ethnic and Educational Differentials and Data Quality Issues," Social Biology, Vol. 41, No. 1-2, 1994, pp. 61-78.
DaVanzo, Julie, and Tey Nai Peng, "Overview," in J. Sine, Tey N. P., and J. DaVanzo (eds.), Proceedings of the Seminar on the Second Malaysian Family Life Survey, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 1991, CF-109-NICHD/NIA/WFHF, RAND, 1993, pp. 1-6.
Gallup, John Luke, "Ethnicity and Earnings in Malaysia," Development Discussion Paper, Harvard Institute of International Development (forthcoming).
Gallup, John Luke, "Migration in Malaysia: Heterogeneity and Persistence," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1996.
Ganga, Philomena, "Fertility Trends and Differentials," in J. Sine, Tey N. P., and J. DaVanzo (eds.), Proceedings of the Seminar on the Second Malaysian Family Life Survey, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 1991, CF-109-NICHD/NIA/WFHF, RAND, 1993, pp. 20-34.
Govindasamy, Pavalavalli, and Julie DaVanzo, "Ethnic Fertility Differentials in Peninsular Malaysia: The Impact of Government Policies," Population and Development Review, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 243-267; also available as RP-183, 1993, RAND, 1992.
Gurak, Douglas T., and Mary M. Kritz, "Family Planning and Women's Lives: The Malaysian Case," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, San Francisco, CA, 1995.
Haaga, John, Christine Peterson, Julie DaVanzo, and S. Mengchee Lee, Health Status and Family Support of Older Malaysians, RAND, Santa Monica, CA, DRU-378-NIA, Labor and Population Program Working Paper Series 93- 17, 1993.
Haaga, John, Julie DaVanzo, Christine Peterson, and Tey Nai Peng, Twelve-Year Follow-Up of Respondents and Their Adult Children in a Panel Survey in Peninsular Malaysia, Santa Monica, CA, DRU-380-NICHD, Labor and Population Program Working Paper Series 93- 19, 1993.
Haaga, John, Julie DaVanzo, Christine Peterson, and Tey Nai Peng, "Twelve-Year Follow-Up of Respondents in a Sample Survey in Peninsular Malaysia," Asia-Pacific Population Journal, Vol. 9, No. 2, 1994, pp. 61-72.
Hussein, Asma, "Women's Education, Work Pattern, and Fertility Differentials in Peninisular Malaysia," Australian National University, October 1991.
Johnson, Richard, and Julie DaVanzo, "Children's Nestleaving in Peninsular Malaysia," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America Meeting, Miami, Florida, 1994.
Johnson, Richard W., and Julie DaVanzo, "Parent-Child Coresidence and Quasi-Coresidence in Peninsular Malaysia," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 1995.
Johnson, Richard W., and Julie DaVanzo, "Mother-Child Coresidence and Quasi-Coresidence in Peninsular Malaysia," Journal of Population, 1996.
Johnson, Richard, and Julie DaVanzo, "Economic and Cultural Influences on the Decision to Leave Home in Peninsular Malaysia," Demography, February 1998; currently available as DRU-1589-NIA, RAND, Labor and Population Program Working Paper Series 97-3, 1997.
Karoly, Lynn A., "Money for Nothing? Remittances by Migrants in the Malaysian Family Life Surveys," submitted to Journal of Population Economics,1997.
Karoly, Lynn, and Nga Vuong, "Remittances by Migrants: Evidence from the Malaysian Family Life Surveys," presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1993.
Khalipah Mohd. Tom, "Marriage Trends Among Peninsular Malaysian Women," in J. Sine, Tey N. P., and J. DaVanzo (eds.), Proceedings of the Seminar on the Second Malaysian Family Life Survey, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 1991, CF-109-NICHD/NIA/WFHF, RAND, 1993, pp. 7-19.
King, Elizabeth M., and Lee A. Lillard, Determinants of Schooling Attainment, Enrollment and Continuation Probabilities: The Philippines, RAND, N-1962-AID, April 1983.
King, Elizabeth, K.H. Anderson, and Y. Wang, "Linkages Between the Returns to Schooling and the Schooling Choices of Boys and Girls in Peninsular Malaysia," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1993.
Klerman, Jacob A., "Modeling Heaping in Retrospective Data: Insights from the MFLS Breastfeeding Data," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, 1993.
Klerman, Jacob A., "Heaping in Retrospective Data: Insights from the MFLS Breastfeeding Data," paper available as RAND Labor and Population Program Working Paper 93-21/RAND DRU-384-NICHD, 1993.
