Where Russia Markets and Sells Advanced Conventional Weapons
Russia's arms exports are one of the few finished products it produces that are sold around the globe. Weapons sales are a means Russia uses to further relations with other countries, influence their political and military leaders, and further its broader foreign and defense policy goals. The maps below show the extent of its marketing, negotiating and sales of key weapons systems.
S-400 Air Defense System
The S-400 (Triumph) is a long-range surface to air missile system designed to engage both aerial and ballistic targets. The S-400 is a multi-platform complex (system of systems) which comprises a number of components. The system entered service in the Russian military in 2007 and has only been delivered to three countries (China, Turkey, Belarus), though Russia is marketing the system elsewhere.
Map last updated June 11, 2021
Sources for the S-400 Air Defense System
"В Анголу поставлены шесть российских истребителей Су-30б [Six Russian Su-30 Fighters Delivered to Angola]," IA Regnum, April 3, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://regnum.ru/news/2604601.html
"Путин проведет переговоры с президентом Анголы [Putin Will Conduct Negotiations with the President of Angola]," РИА Новости [RIA Novosti], April 4, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://ria.ru/20190404/1552369022.html
Elena Teslova, "Russia, Angola Sign Cooperation Deals in Moscow," Anadalu Agency, April 4, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.aa.com.tr/en/africa/russia-angola-sign-cooperation-deals-in-moscow/1442652
"Россия установит в Белоруссии ракетные системы С-400 «Триумф» [Russia Will Install S-400 Missile Systems in Belarus]," KM.Ru, May 24, 2011. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.km.ru/bsssr/2011/05/24/armiya/rossiya-ustanovit-v-belorussii-raketnye-sistemy-s-400-triumf
"Москва отблагодарила Минск за бесплатную аренду земли системами С-400 [Moscow Thanked Minsk for the Free Lease of Land with S-400 Systems]," РИА ФАН [RIA FAN], June 28, 2016. As of April 28, 2021: https://riafan.ru/532810-moskva-otblagodarila-minsk-za-besplatnuyu-arendu-zemli-sistemami-s-400
Vladimir Karnozov, "Американские санкции против Москвы – не помеха [American Sanctions against Moscow Are Not a Hindrance]," Независимое военное обозрение [Independent Military Review], August 7, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://nvo.ng.ru/armament/2020-08-07/5_1103_sanctions.html
"Камерун задумался о покупке комплекса «Панцирь-С1» [Cameroon Thought about Purchase of Pantsir-S1]," Российская газета [Rossiiskaya Gazeta], October 22, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://rg.ru/2019/10/22/reg-szfo/kamerun-zadumalsia-o-pokupke-raketnogo-kompleksa-pancir-s1.html
"Second Group of Chinese Servicemen Starts Training to Learn to Operate S-400 Systems," TASS, May 15, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://tass.com/defense/1048793
"Russia Confirms Arms Deal to Supply China with S-400 Air Defense Systems," Sputnik International, April 13, 2015. As of April 28, 2021: https://sputniknews.com/world/201504131020809219/
"Россия ведет с Турцией и Египтом переговоры по продаже С-400 [Russia Is Carrying Out Negotiations with Turkey and Egypt on the Sale of S-400]," NewsRu.com, February 20, 2017. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.newsru.com/finance/20feb2017/idex2017_c400.html
"Syria, Iraq, Egypt and Sudan Potential Contenders for S-400 Purchase – Official," Sputnik International, January 23, 2018. As of April 28, 2021: https://sputniknews.com/world/201801231060996070-syria-iraq-egypt-suden-s400/
"Egypt’s President Arrives in Russia for Talks with Putin as Ties Strengthen," Foreign Brief, October 17, 2018. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.foreignbrief.com/daily-news/egypts-president-arrives-in-russia-for-talks-with-putin-as-ties-strengthen/
Yaakov Katz, "Egypt Wants S-400 to Counter Iran," The Jerusalem Post, July 1, 2009. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Egypt-wants-S-400-to-counter-Iran
"India to Get Its First Batch of S-400s by End of 2021," TASS, February 5, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://tass.com/defense/1116619
Rahul Bedi, "CAATSA, a Political and a Commercial Tool," The Tribune [India], July 11, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/comment/caatsa-a-political-and-a-commercial-tool-111275
"Iran Prepares to Acquire Cutting Edge Weapons as Arms Embargo Ends: Media," AMN News, May 19, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/iran-prepares-to-acquire-cutting-edge-weapons-as-arms-embargo-ends-media/
Anton Mardasov, "Will Russia Provide Missiles to ‘Clos the Entire Sky’ Over Iran?" AL-Monitor, January 22, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/01/russia-iran-us-military-deals.html