Klerman, Jacob A., "Modelling Heaping in Retrospective Data: Insights from the MFLS Breastfeeding Data," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, 1993.
Klerman, Jacob A., "Insights into Heaping from Retrospective Breastfeeding Data," Proceedings of the International Conference on Survey Measurement and Process Quality, April 1- 4, 1995, Bristol, U.K., pp. 239-244. (Also available from RAND as RP-509.)
Kuate Defo, Barthélémy, "Trends and Determinants of Contraceptive Method Choice and Switching over Women's Reproductive Lifetimes in Peninsular Malaysia," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, San Francisco, CA, 1995.
Kuate DeFoe, Barthélémy and Julie DaVanzo, "Data on Reasons for No or Short Breastfeeding, Are They Reliable and Do They Help Us Understand Infant Feeding Behavior?" DRU-1305-NICHD, RAND, 1996.
Kuate Defo, Barthélémy, and Julie DaVanzo, "Reliability of Reports of Reasons for No or Short Breastfeeding," draft, RAND, submitted for publication, 1997a.
Kuate Defo, Barthélémy, and Julie DaVanzo, "The Duration of Breastfeeding in Peninsular Malaysia: Correlates and Changes Over Time," in progress, 1997c.
Leete, Richard, "Malaysia's Demographic Transition: Rapid Development, Culture, and Politics," Vol. Xxiii, p. 222, Kuala Lumpur, Oxford, Singapore, and New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Leung, Siu Fai, "Will Sex Selection Reduce Fertility?," Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 379-392, 1994.
Lillard, Lee A., and Rebecca Kilburn, "Intergenerational Earnings Links: Sons and Daughters," DRU-1125-NIA, RAND, Labor and Population Program Working Paper Series 95-17, 1995.
Lillard, Lee A., and Rebecca Kilburn, "Intergenerational Earnings Linkages: Sons and Daughters in Malaysia," RAND, draft, March 1995.
Lillard, Lee A., Robert F. Schoeni, and Robert J. Willis, "The Malaysian Family Life Survey: Implications of Design for Analyses," draft, RAND, 1995.
Lillard, Lee A., Robert F. Schoeni, and Robert J. Willis, "The Malaysian Family Life Survey: Implications of Design for Analyses," unpublished manuscript, 1995.
Lillard, Lee A., and Robert J. Willis, "Intergenerational Educational Mobility: Effects of Family and State in Malaysia," The Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 29, No. 4 ,1994, p. 41.
Lillard, Lee A., and Robert J. Willis, "Intergenerational Educational Mobility: Effects of Family and State in Malaysia," Special Issue on the Family and Intergenerational Relations, Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 29, No. 4, 1994, pp. 1126-67.
Lillard, Lee A., and Robert J. Willis, "Intergenerational Transfers in the Absence of Social Security and Medicare: Malaysia," paper presented at IUSSP/East-West Center conference on Intergenerational Economic Relations and Demographic Change, Honolulu, Sept. 1995.
Lillard, Lee A., and Robert J. Willis, "Motives for Intergenerational Transfers: Evidence from Indonesia and Malaysia." paper presented at the NIA RAND Summer Institute on the Economics, Demography, and Epidemiology of Aging, Santa Monica, August 1995.
Lillard, Lee A., and Robert J. Willis, "Motives for Intergenerational Transfers: Evidence from Malaysia," Demography, Vol. 34, No. 1, 1997, pp. 115-134.
Lillard, Lee A., and Robert J. Willis, "Intergenerational Transfers in Malaysia," prepared for NIA Summer Insitiute on the Economics, Demography and Epidemiology of Aging, Santa Monica, CA, August 1995; and IUSSP conference on Intergenerational Economic Relations and Demographic Change, Honolulu, Hawaii, September 1995.
Lillard, Lee A., Robert J. Willis, and Elizabeth Frankenberg, "Intergenerational Transfers: Indonesia and Malaysia in Comparison," submitted for publication.
Mohamed, Wan Norsiah, Ian Diamond, and Peter Smith, "The Determinants of Infant mortality in Malaysia: A Graphical Log Linear Modeling Approach," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, San Francisco, CA, 1995.
National Population and Family Development Board, Malaysia, and RAND Corporation, Report of the Malaysian Family Life Survey-II, 1988, Kuala Lumpur, 1992.