Gabriele Barison, "‘Iran Could Buy Su-30 Fighters and S-400 SAMs in 2020,’ Pentagon Says," The Aviation Geek Club, November 21, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://theaviationgeekclub.com/iran-could-buy-su-30-fighters-and-s-400-sams-in-2020-pentagon-says/
Svetlana Gomzikova, "Иран остановит американцев российскими «Триумфами» [Iran Will Stop the Americans with Russian Triumfs]," Свободная Пресса [Free Press], June 20, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://svpressa.ru/war21/article/235950/
Joseph Trevithick, "Russia Re-Ups Offer to Arm Iraq with S-400 Air Defenses as Relations with the U.S. Sour," The Drive, January 7, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/31753/russia-re-ups-offer-to-arm-iraq-with-s-400-air-defenses-as-relations-with-the-u-s-sour
"Россия не получала от Ирака заявку на С-400 – источник [Russia Did Not Receive Application from Iraq for S-400 – Source]," Интерфакс [Interfax], April 24, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.militarynews.ru/story.asp?rid=1&nid=530804&lang=RU
Thomas Newdick, "New Intel Indicates Russia May Have Sent S-300 or S-400 Surface to Air Missiles to Libya," The Drive, August 6, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/35460/new-intel-indicates-russia-may-have-sent-s-300-or-s-400-surface-to-air-missiles-to-libya
H. I. Sutton, "Game Changer: Russia May Have S-400 Air Defense System in Libya," Forbes, August 6, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.forbes.com/sites/hisutton/2020/08/06/game-changer-russia-may-have-deployed-s-400-missiles-to-libya/#5d37828f50ec
Amanda Macias, "At Least 13 Countries Are Interested in Buying a Russian Missile System Instead of Platforms Made by US Companies, Despite the Threat of Sanctions," CNBC, November 14, 2018. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/14/countries-interested-in-buying-russian-missile-system-despite-us-sanction-threats.html
"Fearing Trump, Morocco Reconsiders US Arms Instead of Russia’s," Middle East Monitor, May 29, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20190529-out-of-fear-of-trump-morocco-reconsiders-uss-mim-104-patriot-instead-of-russias-s400/
"Ambassador to Morocco: Morocco Made No Request for Russian s-400 Missiles Systems," Morocco World News, December 13, 2018. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.moroccoworldnews.com/2018/12/260310/ambassador-morocco-russia-s-400-missiles/
Usman Anasari, "What Does Pakistan Need to Close Its Air Defense Gaps?" Defense News, April 10, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.defensenews.com/global/asia-pacific/2019/04/10/what-does-pakistan-need-to-close-its-air-defense-gaps/
Franz-Stefan Gady, "Will Pakistan Buy Russia’s S-400 Missile Air Defense System?" The Diplomat, February 17, 2017. As of April 28, 2021: https://thediplomat.com/2017/02/will-pakistan-buy-russias-s-400-missile-air-defense-system/
"Qatar FM: Doha Buying S-400s ‘Not Anyone’s Business’," Al Jazeera, March 4, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/03/qatar-fm-doha-buying-400s-business-190304094712372.html
"Qatar Plans to Buy S-400 Triumf from Russia," TASS, January 25, 2018. As of April 28, 2021: https://tass.com/defense/986809
Valerie Insinna, "Turkey’s S-400 Buy May Have Spoiled Gulf Nations’ Chances of Flying the F-35," Defense News, November 12, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.defensenews.com/digital-show-dailies/dubai-air-show/2019/11/12/turkeys-s-400-buy-may-have-spoiled-gulf-nations-chances-of-flying-the-f-35/
Saudi Arabia
Valerie Insinna, "Turkey’s S-400 Buy May Have Spoiled Gulf Nations’ Chances of Flying the F-35," Defense News, November 12, 2019. As of April 29, 2021: https://www.defensenews.com/digital-show-dailies/dubai-air-show/2019/11/12/turkeys-s-400-buy-may-have-spoiled-gulf-nations-chances-of-flying-the-f-35/
Agnes Helou, "Amid Western Arms Embargoes on Saudi Arabia, SAMI Has a Backup Plan," Defense News, January 14, 2020. As of April 29, 2021: https://www.defensenews.com/industry/2020/01/14/amid-western-arms-embargoes-on-saudi-arabia-sami-has-a-backup-plan/
"Russia, Saudi Arabia Negotiating Terms of Implementation of Contract for S-400 Systems," TASS, November 17, 2019. As of April 29, 2021: https://tass.com/defense/1089703
"Saudi Arabia to Take ‘Necessary Measures’ to Protect Oil after Drone Attack," AL-Monitor, March 10, 2021. As of April 29, 2021: https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2021/03/saudi-oil-attack-iran-houthi-drone.html
"U.S. Cautions Serbia against Acquiring ‘Significant Russian Military Systems’," The Defense Post, November 10, 2019. As of April 29, 2021: https://www.thedefensepost.com/2019/11/10/us-serbia-russia-military-systems-pantsir-s-400/
"Serbia Gives Up Purchases of S-400 Systems over Threat of U.S. Sanctions," TASS, November 6, 2019. As of April 29, 2021: https://tass.com/defense/1087242
Viktor Litovkin, "Панцирь для Сербии. Зачем на Балканы отправили российские комплексы ПВО [Pantsir for Serbia. Why Russian Air Defense Systems Were Sent to the Balkans]," ТАСС [TASS], October 25, 2019. As of April 29, 2021: https://tass.ru/opinions/7046616
Arie Egozi, "Unanswered Israeli Air Strikes against Syria Raise S-400 Questions," Breaking Defense, June 9, 2020. As of April 29, 2021: https://breakingdefense.com/2020/06/unanswered-israeli-air-strikes-against-syria-raise-s-400-questions/
Oriana Pawlyk, "Russia Deploys More S-400 Missile Systems to Syria," Military.com, January 26, 2018. As of April 29, 2021: https://www.military.com/defensetech/2018/01/26/russia-deploys-more-s-400-missile-systems-syria.html
Valerie Insinna, Joe Gould, and Aaron Mehta, "Congress Has Secretly Blocked U.S. Arms Sales to Turkey for Nearly Two Years," Defense News, August 12, 2020. As of April 29, 2021: https://www.defensenews.com/breaking-news/2020/08/12/congress-has-secretly-blocked-us-arms-sales-to-turkey-for-nearly-two-years/
Tim Lister, "Turkey Bought Russian S-400 Missiles Designed to Down NATO Planes. For the U.S., That’s a Problem," CNN, July 13, 2019. As of April 29, 2021: https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/13/europe/turkey-russia-missiles-nato-analysis-intl/index.html
"Turkey Signs Deal to Get Russian S-400 Air Defence Missiles," BBC, September 12, 2017. As of April 29, 2021: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-41237812
Ed Adamczyk, "Turkey to Buy Additional S-400 Missile Defense System from Russia," UPI, June 10, 2020. As of April 29, 2021: https://www.upi.com/Defense-News/2020/06/10/Turkey-to-buy-additional-S-400-missile-defense-system-from-Russia/8181591811101/
Amanda Macias, "At Least 13 Countries Are Interested in Buying a Russian Missile System Instead of Platforms Made by U.S. Companies, Despite the Threat of Sanctions," CNBC, November 15, 2018. As of April 29, 2021: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/14/countries-interested-in-buying-russian-missile-system-despite-us-sanction-threats.html
Yak-130 Light Fighter Jet
The Yak-130 is a subsonic two-seat advanced jet trainer and light fighter that first entered into service between 2009-2010. The aircraft is utilized as a training as well as light attack jet.
Map last updated June 11, 2021
Sources for the YAK-130 Light Fighter Jet
"Algeria Receives the First Batch of Yak-130 Aircraft," Russian Aviation, November 29, 2011. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.ruaviation.com/news/2011/11/29/648/
Brian Walters, "Algeria Buys Yak-130 for Multiple Use," AINonline, November 27, 2006. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/defense/2006-11-27/algeria-buys-yak-130-multiple-use
"Самолёты Як-130 будут закупать южноамериканские ВВС [South American Air Force Will Purchase Yak-130 Airplanes," Военное обозрение [Military Review], March 30, 2012. As of April 27, 2021: https://topwar.ru/12941-samolety-yak-130-budut-zakupat-yuzhnoamerikanskie-vvs.html
"Irkut Corporation Received around 10 Offers for Purchase of Yak-130 Jets from Latin American Countries," Russian Aviation, May 5, 2015. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.ruaviation.com/news/2015/5/5/3143/
Mark Ayton, "Vibrant Time for Advanced Jet Trainers," Armada International, February 20, 2020. As of April 27, 2021: https://armadainternational.com/2020/02/vibrant-time-for-advanced-jet-trainers/
Thomas Newdick, "This Tiny Russian Plane Has a Ridiculous Number of Weapons," War is Boring, June 10, 2015. As of April 27, 2021: https://theweek.com/articles/559441/tiny-russian-plane-ridiculous-number-weapons
Irina Hovhannisyan, "Azerbaijan Set for New Arms Deal with Russia," Azatut"yun rradiokayan [Radio Liberty], July 30, 2014. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.azatutyun.am/a/25475767.html
Peter Dunai, "Azerbaijan Buys the M-346 as Caucasus Stand-Off Continues," AINonline, February 27, 2020. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/defense/2020-02-27/azerbaijan-buys-m-346-caucasus-stand-continues
"Azerbaijan to Buy Russian-Made Yak-130 Combat Aircraft," Air Recognition, undated. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.airrecognition.com/index.php/archive-world-worldwide-news-air-force-aviation-aerospace-air-military-defence-industry/2014-global-news-worldwide-world-international-air-force-aviation/july-2014-global-news-worldwide-world-international-air-force-aviation-aerospace-air-defence-/1103-azerbaijan-to-buy-russian-made-yak-130-combat-aircrafts.html
Vladimir Karnozov, "Bangladesh Takes Delivery of Yak-130 Jets," AINonline, April 9, 2015. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/defense/2015-04-09/bangladesh-takes-delivery-yak-130-jets