Nazileh, Ramli, "Health Status and Health Care of the Elderly in Peninsular Malaysia," in J. Sine, Tey N. P., and J. DaVanzo (eds.), Proceedings of the Seminar on the Second Malaysian Family Life Survey, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 1991, CF-109-NICHD/NIA/WFHF, RAND, 1993, pp. 128-144.
Ngin, ChorSwang, and Julie DaVanzo, "Parent-Child Coresidence and Quasi-Coresidence in Peninsular Malaysia: Complementary Insights from Quantitative and Qualitative Research," paper presented at the annual meeting of Population Association of America in Washington, DC, 1997.
Nor Akmawati Mohd. Zain, "Childcare Providers in Peninsular Malaysia," in J. Sine, Tey N. P., and J. DaVanzo (eds.), Proceedings of the Seminar on the Second Malaysian Family Life Survey, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 1991, CF-109-NICHD/NIA/WFHF, RAND, 1993, pp. 80-95.
Pala, Jean, "Changing Environment in the Care for the Elderly in Malaysia," paper presented at the Inter-Congress on Aging, Trivadrum, India, August 1996.
Panis, C. W. and Lee A. Lillard, Health Inputs and Child Mortality: Malaysia, RAND, Santa Monica, CA, DRU-191-NICHD, Labor and Population Program Working Paper Series 93- 03, 1993.
Panis, Constantijn W. A. and Lee A. Lillard, Child Mortality in Malaysia, 1950-1988, RAND, Santa Monica, CA, DRU-311-NICHD, Labor and Population Program Working Paper Series 93- 09, 1993.
Panis, Constantijn W. A. and Lee A. Lillard, Timing of Child Replacement Effects on Fertility in Malaysia, RAND, Santa Monica, CA, DRU-331-NICHD, Labor and Population Program Working Paper Series 93- 13, 1993.
Panis, Constantijn W.A., and Lee A. Lillard, "Health Inputs and Child Mortality: Malaysia," revised June 1994, Journal of Health Economics, 1994.
Panis, Constantijn W.A., and Lee A. Lillard, "The Decline of Infant Mortality in Malaysia: Causes and Policy Implications," 1994.
Panis, Constantijn W. A., and Lee A. Lillard, "Child Mortality in Malaysia: Explaining Ethnic Differences and the Recent Decline," Population Studies, 1995.
Panis, Constantijn W. A. and Lee A. Lillard, "Child Mortality in Malaysia: Ethinic Differences and the Recent Decline," Population Studies, vol. 49, 1995. (Also available from RAND as RP-494.)
Panis, Constantijn W. A., and Lee A. Lillard, "The Decline of Infant Mortality in Malaysia: Causes and Policy Implications," draft, RAND, 1994.
Pathmanathan, Sundramoorthy, "Couple Types, Decision-Making, and Fertility in Peninsular Malaysia," paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society, St. Louis, MO, 1994.
Peterson, Christine E., "Long-Term Recall of Fertility-Related Events: The MFLS Experience," presented at the 1993 meeting of the Population Association of America in Cincinnati, Ohio, forthcoming as RAND working paper.
Peterson, Christine, and Courtland Reichman, "Desired Fertility Measures for Wives and Husbands: Are They Consistent and How Well Do They Predict Subsequent Fertility," RAND, Santa Monica, CA, forthcoming, 1995.
Pong, Suet-Ling, "Preferential Policies and Secondary School Attainment in Peninsular Malaysia," Sociology of Education,Vol. 66, October 1993, pp. 245-261.
Pong, Suet-Ling, "Sex Preference and Fertility in Peninsular Malaysia," Studies in Family Planning, Vol. 25, No. 3, 1994, pp. 137-148.
Pong, Suet-Ling, "Sibling Size And Children's Educational Attainment In Peninsular Malaysia," Penn State University, Population Research Institute Working Paper, WP-94-21, 1994.
Pong, Suet-Ling, "Single-Motherhood and Children's School Attendance in Peninsular Malaysia," Pennsylvania State University, Population Research Institute Working Paper WP-1995-05, 1995.
Pong, Suet-Ling, "Access to Education in Peninsular Malaysia," submitted for publication in Compare, Vol. 25, No. 3, 1995.
Pong, Suet-Ling, "School Participation of Children from Single-Mother Families in Malaysia," Comparative Education Review, Vol. 40, No. 3, 1996, pp. 231-249.
Pong, Suet-Ling, "Sibling Size and Educational Attainment in Peninsular Malaysia: Do Policies Matter?" Sociological Perspectives, Vol. 40, No. 2, 1997, pp. 227-242.