Derek Bisaccio, "Belarus Receives Third Batch of Yak-130s," Defense & Security Monitor, May 14, 2019. As of April 27, 2021: https://dsm.forecastinternational.com/wordpress/2019/05/14/belarus-receives-third-batch-of-yak-130s/
"Самолёты Як-130 будут закупить южноамериканские ВВС [South American Air Forces Will Purchase Yak-130 Airplanes]," Военное обозрение [Military Review], March 30, 2012. As of April 27, 2021: https://topwar.ru/12941-samolety-yak-130-budut-zakupat-yuzhnoamerikanskie-vvs.html
"Irkut Corporation Received around 10 Offers for Purchase of Yak-130 Jets from Latin American Countries," Russian Aviation, May 5, 2015. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.ruaviation.com/news/2015/5/5/3143/
"Rosoboronexport Promotes Yak-130 to Latin American Market," Rostec, April 12, 2013. As of April 27, 2021: https://rostec.ru/en/news/1599/
"Russia Offered Chile Yak-130 Operational Trainers and Small Arms," Russian Aviation, April 7, 2014. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.ruaviation.com/news/2014/4/7/2263/
"Russia Offered Chile Yak-130 Operational Trainers and Small Arms," Russian Aviation, April 7, 2014. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.ruaviation.com/news/2014/4/7/2263/
"LatAm Nations Consider Buying Russian Yak-130 Trainer/Attack Jets – Company," Interfax, March 28, 2014. As of April 27, 2021: https://interfax.com/newsroom/top-stories/44148/
"Russia"s Arms Deliveries to Columbia Hit $500 Mln over 20 Years," TASS, December 4, 2017. As of April 27, 2021: https://tass.com/defense/978861
"Irkut Corporation Received around 10 Offers for Purchase of Yak-130 Jets from Latin American Countries," Russian Aviation, May 5, 2015. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.ruaviation.com/news/2015/5/5/3143/
"IAF Chief to Fly This Advanced Aircraft on Russia Visit," The Week, July 9, 2019. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.theweek.in/news/india/2019/07/09/iaf-chief-to-fly-this-advanced-aircraft-on-russia-visit.html
Nasser Karimi, "UN Arms Embargo on Iran Expires," Defense News, October 19, 2020. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.defensenews.com/global/mideast-africa/2020/10/19/un-arms-embargoes-on-iran-expires/
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"Started Talks on Delivering Yak-152 and Yak-130 to Kazakhstan," Russian Aviation, August 3, 2016. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.ruaviation.com/news/2016/8/3/6283/
Thomas Newdick, "This Tiny Russian Plane Has a Ridiculous Number of Weapons," War Is Boring, June 10, 2015. As of April 27, 2021: https://theweek.com/articles/559441/tiny-russian-plane-ridiculous-number-weapons
Dylan Malyasov, "Lao Air Force Receives First Yak-130 Advanced Jet Trainer Aircraft," Defence Blog, January 11, 2019. As of April 27, 2021: https://defence-blog.com/news/army/lao-air-force-receives-first-yak-130-advanced-jet-trainer-aircraft.html
"RMAF Completes Flight Evaluation of Yak-130," Alert 5, April 2, 2019. As of April 27, 2021: http://alert5.com/2019/04/02/rmaf-completes-flight-evaluation-of-yak-130/
"Russia May Create Service Centre for Yak-130 Light Attack Jets in Malaysia," Sputnik International, March 26, 2019. As of April 27, 2021: https://sputniknews.com/military/201903261073541237-russia-creat-service-center-yak-130-light-atack-jets-malaysia/
"Russia Looks to Export Yak-130, MiG-29M Fighter Jets to Mexico," DefenseWorld.net, April 22, 2019. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.defenseworld.net/news/24636/Russia_looks_to_export_Yak_130__MiG_29M_Fighter_Jets_to_Mexico#.YIiSPZNKhTY
Jorge A. Medellín, "La Fuerza Aérea Mexicana no comprará más cazas," defensa.com, May 20, 2019. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.defensa.com/mexico/fuerza-aerea-mexicana-no-comprara-mas-cazas
"Russia to Advance Yak-30 Aircraft to Mongolia, Vietnam, Latin America," TASS, May 15, 2014. As of April 27, 2021: https://tass.com/russia/731801
Thomas Newdick, "This Tiny Russian Plane Has a Ridiculous Number of Weapons," War Is Boring, June 10, 2015. As of April 27, 2021: https://theweek.com/articles/559441/tiny-russian-plane-ridiculous-number-weapons
"Russia Delivers Six Yak-130 Combat Trainers to Myanmar," TASS, November 8,, 2017. As of April 27, 2021: https://tass.com/defense/974643
Julio Montes, "Militares rusos entrenarán a fuerzas de Nicaragua, la possible entrega del YAK-130 como telón de fondo," defensa.com, June 2, 2016. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.defensa.com/centro-america/militares-rusos-entrenaran-fuerzas-nicaragua-posible-entrega-yak
Birana Lee, "Nicaragua Wants Russian Fighter Jets, Making Central American Neighbors Nervous," International Business Times, March 25, 2015. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.ibtimes.com/nicaragua-wants-russian-fighter-jets-making-central-american-neighbors-nervous-1858940
A Road to Dialogue after Nicaragua"s Crushed Uprising, Brussels: International Crisis Group, Latin America Report No. 72, December 19, 2018. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.crisisgroup.org/latin-america-caribbean/central-america/nicaragua/72-road-dialogue-after-nicaraguas-crushed-uprising
Juliet Oyoyo, "Nigeria to Buy Russian MiG, Yak-130 Fighters, Artillery Equipment," Independent, August 25, 2017. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.independent.ng/nigeria-to-buy-russian-mig-yak-130-fighters-artillery-equipment/
"Nigeria Expresses Interest in Russian Military Hardware," DefenceWeb, August 29, 2017. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.defenceweb.co.za/joint/diplomacy-a-peace/nigeria-expresses-interest-in-russian-military-hardware/
"After Mi-35 Deal, Pakistan Could Be Eyeing Russian Yak-130 Trainers," DefenseWorld.net, August 20, 2015. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.defenseworld.net/news/13794/After_Mi_35_Deal__Pakistan_Could_Be_Eyeing_Russian_Yak_130_Trainers#.YIiV4JNKhTZ
"Pakistan Is Interested in Purchasing Yak-130 Operational Trainers," Russian Aviation, August 24, 2015. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.ruaviation.com/news/2015/8/24/3459/?h
"Самолёты Як-130 будут закупать южноамериканские ВВС [South American Air Forces Will Purchase Yak-130 Airplanes]," Военное обозрение [Military Review], March 30, 2012. As of April 27, 2021: https://topwar.ru/12941-samolety-yak-130-budut-zakupat-yuzhnoamerikanskie-vvs.html
"Irkut Corporation Received Around 10 Offers for Purchase of Yak-130 Jets from Latin American Countries," Russian Aviation, May 5, 2015. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.ruaviation.com/news/2015/5/5/3143/
"Korean Military Seeks to Export 24 FA-50 Light Fighter Jets to Peru," The Dong-A Ilbo, February 4, 2015. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.donga.com/en/article/all/20150204/410047/1/Korean-military-seeks-to-export-24-FA-50-light-fighter-jets-to-Peru
"Rosoboronexport Steps Up Cooperation with Peru," Rostec, May 14, 2019. As of April 27, 2021: https://rostec.ru/en/news/rosoboronexport-steps-up-cooperation-with-peru/
Vladimir Karnozov, "Vietnam Places Order for Yak-130 Trainers," AINonline, February 3, 2020. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/defense/2020-02-03/vietnam-places-order-yak-130-trainers
Howard Gethin, "Russia to Deliver Yak-130 Trainers to Syria," Flight Global, May 6, 2014. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.flightglobal.com/russia-to-deliver-yak-130-trainers-to-syria/113105.article
"Winning: Tale of Two Trainers," Strategy Page, February 24, 2020. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.strategypage.com/htmw/htwin/articles/20200224.aspx
"Самолёты Як-130 будут закупать южноамериканские ВВС [South American Air Forces Will Purchase Yak-130 Airplanes]," Военное обозрение [Military Review], March 30, 2012. As of April 27, 2021: https://topwar.ru/12941-samolety-yak-130-budut-zakupat-yuzhnoamerikanskie-vvs.html
Thomas Newdick, "This Tiny Russian Plane Has a Ridiculous Number of Weapons," War Is Boring, June 10, 2015. As of April 27, 2021: https://theweek.com/articles/559441/tiny-russian-plane-ridiculous-number-weapons
"Uzbekistan Begins Negotiations on the Purchase of Military Aircraft Yak-130," Kun.UZ, January 31, 2019. As of April 27, 2021: https://kun.uz/en/news/2019/01/31/uzbekistan-begins-negotiations-on-the-purchase-of-military-aircraft-yak-130
"Uzbekistan in Talks to Buy Yak-130 Jet-Trainers," The Tashkent Times, January 31, 2019. As of April 27, 2021: https://tashkenttimes.uz/national/3468-uzbekistan-in-talks-to-buy-yak-130-jet-trainers
"Vietnam Orders $350M Combat Training Jets from Russia – Vedomosti," The Moscow Times, January 29, 2020. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/01/29/vietnam-orders-350m-combat-training-jets-from-russia-vedomosti-a69074
Vladimir Karnozov, "Vietnam Places Order for Yak-130 Trainers," AINonline, February 3, 2020. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/defense/2020-02-03/vietnam-places-order-yak-130-trainers
Ivan Safronov and Aleksei Nikol"skii, "Вьетнам заключил контракт на российские учебно-боевые самолеты Як-130 [Vietnam Signed Contract for Russian Yak-130 Combat-Training Airplanes]," Ведомости [Vedomosti], January 29, 2020. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.vedomosti.ru/politics/articles/2020/01/29/821674-vetnam-zaklyuchil
Su-57 Fighter Jet
The Su-57 (export version: Su-57E) is a single-seat multirole, fifth generation fighter aircraft. The development of the aircraft began in 1998 and prototypes underwent recent flights in Syria, with production beginning in 2019.