Pong, Suet-Ling, "Who Wants Daughters? Sex Preference and Ethnicity in Peninsular Malaysia," Pennsylvania State University, Population Research Institute Working Paper WP-93-08, 1993.
Puang, Tak, and E. Metzen, "Grants Economics: Gifts of Money, Goods, and Services," in M.M. Sanik (ed.), Proceedings of the 1992 Conference of the Southeastern Regional Association of Family Economics/Home Management, 1992, pp. 37-47. Columbus, OH: the Ohio State University, Family Resource Management Department.
Puang, Tak, and E. Metzen, "Interhousehold Grants in Peninsular Malaysia: Impact of Grantors Characteristics on Amount of Grants Given," Journal of Family and Economic Issues, Vol. 14, No. 4, 1993, pp. 317-342.
Puang, Tak, and E. Metzen, "Reservation Wages: An Empirical Test of Alternative Measures," in Teressa Mauldin (Ed.), Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests, 1993, pp. 135-141. Columbia, MO: American Council of Consumer Interests.
RamaRao, Saumya, "Evidence from Peninsular Malaysia of Breastfeeding as a Contraceptive Method," Studies in Family Planning, Vol. 23, No. 6, 1992, pp. 376-385.
Raut, Lakshmi K., "Old-age Security and Gender Preference Hypotheses: A Duration Analysis of Malaysian Family Life Survey Data," Journal of Quantitative Economics, 1996.
Rohani Ab. Razak, "Women's Labour Force Participation," in J. Sine, Tey N. P., and J. DaVanzo (eds.), Proceedings of the Seminar on the Second Malaysian Family Life Survey, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 1991, CF-109-NICHD/NIA/WFHF, RAND, 1993, pp. 70-79.
Shreeniwas, Sudha, "Sibship Size, Structure and Children's Education: Ethnic Differentials Over Time in Peninsular Malaysia," unpublished paper, Stanford University,under journal review, 1995.
Shreeniwas, S., "Family Size, Structure, and Children's Education: Ethnic Differentials Over Time in Peninsular Malaysia," in Fertility, Family Size, and Structure: Consequences for Families and Children,C. B. Lloyd (ed.), New York: Population Council, pp. 331-372, 1993.
Shreeniwas, S., "Family Size, Structure, and the Achievement of Children: The Case of Peninsular Malaysia," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, 1991.
Sine, Jeffrey, "Data Quality in Retrospective Surveys," in J. Sine, Tey N. P., and J. DaVanzo (eds.), Proceedings of the Seminar on the Second Malaysian Family Life Survey, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 1991, CF-109-NICHD/NIA/WFHF, RAND, 1993, pp. 96-112.
Sine, Jeffrey, Tey N.P., and J. DaVanzo (eds.), Proceedings of the Seminar on the Second Malaysian Family Life Survey, Kuala Lumpur, October 1991, CF-109-NICHD/NIA/WFHF, RAND, 1993.
Slusher, Chuck, "Intrafamily, Intergenerational Decisions: Co- residence, Transfer and Labor Supply in Peninsular Malaysia," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1996.
Smith, James P. , "Labor Markets and Economic Development in Malaysia," in T. Paul Schultz ed., Research in Population Economics, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press (forthcoming).
Smith, James P., "Labor Markets and Economic Development in Malaysia," in T. Paul Schultz (ed.), Research in Population Economics, Vol. 7, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1990./P> Smith, James P. and Duncan Thomas, On the Road: Marriage and Mobility in Malaysia, RAND, Santa Monica, CA, DRU-323-NICHD, Labor and Population Program Working Paper Series 93-11, 1993.
Smith, James P., Duncan Thomas, and Lynn A. Karoly, "Migration in Retrospect: Differences Between Men and Women," unpublished paper, RAND, Santa Monica, CA, 1992.
Tey, Nai Peng, "Patterns of Contraceptive Use and Policy Implications," in J. Sine, Tey N. P., and J. DaVanzo (eds.), Proceedings of the Seminar on the Second Malaysian Family Life Survey, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 1991, CF-109-NICHD/NIA/WFHF, RAND, 1993, pp. 35-53.
Tey, Nai Peng, "Demographic Trends and Family Structure in Malaysia," in Susan Chong and Cho Kah Sin (eds.), Social Development under Rapid Industrialization: The Case of Southeast Asia, Institute for Strategic and International Studies (ISIS), Malaysia, 1994.
Tey, Nai Peng, "Maternal Employment and Child Care," in Chiam Heng Keng, ed., Securing Our Future: Proceedings of the Conference on Children - Our Future,Child Development Center, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 1993.
Tong, Foo Sya, "Basic Amenities in Household in Peninsular Malaysia," in J. Sine, Tey N. P., and J. DaVanzo (eds.), Proceedings of the Seminar on the Second Malaysian Family Life Survey, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 1991, CF-109-NICHD/NIA/WFHF, RAND, 1993, pp. 162-170.
VanLandingham, Mark, "Breastfeeding and Waiting Time to Conception for Malay Women: a Tale of Two Surveys," Social Biology, Vol. 40, No. 3-4, 215-223 pp., Fall-Winter 1993.
Willis, Robert J., "Understanding Intergenerational Transfers and Their Implications," paper prepared for presentation at conference on Emerging Policy Issues on Aging in Asia and the Research Response, Academica Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, January 1997.
Wolpin, Kenneth I., "An Estimable Dynamic Stochastic Model of Fertility and Child Mortality," Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 92, No. 5, 1984, pp. 852-874.
Wu, Zhao, and Laura Rudkin, "Social Contacts, Socioeconomic Status, and the Health Status of Older Malaysians," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1996.
Yatim, Masitah Mohd., "Malaysian Family in a Rapidly Industrialising Society," National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia, paper presented at 6th Kitakyushu Conference on Asian Women, November 17-22, 1995, Japan.
Theses and Dissertations
Abdullah, Mawardi, "Ethnic Fertility Differentials in Peninsular Malaysia: Determinants and Policy Implications," Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1990.
Amin, Shahina, "Married Women's Employment and Family Income Inequality," Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Economics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1996.
Bhandari, Rajika, "Empowering Rural Women: Criteria for Future Community-Based Educational Interventions," M.A. thesis, University of North Carolina, 1994.
Chan, Angelique, "Are Intergenerational Transfers in Peninsular Malaysia a Substitute for Coresidence?" Masters Thesis, University of California Los Angeles, 1991.
Chattopadhyay, Arpita, "Gender Differences in the Effect of Family Migration on Occupational Mobility in Malaysia," Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Sociology, Brown University, 1997.
Duffy, Niev, "The Fear of Widowhood as an Obstacle to Demographic Transition in Developing Countries," Ph.D. dissertation, New York University, 1996.
Gallup, John L, "Heterogeneity, Persistence, and Ethnicity: Internal Migration and Labor Markets in Malaysia," Ph.D. dissertation, University of California Berkeley, 1994.
Goh, Chor-Ching, "Labor Market Outcomes Across Generations," Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, in progress.
Govindasamy, Pavalavalli, "Ethnic Fertility Differentials in Peninsular Malaysia: The Impact of Government Policies," Ph.D. dissertation, Michigan State University, 1991.
Haron, Sharifah Azizah, "Income Disparity Between and Within Ethnic Groups in Peninsular Malaysia," unpublished Master's Thesis,University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 1995.
Lee, Hwansung, "Migration in Malaysia: A Microeconomic Model Based on the Malaysian Family Life Survey," Ph.D. dissertation, State University of New York, 1995.
LeFranc, Christophe, "Demographic Influences on Income Distribution: A Study of Household Survey Data from Peninsular Malaysia," Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley. Available from University, Microfilms Inc. (UMI), 1993.
Leite, Carlos, "The Impact of Return Migration and the Determinants of Lifetime Migration in Low-Income Countries," Ph.D. dissertation, McMaster University, 1995.
Levin, Ann, "The Effect of Differential Preferences in the Household on the Demand for Maternal Health Care," Ph.D. dissertation, Johns Hopkins University, 1994.
Lim, Suet Tieng, "Gender, Race, and Attainment in Peninsular Malaysia," Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1992.
Mira, Pedro, "Uncertain Child Mortality, Learning and Life Cycle Fertility," Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Economics, University of Minnesota, 1995.
Panis, Constantijn Willem Alphons, "A Simultaneous Treatment of Fertility Timing, Child Mortality and Health Status," Ph.D. dissertation, University of Southern California, 1992.
Pathmanathan, Sundramoorthy, "Fertility Behavior of Married Couples in Peninsular Malaysia," Ph.D. dissertation, South Dakota State University, 1993.
Setapa, Sabariah, "An Analysis of Old Age Support and Security in Malaysia," Masters Thesis, University of Southern California, 1993.
Shah, Ajay, "A Life Cycle Model of Fertility Choice," Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Economics, University of Southern California, 1993.
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