Map last updated June 11, 2021
Sources for the Su-57 Fighter Jet
"Algeria In Talks With Russia for a Dozen Su-57 Jets," Defense World, December 26, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.defenseworld.net/news/26071/Algeria_In_Talks_With_Russia_for_a_Dozen_Su_57_Jets
"L'Algérie serait le premier client export pour le Su-57 et le Su-34 [Algeria would be the first export customer for the Su-57 and Su-34]," MENA Defense, December 27, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.menadefense.net/algerie/lalgerie-serait-le-premier-client-export-pour-le-su-57-et-le-su-34/
"Azerbaijan intends to buy Russian Su-57," NEWSru, December 24, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://news.ru/en/cis-countries/azerbaijan-intends-to-buy-russian-su-57/
"Russia offered Su-57 fighter jets to Azerbaijan," Global Defense Corp, March 31, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.globaldefensecorp.com/2020/03/31/russia-offered-su-57-fighter-jets-to-azerbaijan/
"Russia may soon approve export variant of Su-57 fighter to China and Turkey," Russian Aviation, April 3, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.ruaviation.com/news/2019/4/3/13275/
Mark Episkopos, "China Thinks Russia's New Stealth Fighter 'Trashes' the F-35," The National Interest, May 30, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/china-thinks-russias-new-stealth-fighter-trashes-f-35-60272
David Axe, "Why India Rejected Russia's Su-57 Stealth Fighter," The National Interest, April 22, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/why-india-rejected-russia's-su-57-stealth-fighter-146771
Franz-Stefan Gady, "Russia Offers India its Su-57 Stealth Fighter (Again)," The Diplomat, July 16, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://thediplomat.com/2019/07/russia-offers-india-its-su-57-stealth-fighter-again/
"Malaysia Mulling Russia's Trade-in Offer for Fighters," Defense World, November 22, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.defenseworld.net/news/25882/Malaysia_Mulling_Russia___s_Trade_in_Offer_for_Fighters#.YInPrO9KjOQ
"Malaysia Shows Interest in Sukhoi Su-57 Fifth-Generation Fighter Jet," Pravda Report, YouTube, March 26, 2019. As of April 29, 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsI50xqGKvs
Jamie Seidel, "Has Moscow moved its Su-57 stealth fighter into Syria?," News.com.au, February 22, 2018. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.news.com.au/technology/innovation/has-moscow-moved-its-su57-stealth-fighter-into-syria/news-story/56cae8a44961133bb58605c43e04038d
Joseph Trevithick, "Russia Releases First Official Video Of Its Su-57s On Their Absurdly Short Trip To Syria," The Drive, November 19, 2018. As of April 28, 2021: http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/24997/russia-releases-first-official-video-of-its-su-57s-on-their-absurdly-short-trip-to-syria
Smriti Chaudhary, "After S-400, Turkey Looks At Russian Su-35, Su-57 Jets; Is It The End Of NATO?," The EurAsian Times, August 31, 2020. As of April 28, 2020: https://eurasiantimes.com/after-s-400-turkey-looks-at-russian-su-35-su-57-jets-is-it-the-end-of-nato/
"Russia 'ready to cooperate' to sell Turkey Su-57 fighter jets," Hurriyet Daily News, May 3, 2019. As of April 28, 2020: https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/russia-ready-to-cooperate-to-sell-turkey-su-57-fighter-jets-143123
Joseph Trevithick, ""We're Buying This One?" Turkey's Erdogan Asks Putin In Front Of Su-57 Fighter At Air Show," The Drive, August 27, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/29592/were-buying-this-one-turkeys-erdogan-asks-putin-in-front-of-su-57-fighter-at-air-show
"Turkey in 'talks' on buying Russian Su-57 jet fighters – Erdogan," RT, August 30, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.rt.com/news/467624-erdogan-su57-moscow-talks/
Joseph Trevithick, "Russia Says UAE Could Help Build Su-57s As Gulf Nation Puts F-35 Ambitions On Hold," The Drive, November 18, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/31083/russia-says-uae-could-help-build-su-57s-as-gulf-nation-puts-f-35-ambitions-on-hold
David Axe, "Could the United Arab Emirates Buy Russia's Stealth Fighter?," The National Interest, March 16, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/could-united-arab-emirates-buy-russias-stealth-fighter-133472
Pantsir Missile System
The Pantsir-S1 is a very short-range surface-to-air gun and missile system that has been in existence since 2000. The system is armed with two 30 mm 2A38M cannons and two six-round surface to air missile launchers.
Map last updated June 11, 2021
Sources for the Pantsir Missile System
Dylan Malyasov, "Russia"s New Pantsir-SM Air Defense System Spotted in Algeria," Defence Blog, June 29, 2018. As of April 28, 2021: https://defence-blog.com/news/army/russias-new-pantsir-sm-air-defence-system-spotted-algeria.html
"Army to Get New Missile for Upgraded Pantsir-S System by End of 2014," TASS, April 23, 2014. As of April 28, 2021: https://tass.com/russia/729304
"Russia Delivers Pantsir-S1 Surface-to-Air Missile Systems to Iraq without Delay, TASS, February 20, 2015. As of April 28, 2021: https://tass.com/russia/778844
Joseph Trevithick, "Russia Re-Ups Offer to Arm Iraq with S-400 Air Defenses as Relations with the U.S. Sour," The Drive, January 7, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/31753/russia-re-ups-offer-to-arm-iraq-with-s-400-air-defenses-as-relations-with-the-u-s-sour
Ali Bakeer, "The Flight for Syria"s Skies: Turkey Challenges Russia with New Drone Doctrine," MEI, March 26, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.mei.edu/publications/fight-syrias-skies-turkey-challenges-russia-new-drone-doctrine
Dan Williams, "Russia Sending Advanced Air Defenses to Syria: Sources," Reuters, September 11, 2015. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-arms/russia-sending-advanced-air-defenses-to-syria-sources-idUSKCN0RB1Q020150911
"Serbia Faces Risk of U.S. Sanctions over Russian Arms Deal," Reuters, November 8, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.reuters.com/news/picture/serbia-faces-risk-of-us-sanctions-over-r-idUSKBN1XI199
"Serbia Receives Delivery of Russian Antiaircraft Systems Despite U.S. Sanction Threats," Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, February 24, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.rferl.org/a/serbia-receives-delivery-russian-antiaircraft-systems-despite-u-s-sanction-threats/30450693.html
United Arab Emirates
Shehab Al Makahleh, "Russia, UAE to Complete Delivery of 50 Pantsir-S1 in 2013," Gulf News, February 19, 2013. As of April 28, 2021: https://gulfnews.com/business/russia-uae-to-complete-delivery-of-50-pantsir-s1-in-2013-1.1148228
"UAE Buys Russia"s Kornet, Pantsir Missile Systems – General," TASS, February 17, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://tass.com/world/1045135
"In Nagorno-Karabakh, the Pantsir-S1 Air Defense Missile Defense System that Was Previously Absent There Was Destroyed," Новые известия [Novye izvestiya], October 26, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://en.newizv.ru/news/world/26-10-2020/in-nagorno-karabakh-the-pantsir-s1-air-defense-missile-defense-system-that-was-previously-absent-there-was-destroyed
"Armenia to Receive Russian-Built Tor Air Defense Missile Systems "Soon"," DefenseWorld.net, May 22, 2018. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.defenseworld.net/news/22560/Armenia_To_Receive_Russian_built_Tor_Air_Defense_Missile_Systems__Soon_#.YImWP2ZKhgd
"Azerbaijani Army Destroyed Pantsir-S1 of Armenia Using Israeli Harop Drone," Global Defense Corp, October 26, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.globaldefensecorp.com/2020/10/26/azerbaijani-army-destroyed-pantsir-s1-of-armenia-using-israeli-harop-drone/
Altan A. Ozler, "Libya: A Catastrophe for Russia"s Pantsir-S1 Air Defense System," Real Clear Defense, June 19, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2020/06/19/libya_a_catastrophe_for_russias_pantsir_s1_air_defense_system_115394.html
"Libyan Forces Aligned with Tripoli Government Capture Key Air Base," Reuters, May 18, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-libya-security/libyan-forces-aligned-with-tripoli-govt-capture-key-air-base-idUSKBN22U151
Jeremy Binnie, "Emiratis Seen Operating Pantsir-S1 Said to Be in Libya," Jane"s, June 11, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.janes.com/defence-news/news-detail/emiratis-seen-operating-pantsir-s1-said-to-be-in-libya
Anton Mardasov, "What"s Next for Russia-Iran Military Partnership," AL-Monitor, August 27, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2020/08/iran-russia-military-partnership-army-2020-moscow-un-arms.html
Anton Mardasov and Kirill Semenov, "Will Russia Deliver the S-400 to Iran after Ukrainian Passenger Plane Downing?" The Moscow Times, February 5, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/02/05/russia-s-400-iran-ukrainian-passenger-plane-a69174
"Iran in Talks with Russia over S-400, Pantsir Purchase," DefenseWorld.net, August 24, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.defenseworld.net/news/27703/Iran_in_talks_with_Russia_over_S_400__Pantsir_Purchase#.YImkiWZKhgd
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"Ấn muốn mua ngay vài chục tổ hợp Pantsir-S1 [I Want to Buy a Few Dozen Sets of Pantsir-S1 Right Away]," Đất Việt, July 7, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://datviet.trithuccuocsong.vn/quoc-phong/vu-khi/an-muon-mua-ngay-vai-chuc-to-hop-pantsir-s1-3410075/
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Equatorial Guinea
"Russia to Supply Two Pantsyr-S1 Air Defense Systems to Equatorial Guinea," TASS, August 24, 2020. As of April 28, 2021: https://tass.com/defense/961826
"Equatorial Guinea at Army 2017," Army Recognition, 2017. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.armyrecognition.com/army-2017_show_daily_news_coverage_report/army-2017_equatorial_guinea_purchases_two_kbp_s_pantsir-s1_air_defense_systems_2508172.html
Huma Siddiqui, "Pakistan to Buy Russian Missile System to Counter India," Financial Express, May 8, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.financialexpress.com/defence/pakistan-to-buy-russian-missile-system-to-counter-india/1572537/
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Derek Bisaccio, "BRIEF: Qatar Interested in Russian Missile Systems," Defense & Security Monitor, August 23, 2017. As of April 28, 2021: https://dsm.forecastinternational.com/wordpress/2017/08/23/brief-qatar-interested-in-russian/
"Russian to Demo S-400, Pantsir-S Air Defense Systems for Qatar," Defense News, undated. As of April 28, 2021: http://defensenews-alert.blogspot.com/2017/08/russian-to-demo-s-400-pantsir-s-air.html
"Qatar May Soon Buy Russia"s S-400 Anti-Aircraft System – Ambassador," RT, January 25, 2018. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.rt.com/news/416953-russia-s-400-qatar/
Gabriel Dominguez and Mark Cazalet, "Myanmar to Acquire Pantsir-S1 SHORAD Systems, Radar Stations, and Orlan-10E UASs from Russia," Jane"s, January 25, 2021. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.janes.com/defence-news/news-detail/myanmar-to-acquire-pantsir-s1-shorad-systems-radar-stations-and-orlan-10e-uass-from-russia
Yurii Gavrilov, "Россия поставит Мьянме комплексы ПВО «Панцирь-С1», беспилотники «Орлан-10» и РЛС [Russia Will Deliver Pantsir-S1 Air Defense Systems, Orlan-10 UAVs, and Radar Systems to Myanmar]," Российская газета [Rossiiskaya Gazeta], January 22, 2021. As of April 28, 2021: https://rg.ru/2021/01/22/rossiia-postavit-mianme-kompleksy-pvo-bespilotniki-i-rls.html
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Anthony Boadle, "Brazil Builds Russian Defense Ties with Missile Plan," Reuters, October 16, 2013. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.reuters.com/article/brazil-russia/brazil-builds-russian-defense-ties-with-missile-plan-idUKL1N0I61NC20131016
Saudi Arabia
Luke Baker, "After Saudi Attacks, Russia Makes Its Regional Presence Felt," Reuters, September 30, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-russia-geopolitics-analysis/after-saudi-attacks-russia-makes-its-regional-presence-felt-idUSKBN1WF15K
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"Belarus Interested in Russian Made Pantsir, Tor Air Defense Missile Systems," Army Recognition, May 17, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.armyrecognition.com/may_2019_global_defense_security_army_news_industry/belarus_interested_in_russian_made_pantsir_tor_air_defense_missile_systems.html
Matteo Natalucci, "Belarus Weighs Acquiring Russian Air Defence Systems," Jane"s, May 17, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://web.archive.org/web/20190517192945/https://www.janes.com/article/88617/belarus-weighs-acquiring-russian-air-defence-systems
Dylan Malyasov, "Bahrain Shows Interst Russian Pantsir-S1 Short-Range Air Defense System," Defence Blog, October 29, 2015. As of April 28, 2021: https://defence-blog.com/news/bahrain-shows-interest-russian-pantsir-s1-short-range-air-defense-system.html
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"El Ejécito del Perú interesado en el Pantsir-S1 [The Army of Peru Is Interested in the Pantsir-S1]," defensa.com, May 17, 2019. As of April 28, 2021: https://www.defensa.com/peru/ejercito-peru-interesado-pantsir-s1
"Russia to Promote Pantsir-S1 Air Defense System to Brazil and T-90S Main Battle Tank to Peru," World Defense News, October 9, 2013. As of April 28, 2021: https://worlddefencenews.blogspot.com/2013/10/russia-to-promote-pantsir-s1-air.html?view=flipcard
Mi-24 Helicopter
The Mi-24 Hind (export version: Mi-25, Mi-35) is a powerful and versatile attack helicopter first introduced into the Soviet armed forces in the 1970's. It is capable of assaulting armor with heavy weaponry while carrying up to eight personnel onboard. Since its inception, the Soviet Union/Russia has exported the platform to dozens of countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America and has continued to be used by many countries to this day.
Map last updated June 11, 2021
Sources for the Mi-24 Helicopter
Franz-Stefan Gady, "India Delivers 2 More Mi-24V Attack Helicopters to Afghanistan," The Diplomat, October 16, 2019. As of April 27, 2021: https://thediplomat.com/2019/10/india-delivers-2-more-mi-24v-attack-helicopters-to-afghanistan/
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Burkina Faso
"Chapter Nine: Sub-Saharan Africa," The Military Balance, Vol. 120, No. 1, 2020, pp. 444-514. As of April 27, 2021: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/04597222.2020.1707971?needAccess=true
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Project Sponsors
These maps were created as part of a project to explore the ways in which Russia exerts its global influence which received U.S. government foreign assistance funding provided by the U.S. Department of State.